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2015 SCS Islands/Reefs Compare Map controlled by four nations, Amazing ~!

If you read more, you will find, there is a 七洲洋, at east of the 交趾洋,and 石塘 is in 七洲洋.

FYI: The book <大越史略> is long lost, there is a book called <越史略>.

There is 七洲, the name of reefs and rocks is in coastal area of China, not 七洲洋.

The original title of our history book is "大越史略".
There is 七洲, the name of reefs and rocks is in coastal area of China, not 七洲洋.

The original title of our history book is "大越史略".

This is my proof, where is yours?

FYI: There was a book called <大越史记>1272, it was long lost, another write a new book, called <越史略>1377. They are 2 different books by two different writers and interval more than 100 years. See the name of the book.
View attachment 223160 View attachment 223161
This is my proof, where is yours?

FYI: There was a book called <大越史记>1272, it was long lost, another write a new book, called <越史略>1377. They are 2 different books by two different writers and interval more than 100 years. See the name of the book.
View attachment 223162

七洲洋 in map you posted here is the small sea related only to the 七洲 islets in coastal of China as I said before. in the map I posted in my early post.

<大越史略>1377 is copied from <大越史记>1272 and the paragraph for Tran Dynasty is added. This history book found in China. Chinese didn't like the word <大越>, great Viets. so that the origin title <大越史略> is changed to <越史略> by Chinese.

800px-Vietsuluoc (1).jpg
YES we are telling them to leave because our island reclamation is not completed yet and there's no runway to facilitate the P-8 yet. We know Americans always have some kind of malfunctioning inside their planes. So go away and pick another landing spot "Taiwan" like you last did with the F-18s
chinese were kicked from Vietnam over 1,000 year, like Japanese were kicked from China 1945 in WW II.

You mean chinese have ruled all of vietnam for over 1000 years after beating viets, divided into several time periods from 111BC until 1427AD, even afterward vietnam still regarded and acted as vassal of chinese from time to times again up until arrival of French. On the other hand Japanese never even managed to finish the conflict which they have started, more so they have lost before they could set up effective rule after pacifying the conquered territories(Taiwan being the only exception). Then again viets wont be able to tell the difference(s).
You mean chinese have ruled all of vietnam for over 1000 years after beating viets, divided into several time periods from 111BC until 1427AD, even afterward vietnam still regarded and acted as vassal of chinese from time to times again up until arrival of French. On the other hand Japanese never even managed to finish the conflict which they have started, more so they have lost before they could set up effective rule after pacifying the conquered territories(Taiwan being the only exception). Then again viets wont be able to tell the difference(s).
China never rule Vietnam. The modern China is exactly the inheritors of Da Qing. Man Qing never rule vietnam but also have a good relationship with Nguyen dynasty.
Ming dynasty ruled Vietnam for about 20 years. But Ming Dynasty was destroyed totally. More than half of its population was killed by Da Qing, the rest was turned to be slaves of Manchurian for hundreds of years.
Actually Zhong Hua already disappeared after 崖门海战. In Vietnam history, it is exactly stated that " Vietnam was invaded by Northern Dynasties for 1000 years", we do not say about China, who is inheritor of Man Qing, we only refer Northern Dynasties.
China never rule Vietnam. The modern China is exactly the inheritors of Da Qing. Man Qing never rule vietnam but also have a good relationship with Nguyen dynasty.
Ming dynasty ruled Vietnam for about 20 years. But Ming Dynasty was destroyed totally. More than half of its population was killed by Da Qing, the rest was turned to be slaves of Manchurian for hundreds of years.
Actually Zhong Hua already disappeared after 崖门海战. In Vietnam history, it is exactly stated that " Vietnam was invaded by Northern Dynasties for 1000 years", we do not say about China, who is inheritor of Man Qing, we only refer Northern Dynasties.

Whatever helps you sleep at night eh? Enjoy it then.
will you fire on the aircraft?
China artificial islands not block free navigation in SCS, will U.S bomb them ? U.S P-8 not block Chinese building, will China fire it down ?

Won't, unless U.S bomb China first ... my opinion is, after P-8 visited these artificial islands China's building will speed up ! The 3,000m length runway will be enough to deploy China aircrafts & radar & missiles on the island, so there's no much time left to American! After few months there will be China planes flying with P-8 in the sky of SCS. :coffee:

So u can tell Uncle SAM better to bomb artificial islands, or nothing can stop China's building in SCS ... future there will be a unsinkable aircraft carrier created by Chinese.
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