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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

:dirol: Yar morning hai people are drinking tea in Pakistan
They are enticing us to react becasue their AWACs and SAMs are ready for retaliation

They used the element of Suprise on their side
What is happening on ground ? any reports of cross border raids ?
still i see no AWACS in Air .. :tsk: PAF ki beti ke jeehez mai do gay kia ?
Indian media is saying it is multi pronged attack.

Anyways, I hope no innocent lives have been lost.
Payload was not tamatar, was it ?

Seriously if IAF jets bombed Balakot while turning back, it means they went further. Most probably JeM's facilities in Balakot were targeted. PAF screwed up big time. Acknowledgements by ISPR itself says a lot.
Unless PAF shows actual locks on IAF jets, the Indians will milk this till kingdom come. At the end of the day, the Indians crossed the Pakistani borders, “released a payload” according to ISPR and left unscathed. It looks horrible for PAF & Pakistan but I am expecting a flood of excuses from
the Pakistani side.
If there is no material damage on the Pakistani side, it matters not. To Pakistan, this would be another inconsequential exercise in the same league as the last surgical strike claimed by India.

Crossing over the LoC/IB is a fairly easy task. Each year, both countries have multiple such cases so I am not sure why this would be so horrible for the PAF.

If Indian aircraft have crossed over and hit something of significance, Pakistan's response won't be just trying to stop them from coming over. There will be payload heading in the other direction as well.
we gave them a new excuse. now ready for media humiliation . Indian fazaiya ne dushman k ghar ghus k bomb giraye.
I think they are testing to see if our SAM are active or they are turned off
Plus trying to calculate our response

PAF's primary Defence is not Surface to air missiles. it is air to air combat . always has been. we are not russia or india.
Mirage 2000s struck a terror camp and destroyed it. 3.30 am. Indian Air Force sources.
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