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2nd ship of India's new destroyer line, the Visakhapatnam-class, will be launched on Sept 17

Well as far as we Indians are concerned, they are far ahead of us.

And they can produce as much as they want without having to worry about supply delays of imports and paperwork. They don't have to wait for round-table meetings with Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, French, Israelis or whatever in the midst of a war.

That makes them, faster, better, more structured and more battle ready than our import-loaded Army and Air Force (Navy has smartly indigenized to a large extent).

And that, is a worrisome matter.
You seems to know a lot about Chinese military ongoing project?
Well as far as we Indians are concerned, they are far ahead of us.

And they can produce as much as they want without having to worry about supply delays of imports and paperwork. They don't have to wait for round-table meetings with Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, French, Israelis or whatever in the midst of a war.

That makes them, faster, better, more structured and more battle ready than our import-loaded Army and Air Force (Navy has smartly indigenized to a large extent).

And that, is a worrisome matter.
you will have hard time to battle these extremely deluded and ignorant fans```:lol:```
you will have hard time to battle these extremely deluded and ignorant fans```:lol:```

No one is denying your present readiness and better preparedness. Not one Indian here or anywhere believes that we could waltz into Tibet and take it over from you like a morning walk.

No we cannot. And even if we could, we will not. Because that is not who we are.

But that doesn't meant we cannot defend ourselves if attacked suddenly and without any provocation from our side.

That remains consistent.

Besides, the point I was trying to make was not your technical superiority but instead your government's excellent planning.

That is something some fellow Indians don't know since not many people care to study the political structure of a unitary state. I was explaining to him nothing more than that in simple "bottomline" words.
No one is denying your present readiness and better preparedness. Not one Indian here or anywhere believes that we could waltz into Tibet and take it over from you like a morning walk.

No we cannot. And even if we could, we will not. Because that is not who we are.

But that doesn't meant we cannot defend ourselves if attacked suddenly and without any provocation from our side.

That remains consistent.

Besides, the point I was trying to make was not your technical superiority but instead your government's excellent planning.

That is something some fellow Indians don't know since not many people care to study the political structure of a unitary state. I was explaining to him nothing more than that in simple "bottomline" words.
even then```it is still hard for most of them to let reality shine in their brain just for a little bit````I have been to your country many times, and had been dealing with your people for decade, I know it too well, you are the minority, very rare!
even then```it is still hard for most of them to let reality shine in their brain just for a little bit````I have been to your country many times, and had been dealing with your people for decade, I know it too well, you are the minority, very rare!

Most people with military exposure and an interest in geo-politics will speak the way I have here.

And believe me, far saner minds control this country, especially in the last two years than any other era of governance.
No one is denying your present readiness and better preparedness. Not one Indian here or anywhere believes that we could waltz into Tibet and take it over from you like a morning walk.

No we cannot. And even if we could, we will not. Because that is not who we are.

But that doesn't meant we cannot defend ourselves if attacked suddenly and without any provocation from our side.

That remains consistent.

Besides, the point I was trying to make was not your technical superiority but instead your government's excellent planning.

That is something some fellow Indians don't know since not many people care to study the political structure of a unitary state. I was explaining to him nothing more than that in simple "bottomline" words.

Sorry to break it to you but China is conventionally FAR stronger than India and the gap will only grow larger over the next 10-15 years at least. As an example Indians are rejoicing at the construction of this one destroyer which which will be pushed out at a rate of one every two years. China is building 3 more powerful destroyers per year and will soon launch the Type-55 cruiser which will be unimaginably more powerful than any Indian destroyer. Please get out of this illusion that India can hope to even attempt a defence against a full-scale Chinese attack.
Sorry to break it to you but China is conventionally FAR stronger than India and the gap will only grow larger over the next 10-15 years at least. As an example Indians are rejoicing at the construction of this one destroyer which which will be pushed out at a rate of one every two years. China is building 3 more powerful destroyers per year and will soon launch the Type-55 cruiser which will be unimaginably more powerful than any Indian destroyer. Please get out of this illusion that India can hope to even attempt a defence against a full-scale Chinese attack.

