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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

He did not said one poilet died in hospital

But yes he said we shot downs two indian jets.. Nothing new
That's what i was trying to understand whether the dead pilot wasn't the one about whom DG said that v have 2 pilots in our custody n afterwards took his words back or not?
Fictionalized media is a disease infecting that country and its repercussions could be devastating for regional peace.

You can see the effects of "fake news" in the US.

Especially amongst the contribution of formation of opinions of the public in general; most of whom are painfully ignorant.

The only difference is there is a huge buffer between thought and action in the US tempered by opposing viewpoints and law.

This buffer is markedly smaller in India.

Widespead violence at some point is much likelier.

This is a DANGEROUS phenomenon.

This past week has made me really concerned.

yesterday He himself claim that kill as Fratricide

yeah i was confused too ... but its was yesterday ... this is as of today ... if iam not wrong ... since he says that ... he has seen the video as well ...
A goat. In this series of cartoons China is a rabbit, Russia a bear, and America an eagle.

Ah, so a Markhor. Now that you've mentioned it, one can clearly see the corkscrew horns (Spiral horns). Makes sense, the Markhor is our national animal.

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Wouldnt it be different if PAF used the Shaheen? Just a black image of it.

I tend to prefer the Pakistani flag, it's our legacy. Besides, the Shaheen would interfere with the squadron tail art, IMO. It might be too much.

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yeah i was confused too ... but its was yesterday ... this is as of today ... if iam not wrong ... since he says that ... he has seen the video as well ...
One thing is for sure its likley either Pakistani kill or friendly fire..i doubt a chopper will blow up in the sky exactly the same time for no reason
Well I would just wait for another 6 months somebody will speak out the truth. Be rest assure, it has always happened.

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