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2016 West Iran clashes - Kurdish Insurgency / Updates and Discussions

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You're just another brain-washed person, and I highly cast doubt you're not Arabian from Ahwaz. I have accounts on facenama, aparat and Instagram. I contact Ahwazians almost everyday and they hate Iran more than anyone else. They're proud of being Arab and will never let a Farsi guy or regime to rule them under the name of Alwaly Alfaqeeh..

Hhmmmm I totally understand that .... being born and raised in Zombie Factory named Saudi :(..... but dont be afraid there is a Cure ... print scythian500 post (#96) and read it 40 times before going to bed ( in your case it would be cave) and i hope you 'll get it

لاأتوقع أنك أحوازي
لأن الأحوازيين يفخرون بأصولهم العربية العريقة وقبائلهم التي لها امتداد ضارب في جزيرة العرب ونتشارك معهم اللغة والدين والدم
الفرس الصفويين لا يتشاركون مع الأحوازيين في أي شيء، بل أنهم يستخرجون النفط من أراضي الأحواز العربية ليستفيد منه الفرس
في حروبهم الطائفية.

الفخر بالعروبة ما لها دخل بالتعاطف مع السعودیه .
نحن اهوازیون و نحب بلدنا و نقف معی النظام.

و هولاء الی تراهم شرذمه قلیلون و التحرکات و تهییجات تاتی من قبل السعودیه و قناتهم التدعوا للطائفیه ، امثال قناه صفا و وصال
و حرام اصلا تسمیهن قناة

اذا ماتحب ، لا اتصدق.
احد من حظار فی المقطع ولد عمی و هو صدیقهم
و انه ابنفس الوقت کنت حذلیهم

الی یلبس عقل و جفیه ، عیب یدخل فی الملعب ' و یستفاد من اقبح کلمات و یخرب و یکسر ما فی الملعب .
نفتخر علی شنی ؟ علی ثقافتهم الممتازه ؟
اغلبهم سارقین ، ام دائم الخمر .
خل یتونس و یفتخر بیهم ملک سلمان.​
Ethnicity and tribe does only matter among stone age people...we in Iran have a culture of living united no matter who for thousands of years... here comes the difference between a rich culture and a fake one...

Wake up... it is 2016.... Tribes and ethnicity does not matter any more... it only stays with stone agers who have rotted brains...

U know why all you said here seemed interesting to you? because it is something from and for your culture... These stuff is long passed behind.. so grow up...

I haven't talked about tribes in the previous posts, as I only talked about Iran's ethnic diversity (which is widely well-know). If you are adamant to deny the existence of ethnic differences in Iran, please go ahead. Non-Persians will continue to exist and speak their own native tongues at home. They will continue to consider Persian as the lingua franca of the state they officially belong to. This won't, however, make them Persians as there was a reason for them to be known as Azeris, Kurds, Baloch, or Arabs. Diversity is the spice of life as they say. What is the point behind persistent denial? Speaking of tribalism by the way, Iran do also have tribalism among Bakhtiaris, Qashqais, and Baloch - to name a few only. Prior to the early 20th century, nearly %30 of Iran's population was nomad. You may confirm this through reading up in Encyclopædia Iranica.

Hhmmmm I totally understand that .... being born and raised in Zombie Factory named Saudi :(..... but dont be afraid there is a Cure ... print scythian500 post (#96) and read it 40 times before going to bed ( in your case it would be cave) and i hope you 'll get it

الفخر بالعروبة ما لها دخل بالتعاطف مع السعودیه .
نحن اهوازیون و نحب بلدنا و نقف معی النظام.

و هولاء الی تراهم شرذمه قلیلون و التحرکات و تهییجات تاتی من قبل السعودیه و قناتهم التدعوا للطائفیه ، امثال قناه صفا و وصال
و حرام اصلا تسمیهن قناة

اذا ماتحب ، لا اتصدق.
احد من حظار فی المقطع ولد عمی و هو صدیقهم
و انه ابنفس الوقت کنت حذلیهم

الی یلبس عقل و جفیه ، عیب یدخل فی الملعب ' و یستفاد من اقبح کلمات و یخرب و یکسر ما فی الملعب .
نفتخر علی شنی ؟ علی ثقافتهم الممتازه ؟
اغلبهم سارقین ، ام دائم الخمر .
خل یتونس و یفتخر بیهم ملک سلمان.​

