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2015 SCS Islands/Reefs Compare Map controlled by four nations, Amazing ~!

International Law isn't perfect. Anyone who tells you that will be lying to you. But it is there, and it largely works. If every country in the world started doing whatever it wants on a whim, there would be no countries left.

And since you exhibit quite clearly your disregard for International Law, I guess you are saying in other words, China's commitment to a 'peaceful rise' is nonsense? I see..

True that
Plus, turning something into something bigger.

And turning something bigger into the biggest.

The author is a genius.

There is 交趾洋 (Sea of Vietnamese). China has nothing in the past. Today China stolen Islands and Reefs of Vietnam by force and made artifact Island on this.

Its truth.
You know building island in SCS is a money burning actions
Billions of dollars are spent without much return.
How could you expect poor PH to further spend more money on these useless islands...

The Philippines needs to seriously develop the islands that they have. I hope the AFP invites the JSDF to help develop their assets. :)
International Law isn't perfect. Anyone who tells you that will be lying to you. But it is there, and it largely works. If every country in the world started doing whatever it wants on a whim, there would be no countries left.

And since you exhibit quite clearly your disregard for International Law, I guess you are saying in other words, China's commitment to a 'peaceful rise' is nonsense? I see..
1.Do not say something bla bla ...about coumunist or brain wash . You know nothing about the communism and brain washed by the west.CCP is actually our biggest triumph,you are too blind to understand the power of communism for a country, but it is OK whatever you think about communism, it is not my loss.
2.Do not blame us about Tibet,Tiam anmen...as a JUDGE! Tibet is part of us much ealier than the time USA slautered millions of native Indias and occupied their land,we never slauter Tibet people and they live much better than Pakistan people.If you are so justice,blame USA first,the justice friend is killing the muslims and threaten to bomb Pakistan back to the stone age,not us,the evil communist regime in your eye.
3.I donot understand your logic between peaceful rise and territory.Peaceful rise means no war even the neibour invade our land? You are very naive about international relation,specially very prejudice to China,I lost the interest to say more with you.Forget it,afterall ,mouth war belong to the weak side.
If you have only one air carrier,you are the threat to the world,if you have ten air carriers,you are the protector of the world.That is how the real world is and only superpower define what the justice is. My government define Peaceful rise :Partition the Pacific Ocean into 2 parts and get one half.Do not define our strategy randomly and get cheated by the seeming meaning.
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There is 交趾洋 (Sea of Vietnamese). China has nothing in the past. Today China stolen Islands and Reefs of Vietnam by force and made artifact Island on this.

Its truth.
交趾洋 is only part of the scs, which is near vietnam, that's nothing more. If you want use some chinese material, you have to read them more, if you still can read chinese.
I don't know if it is sheer stupidity or bravery on part of Vietnam that wants to carve out a massive piece of Chinese territorial waters.

And based on whatever fraudulent claims Vietnam has, how does it plan to enforce it? Seize islands through force? By using any type of military means, Vietnam is openly inviting China to seize everything. Winner takes all. Instead, Vietnam should recognize China's historical claims and learn to live with the reality and cooperate with China instead. Everyone benefits.
go back to kindergarten kid and learn to differ or understand what is territorial waters.
You know building island in SCS is a money burning actions
Billions of dollars are spent without much return.
How could you expect poor PH to further spend more money on these useless islands...

don't lie.

Over 2,000 year ago. There is Jiao Zhi Sea of Jiao Zhi (Vietnamese) people. :coffee:
View attachment 222321
Chinese characters 漢字 made by Han people 漢民. Han people, who lived originally before 2,000 year in Middle Terrain
中元, in northern of China. :enjoy:

The map stated " 交趾芥" : Jiao Zhi border. It does mean that Jiao Zhi country has border, it is separated from China in ancient time. and 交趾洋 it does mean that there is the Sea of Jiao Zhi people. :enjoy:

The word Nan Hai 南海 mean southern sea. It doésn't mean It is sea òf China, no word mean China in this.:enjoy:

Chinese empire spread to present day North Vietnam 2000 years ago before there were any Mon-Khmer people(Vietnamese). The inhabitant of North Vietnam then were Daic people aka Tai-Kadai ethnic. You Vietnamese are Mon-khmer / Austroasiatic who moved to North Vietnam centuries later. You were originally from the lower central region, that was your origin!!! Sea of Jiao Zhi people? There was not "Kinh Vietnamese" identity until 15th century Le dynasty.

According to the related historical records, the population history of the Kinh, which we extrapolated also, conforms to the pattern of demic diffusion. In North Vietnam, the early inhabitant is the Luo-Yue of Daic family.

Among the early Daic states were those of Van Lang, located northwest of Hanoi where the Red, Black, and Clear rivers merge in Vinh Phu province

Dermatoglyph Groups Kinh Vietnamese to Mon-Khmer

Textiles of the Daic Peoples of Vietnam - Michael C. Howard, Kim Be Howard - Google Books
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Chinese empire began in central-north and spread to present day North Vietnam 2000 years ago before there were any Mon-Khmer people(Vietnamese). The inhabitant of North Vietnam then were Daic people aka Tai-Kadai ethnic. You Vietnamese are Austroasiatic Mon-khmer who moved to North Vietnam centuries later. You were originally from the lower central region, that was your origin!!! Sea of Jiao Zhi people? There was not "Kinh Vietnamese" identity until 15th century Le dynasty.

Dermatoglyph Groups Kinh Vietnamese to Mon-Khmer

Textiles of the Daic Peoples of Vietnam - Michael C. Howard, Kim Be Howard - Google Books

Tai/Katay people were living in mountainous area in south China. There is Zhuang people are living inYunnam, Kwuanxi and Guizhou.

Vietnamese is descents of people of Hung Kings Emperor of Van Lang Empire in the past.

North point of Van Lang country is reached to Dongding lake in Hu Nan province in south China. It stated in our history book 大 越 史 略.

石塘 mean "Bãi Đá" in Vietnamese, I translated it in to English: "lake of rocks". Vietnamese, Jiao Zhi fishermen told you about that from ancient time.
If you read more, you will find, there is a 七洲洋, at east of the 交趾洋,and 石塘 is in 七洲洋.

Tai/Katay people were living in mountainous area in south China. There is Zhuang people are living inYunnam, Kwuanxi and Guizhou.

Vietnamese is descents of people of Hung Kings Emperor of Van Lang Empire in the past.

North point of Van Lang country is reached to Dongding lake in Hu Nan province in south China. It stated in our history book 大 越 史 略.

View attachment 223151
FYI: The book <大越史略> is long lost, there is a book called <越史略>.
Tai/Katay people were living in mountainous area in south China. There is Zhuang people are living inYunnam, Kwuanxi and Guizhou.

Vietnamese is descents of people of Hung Kings Emperor of Van Lang Empire in the past.

North point of Van Lang country is reached to Dongding lake in Hu Nan province in south China. It stated in our history book 大 越 史 略.

View attachment 223151

More Viet lie? The ancient Van Lang and Au Lac Kingdoms were Daic people (Tai-Kadai). You are Vietnamese are Mon-Khmer/Austroasiatic from lower region near Lao.

Your so called 大 越 史記 were completed ard 17th century, how could you know what happened 2000 years ago when you had no written script to record history?

Your dumb shameless historians simply copied from Chinese 史記, appropriated the legends and culture of Daic people into their own, even claiming Southern China. But there were never any Mon-Khmer. Your Austroasiatic ancestors only moved to North Vietnam towards the end of Chinese rule.

Your Austroasiatic origin!

Origin AustroViet(S).png
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