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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Can any friend resolve this mystery , this is hot debate all over PAF forums.

My conclusion is Pak Radars were jammed through superior technology.
Can any friend resolve this mystery , this is hot debate all over PAF forums.

My conclusion is Pak Radars were jammed through superior technology.

Stick to one bloody storey.

first it was attack by flying 23 minutes and all the way to balakot
than it became no we used SOW
than it became we never crossed LOC but used SOW from our own side.

So which one is it? depending on which one you chose the answer will be according to that choice.

As for Pakistan

Well we are clear that they did cross LOC but were intercepted by our fighters. they did not have enough time to lock on to the target and just fired off the weapons in haste and than ran for their life.


My conclusion is Pak Radars were jammed through superior technology.

Time to wake up and smell the coffee. They were detected and made to run away.

sorry, I am not supposed to tell you that, sshhrrrrppppp
Can any friend resolve this mystery , this is hot debate all over PAF forums.

My conclusion is Pak Radars were jammed through superior technology.

So they jammed the raders on that day and then turned their jammers off.
This thread sould be deleted.
Propoganda 101:
His question assumes that indian version is the truth and then goes on to ask how the "Indian truth" could have happened.

Every credible media outlet in the world has discredited Indian version.
This is taccid admission that su 30 and mirage was handed their arse in a tattered lungi on 27th and this can b repeated at will....

So all hopes now on rafael
Indians won't stop here!!! They have already taken the fight to the low orbit SATs!!!! Next, it'll be to the Mars....

hes still in the denial stage of grief

Indians don't get beyond #4....

This guy is unprofessional... Even his claim about rafael is unprofessional
How do you think this BS folk has gone up the ladder?????
This thread sould be deleted.
Propoganda 101:
His question assumes that indian version is the truth and then goes on to ask how the "Indian truth" could have happened.

Every credible media outlet in the world has discredited Indian version.
Good Response : Post should be deleted lol

Please read about Stealth Technology , F 35 is good example !
Good Response : Post should be deleted lol

Please read about Stealth Technology , F 35 is good example !
for one to use stealth one must possess stealth.

can you enlighten us all which stealth plane does India possess?
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