بغض النظر عن الألفاظ المستخدمة هنا، نسبة غير قليلة من أهل الأحواز - فيما يظهر من خطاب المعارضة الأحوازية في الخارج - لديهم إحساس بالمظلومية من حكم الأغلبية الفارسية لهم. اتفق معك إن غالب أهل الأحواز غير متعاطفين مع السعودية، وليس مطلوب منهم في حقيقة الأمر أن يكونوا متعاطفين. فأهل الأحواز في نهاية المطاف شيعة، وهم أكثر تدينا من الفرس بمراحل، وسيفضلون القبول على مضض بواقعهم حتي حين على الأقل. فهذا أسلم لهم من التعاون مع دول أجنبية مثل السعودية الأمر الذي قد يترتب عليه انتقام من الأغلبية الفارسية كثيرة العدد والعدة، والكثرة تغلب الشجاعة كما تقول العرب. أنا شخصيا محب للأحواز العربية منذ زمن ليس بالقصير وعندي شعور بمظلوميتهم المبنية للأسف على شعور بالتعالي والتحقير الشديد من قبل الفرس. كان من الممكن أن تكون الأحواز إمارة مستقلة مثل الكويت تعيش على احتياطي كبير من النفط يضمن لها عيشا رغيدا. ولكن للأسف جرى ماجرى من إسقاط حكم الشيخ خزعل وضم الأحواز للدولة الفارسية.
I haven't talked about tribes in the previous posts, as I only talked about Iran's ethnic diversity (which is widely well-know). If you are adamant to deny the existence of ethnic differences in Iran, please go ahead. Non-Persians will continue to exist and speak their own native tongues at home. They will continue to consider Persian as the lingua franca of the state they officially belong to. This won't, however, make them Persians as there was a reason for them to be known as Azeris, Kurds, Baloch, or Arabs. Diversity is the spice of life as they say. What is the point behind persistent denial? Speaking of tribalism by the way, Iran do also have tribalism among Bakhtiaris, Qashqais, and Baloch - to name a few only. Prior to the early 20th century, nearly %30 of Iran's population was nomad. You may confirm this through reading up in Encyclopædia Iranica.

My countries name is IRAN! Not Persia!! FYI for well over 1000 years Iranians inside Iran have called their country IRAN not Persia!!!

Women in your country are 2nd class citizens and don't even have the right to DRIVE!!! LOL!!

Now that's sad!!!

It's 2016 for God's sake! And the only country in the world that prevents it's women from even driving is your sad and backward excuse for a country!

Now that's sad and pathetic!!!

VS Iran

Ranked 2nd in the world in female university students vs male
Ranked 5th in the world in the % of females working in industry
Ranked 6th in the world in the economic activity growth of women

So go stick to your own sad and pathetic country where half your citizens don't even count as people where they don't even have the right to even drive! in a country so sad and pathetic that a women becoming an assistant shop keeper turns into news!
وعندي شعور بمظلوميتهم المبنية للأسف على شعور بالتعالي والتحقير الشديد من قبل الفرس. كان من الممكن أن تكون الأحواز إمارة مستقلة مثل الكويت تعيش على احتياطي كبير من النفط يضمن لها عيشا رغيدا. ولكن للأسف جرى
every thing u said here applies to the shiite in the eastern region of your kingdom first of all give the shiite their, their rites for independence then ask for independence for some one else in different countries.
You're just another brain-washed person, and I highly cast doubt you're not Arabian from Ahwaz. I have accounts on facenama, aparat and Instagram. I contact Ahwazians almost everyday and they hate Iran more than anyone else. They're proud of being Arab and will never let a Farsi guy or regime to rule them under the name of Alwaly Alfaqeeh.
لاأتوقع أنك أحوازي
لأن الأحوازيين يفخرون بأصولهم العربية العريقة وقبائلهم التي لها امتداد ضارب في جزيرة العرب ونتشارك معهم اللغة والدين والدم
الفرس الصفويين لا يتشاركون مع الأحوازيين في أي شيء، بل أنهم يستخرجون النفط من أراضي الأحواز العربية ليستفيد منه الفرس
في حروبهم الطائفية.
well my birth certificate mention my place of birth as Ahwaz, My mother birth certificate also state her place of birth as Ahwaz, its the same case with my father, grand fathers and grand mothers . and for the record I love Iran.

9karam dash ...... kolan arabi manam ziyad khub nist faghat dar hade khundan ....konkuro yadam nemiyad 8 sal pish bud ... arabi ro ma araba ham be zur pass mikonim khoda shomahro sabr bede .....
Valla az ma ke gozasht... Amma jaye bakhie ha hast hanoz !
Come on guys for university entrance exam it was not that much hard,I get 75% of it right and it was one of the things that I decided not to study that much.
KDPI: We will continue our struggle until Kurds are free


"Nine Peshmerga of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) have been killed in clashes with Iranian forces since June 15, the KDPI confirmed in a statement issued on Thursday. In all the confrontations with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the PDKI Peshmerga acted in self defence, the KDPI claimed.

Inspired by the growing autonomy of Kurds in the region, KDPI leadership made the decision to “reinvigorate” their political activities in Iranian Kurdistan “to facilitate closer interactions with the Kurdish people,” said the KDPI’s statement. The KDPI is headquartered in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq.

“PDKI [KDPI] has sent its political cadres into different cities to carry our political activities. Due to security concerns, they have been accompanied by Peshmerga Forces, the statement reads. “The Iranian regime imprisons, tortures and executes Kurdish political activists linked to PKDI and other Kurdish organizations. Considering this reality, PDKI has decided that political cadres should always be accompanied by Peshmerga for protection.”

