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China now threatens Britain with WAR over a decision to send Aircraft Carriers to SCS

LOL to your disappointment we are not wondering that at all.

I know. While I am not a fan of the Pakistani narrative on any of its conflicts with India, I can understand their perspective and know where they are coming from. With China, it is like dealing with a buffoon with no integrity, logic or common sense.
Pakitanis have bigger things to worry about now. Guess what? CPEC payments are already coming up and since it has not delivered the required billions the poor guys are already asking for extensions, restructuring etc. They're in deep deep shit, majority of the 40 billion project has not even taken off and they're already approaching default levels on even existing low borrowings. China will obviously squeeze the money out of their ball$ if necessary- look at what they've done in Lanka. This is very tragic.

Don't think they care.
The true power in Pakistan has always been with the elite & they are perfectly fine with the current arrangement with China.
Pakitanis have bigger things to worry about now. Guess what? CPEC payments are already coming up and since it has not delivered the required billions the poor guys are already asking for extensions, restructuring etc. They're in deep deep shit, majority of the 40 billion project has not even taken off and they're already approaching default levels on even existing low borrowings. China will obviously squeeze the money out of their ball$ if necessary- look at what they've done in Lanka. This is very tragic.
Pakistan will find a way out. It always does. Anyways, it is their country and their rules. Maybe some Pakistani can tell us - has there been any opposition to CPEC at all within Pakistan?
Pakistan will find a way out. It always does. Anyways, it is their country and their rules. Maybe some Pakistani can tell us - has there been any opposition to CPEC at all within Pakistan?

No dude, they are SERIOUSLY fucked this time. On one hand their debts are almost the size of their entire GDP- and they've signed up for a project that's quarter the size of their GDP. They are seriously fucked.
This is a BS thread, china will yell loudly and Britain like a bunch of sissies will eventually pull out of these plans. This isn't the US, this is the UK. Goddamn sissies.
The indians are good at boycotting mouth wash and proper hygiene, that's why their breath stinks and generally smell bad.
what is china? a country made by Japanese and western manufacturing giants..stop outsourcing manufacturing work to china and kick them out of wto and/or boycot their products..china will become a north korea!
India has many illusions... Unfortunately, it can not be achieved. Because the whole world knows that India is a garbage country.
Chinese are a funny bunch. Warning every entity beneath the sun. :D

However their bluff has been called off by India in Doka la. Hopefully all other neighbours of china will now understand the empty rhetoric mentality of chinese.

Its been 2 months already. We were expecting barrage of missile attack. INstead what we see is simply a barrage of media attacks.. :lol:

Chinese Ministry of Warning Affairs issuing empty warnings ad nauseam
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