Please don't stop here, enlighten us. Give us a scenario and Make it spicy.
Stop trying to be clever as you are not.

China will PUMMEL India in any conflict. The difference in power between the two is too great.

Do you have any idea what are you talking about? India will crush China if there is any present war. They do not have answer to most of the weapons we have.

They will not be even able to run away.

Sorry to break it to you but China is conventionally FAR stronger than India and the gap will only grow larger over the next 10-15 years at least. As an example Indians are rejoicing at the construction of this one destroyer which which will be pushed out at a rate of one every two years. China is building 3 more powerful destroyers per year and will soon launch the Type-55 cruiser which will be unimaginably more powerful than any Indian destroyer. Please get out of this illusion that India can hope to even attempt a defence against a full-scale Chinese attack.

Chinese boot licker! lol Type 55 destroyer in your dreamland? Your love for china and pakistan is overriding your patriotism even for BD.
Stop trying to be clever as you are not.

China will PUMMEL India in any conflict. The difference in power between the two is too great.

Stop trying to be clever as you are not.

China will PUMMEL India in any conflict. The difference in power between the two is too great.

Oh please, I'm dumb as an OX. I don't need to be clever since you are doing that job better than most.
Stop trying to be clever as you are not.

China will PUMMEL India in any conflict. The difference in power between the two is too great.

1. China is a big military power.

2. China is a big economy.

3. China is not one of your flags, so makes no sense for you to blow your own trumpet. When Bangladesh have something to boast of,please come back again. :undecided: Till then let our chinese friends speak for their country.

Good Day! :-)
Stop trying to be clever as you are not.

China will PUMMEL India in any conflict. The difference in power between the two is too great.

China and India are both big markets with lot of investors and investing capability (Mutual too).

A war between the two no mattter who the aggresor is, will not just cripple back but also end up collapsing the entire global economy. Global recession will reach such unimaginable peaks that povery amd famine will tear into even the most developed nations.

It will lead to no less than a WW3 as there are a lot of wolves and foxes waiting for the right time to take sides against each other.

The weapons that we develop are for deterrence. When you know your ships can be tracked and engaged, it puts the country to think twice before ruining someone else's party(applicable for both the sides) and it is this capability which has taught China and India to live together despite having territorial and other disputes.

In such a war, nobody gets out alive. Not even the world.
just stop right there```lol, PDF proves it very well, those people are as deluded and ignorant as the rest`````or you mean most Indian members here are not exposed to the basic sense of military matters?

He is from Sikkim, so he may have a different perspective. He is more level-headed than most Indian members here.

It is funny that he did not receive any "Thank" when he sounded the slightest critical to India, but as soon as he mentioned Modi, he received 10's of "Thanks" instantly. This forum is a window to observe some Indian nationals' mindset. They tend to hang their hope on individual leader, just like not too long ago MMS was their hero, but fail to realize what really hinders India's development.
He is from Sikkim, so he may have a different perspective. He is more level-headed than most Indian members here.

It is funny that he did not receive any "Thank" when he sounded the slightest critical to India, but as soon as he mentioned Modi, he received 10's of "Thanks" instantly. This forum is a window to observe some Indian nationals' mindset. They tend to hang their hope on individual leader, just like not too long ago MMS was their hero, but fail to realize what really hinders India's development.

"They tend to hang their hope on individual leader"

Is this an Indian thing, or something in found in every democracy? You're America now, you should know this is even found here and elsewhere.

Yes, MMS was the hero, then what happened? In the second term him and the party failed to deliver. Modi was largely voted in because of his performance, actual administrative work in a state. If he fails India, he'll get the boot as well.
Do you have any idea what are you talking about? India will crush China if there is any present war. They do not have answer to most of the weapons we have.

They will not be even able to run away.

Chinese boot licker! lol Type 55 destroyer in your dreamland? Your love for china and pakistan is overriding your patriotism even for BD.
Even though he sounds a bit hype but where do you come up with the conclusion like "They will not be even able to run away."?Excuse me?:coffee:

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