The KDPI statement insists they have not targeted any Iranian institutions or military but have clashed with IRGC forces only to defend themselves when attacked.

The KDPI state they have confirmed the deaths of 64 Iranian forces, including two high ranking commanders, and estimate to have killed many more.

On Sunday, Iranian forces fired shells across the border into the Kurdistan Region, wounding five civilians including three children, in villages in eastern Erbil province. The shelling also sparked fires that destroyed agricultural land in the area.

Iran defended their cross-border offensive and warned that their forces would target “terrorists” who attack Iran no matter where they are. “Given the fact that the main strongholds of these terrorists is in Northern Iraq, their positions will be targeted at any point and region in case they don’t act upon their undertakings and in a bid to prevent the repetition of anti-security moves and measures,” said Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour, Commander of the IRGC Ground Force, on Monday."

Iranian army says it will go beyond its borders to crush the KDPI threat


The Iranian army’s second-in-command Brigadier General Hossein Salami said on Friday that Iran will crush any threats to its territories and told authorities in the Kurdistan Region to abide by their commitment to the security of their shared border.

“I warn the officials of northern Iraq adhere to their commitments as the Islamic Republic will crush threats regardless of geographical considerations.” Gen. Salami said at a Friday prayer speech in Tehran University, according to Tehran Times.

Salami was quoted as saying that “Iran will carry out operation beyond borders if necessary.”

Members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) clashed with Iranian revolutionary guards in several villages last month including in the town of Shno near the border.

Both sides gave conflicting figures of the casualties but several Iranian soldiers and KDPI Peshmerga are believed to have been killed in the clashes.

In his speech Salami “linked the terrorist attempts with some regional countries which seek to trigger insecurity in Iran, recommending them not ‘play with the lion’s tail.’” wrote Tehran Times."

Technically, at least % 35 of Iran isn't Persian, but rather occupied lands that belong to other ethnicities. The Azeri Turks, the Kurds, the Balouch, and the Arabs are generally forced to be part of Iran by the pressure of the Persian dominated regime.
thats how the empires work. they dominate and they cease the territory.
Persians were once a great empire. so this is no surprise. Turks did the same when they came in India.

conquered have to deal with it
thats how the empires work. they dominate and they cease the territory.
Persians were once a great empire. so this is no surprise. Turks did the same when they came in India.

conquered have to deal with it

Agreed. Though in these days, federalism, and autonomy are effective mechanism to better manage multi-ethnic states. India, Russia, the US, and many other big countries are federal, because central states don't always keep minorities happy.
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It was almost last month that an Iranian movie "The Salesman" won Canne rewards for best actor and the best screenplay while these guys don't have cinemas in their own country and still they have audacity to come and preach freedom for others ... It's 2016 for God's sake!
Iraqi Kurdistan gov’t strongly condemns threats by Iran
July 2, 2016 by Editorial Staff in Kurdistan, Politics

Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government KRG. Photo: KRG

HEWLÊR-Erbil, Kurdistan region ‘Iraq’,— Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government KRG in Erbil has responded strongly to the comments of the Iranian army’s second-in-command who threatened Iraqi Kurdistan on Friday, saying that Iran would go beyond its borders to crush ‘terrorist threats’ emanating from groups based inside Kurdish territories.

“We strongly reject the threats made by Maj. Gen. Salami and see them as inappropriate to the historic and friendly relations between Iraqi Kurdistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on Saturday.

Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, second-in-command of Iran’s revolutionary guards said at a Friday prayer speech in Tehran University, “I warn the officials of northern Iraq adhere to their commitments as the Islamic Republic will crush threats regardless of geographical considerations.” according to Tehran Times.

The KRG statement said Salami’s threats were against recent friendly talks between Erbil and Tehran.

“Recently there have been friendly talks of understanding between us both and therefore his threats are completely against the nature of these talks,” said the KRG. “These threats do not serve our relations and that kind of language should not be used against the Kurdistan Region.”

Salami’s Friday comments came days after his army clashed with members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) in several villages inside Iranian territory.

The Kurdish government had already warned all Iranian and Turkey’s opposition groups against using Kurdistan Region territories for launching attacks on its neighbors and that they must respect Erbil’s international relations with these countries.

“The Kurdistan Regional Government values its relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and we continuously endeavor to advance these ties in all aspects,” said the KRG. “Therefore these threats conflict with this direction.”

The Kurdish government statement went on to say that Erbil pursues a policy of neighborly relations, genuine peace and respect for international law and “it has always wanted to be a factor of stability in the region.

“For the same reason we have never wanted territories of the Kurdistan Region to be used for attacks on Iran or any of our neighbors,” read the statement.

Copyright ©, respective author or news agency, rudaw.net | Ekurd.net
Shah Reza changed the official name from Persia to Iran in 1935 (please see the link below).

completely wrong ,he only asked them to call it with its correct name which was used since Sassanian era not a name made by some Greeks story teller.

and this is from your own link
In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian.
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