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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Sir! do you think Pakistani pilot would have been mated with a different response had he been capture by Indians? I think not.
Emotions run high specially when last night Indian jets violated airspace. What matters is how is he treated by the Pakistani state? If you have complain there, please let us know.

According to the Pakistan military’s official spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor, two Indian jets had been shot down by Pakistan’s JF-17 combat jets. However, Indian authorities said one of the aircraft was a helicopter and its crash was attributed to a “technical snag.” Two bodies were recovered from the crash site, one the pilot and the other a civilian, according to sources in India.


Well if you expect civilians to welcome him with flowers then it is not possible. But I understand he should have been treated in civilized manner and held in custody until the army approaches to him

I see the Army jawan in the video but most likely this video was shot before more officers had arrived
Sir! do you think Pakistani pilot would have been mated with a different response had he been capture by Indians? I think not.
Emotions run high specially when last night Indian jets violated airspace. What matters is how is he treated by the Pakistani state? If you have complain there, please let us know.
dude these are people with their own version of logic. stop wasting time with these creatures. It only doesnt make sense to them when it supports their narrative. I dont even respond to the likes of these really and it was the last time I did a moment ago.
Two Indian Aircraft have been shot down by PAF and Pakistan has taken it's revenge plus interest on Ganga India. I want to use this thread to show support to PAF and Pakistan Armed Forces. time for all Pakistani;s to stand united. It was really pleasing to see Sherry Rehman of PPP and Kwaja Asif of PML-N showing solidarity. Modi's Ganga has been slapped right in his ugly mutt. And this should sober up his billion plus army of aboriginal Dalits from the Ganga jungles.

Yeh that is a Gangoo flag ....







Pakistan-India: Pakistan 'shoots down two Indian jets' over Kashmir

Pakistan says it has shot down two Indian Air Force jets in a major escalation of the Kashmir conflict.

A spokesman said one plane had fallen in Pakistani territory and two pilots had been captured. Pakistan also denied reports one of its jets was shot down.

India has confirmed the loss of an MiG21 fighter and said a pilot was missing. It said it was investigating reports of his capture.

Both India and Pakistan claim all of Kashmir, but control only parts of it.

The nuclear powers have fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947. All but one were over Kashmir.



Captured Indian pilot.

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They will never accept the second loss as the wreckage fell in their territory.
The only reason they accepted this one was because of pilot being in custody
We shouldnt push it ..as it seems they want to deescalate

wait till they see IAF pilot getting beat up in pakistan...that one video is more damaging to the common man than 40+ CRPF getting blown to smithereens...will put tremendous pressure on MODI .
Honestly this is not beating. He was saved from anger but yeah this was bad

Peace was cheap. All you had to do was to shut terror camps and ensure no radicalisation took place against India. Your establishment chose not to do it. The suicide bomber that took 40 lives was trained in Balakot.

Peace is good. Who wants to die in war and screw the economy but then there is a time and place for everything.
And what do we gain by terrorist attacks..it gives us no startegic benefits...yes supporting huryat conference is probably done by Pakistan but militancy support is not helping

So its upto you believe your fake news (proven today event hiw they were denying) or impose war that will lead to MAD
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