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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

You tried to get an SU30mki but all YOUR Amraams missed has your pilots did not engage close enough ie with 60km zone where the max kill ever has been recorded for amraam BVR kill . Your pilots did not wish to be locked on so stayed over 100km away way to far to hit a flanker with speed and TVC agility they doged your BVRS with ease
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You people deny losing F16 on grounds of no proof.
Without proof of SU30MKI going down you have no case


You tried to get an SU30mki but all YOUR Amraams missed has your pilots did not engage close enough ie with 60km zone where the max kill ever has been recorded for amraam BVR kill . Your pilots did not wish to be locked on so stayed over 100km away way to far to hit a flanker with speed and TVC agility they doged your BVRS with ease

I just reported your post on grounds of below average knowledge bank and ludicrous thought process. This forum deserves better.

Somewhere there is a tree trying so hard to replace the oxygen you are taking up. Now go and apologize to it.
You people deny losing F16 on grounds of no proof.
Without proof of SU30MKI going down you have no case


You tried to get an SU30mki but all YOUR Amraams missed has your pilots did not engage close enough ie with 60km zone where the max kill ever has been recorded for amraam BVR kill . Your pilots did not wish to be locked on so stayed over 100km away way to far to hit a flanker with speed and TVC agility they doged your BVRS with ease

no it is "not" HEARSAY! In our case, Can't say anything about your side. Our top leadership and the pilots claimed the kills go watch invincible resolve documentary. Our pilot who shot down SU-30 claimed the kill and told us what your SU-30MKI was doing and clearly mentioned it. "Grinding one plus one, Running here and there, Hiding behind each-others tail"
at 17:56
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I just reported your post on grounds of below average knowledge bank and ludicrous thought process. This forum deserves better.

Somewhere there is a tree trying so hard to replace the oxygen you are taking up. Now go and apologize to it.
I have given him a little red ticket for his little lies. I dont mind a healthy debate but deceit and lies do not make for a healthy debate.
O bhai bus krdo ab swift retort ko dair saal hogaya hai

I love the fact that we outdid India last Feb but come on guys we are still feeding off scraps while Modi rapes our sisters and our honour in Occupied Kashmir

I love the fact that we outdid India last Feb but come on guys we are still feeding off scraps while Modi rapes our sisters and our honour in Occupied Kashmir

Shouldn’t we be questioning the mettle of our leaders than praising them for sitting inside their bunkers
This thread is dedicated to operation swift retort, if you don't want to talk about it than there are other threads where you can navigate too.
There was another thread made by some random guy which mods merged it. If you don't know something don't jump to conclusions
I made the original video based on initial facts that were made public. Thereafter, after more knowledge of the PAF strike became available, the video was re-edited. Many channels on social media also re-uploaded it on their own. The biggest changes I made to the final version was the removal of the JF-17 from the air-to-air segment and showed both medium range missile launches from F-16s.
The link to the re-edited version is below. Its on my small YouTube channel:

In addition, I also made a long background video which discussed the problems I faced as an amateur director who had to learn video editing on the go (this was my first ever project) and also had to remain technically correct considering my own deep knowledge about military technology in general and military aviation in particular. The link to the "background" video is below:

I did realize two more errors in the re-edited version. One was with a Mirage strike element callsign. The second was with Abhinandan's rank.
I've corrected those errors. Ill probably upload the final version one of these days.
The first half of the background video discusses the Swift Retort short film and the issues I faced. The second half is about film making in Pakistan in general.
Insha'Allah more projects planned for the future as well.
Hope everyone enjoyed the short film on Swift Retort.

Oh and thanks for the first upvote @zarwan . One of these days I think I may even make a small documentary on our army assault rifle program
There was another thread made by some random guy which mods merged it. If you don't know something don't jump to conclusions

If the mods merged it then it was a discussion about swift retort and if you want to avoid such discussions then move to other threads.
I just reported your post on grounds of below average knowledge bank and ludicrous thought process. This forum deserves better.

Somewhere there is a tree trying so hard to replace the oxygen you are taking up. Now go and apologize to it.
I think you must get some rest after reading and responding to that post

I lost some brain cells reading his logic
I made the original video based on initial facts that were made public. Thereafter, after more knowledge of the PAF strike became available, the video was re-edited. Many channels on social media also re-uploaded it on their own. The biggest changes I made to the final version was the removal of the JF-17 from the air-to-air segment and showed both medium range missile launches from F-16s.
The link to the re-edited version is below. Its on my small YouTube channel:

In addition, I also made a long background video which discussed the problems I faced as an amateur director who had to learn video editing on the go (this was my first ever project) and also had to remain technically correct considering my own deep knowledge about military technology in general and military aviation in particular. The link to the "background" video is below:

I did realize two more errors in the re-edited version. One was with a Mirage strike element callsign. The second was with Abhinandan's rank.
I've corrected those errors. Ill probably upload the final version one of these days.
The first half of the background video discusses the Swift Retort short film and the issues I faced. The second half is about film making in Pakistan in general.
Insha'Allah more projects planned for the future as well.
Hope everyone enjoyed the short film on Swift Retort.

Oh and thanks for the first upvote @zarwan . One of these days I think I may even make a small documentary on our army assault rifle program
You should have called yourself dr strange love... oh well .... please do remain an active member on PDF :-).
Would love to have you. Watched all your videos on your channel too.

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