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2015 SCS Islands/Reefs Compare Map controlled by four nations, Amazing ~!

You didn't reply to me. Is it me, or have you suddenly in past few months turned more hostile to China?

Also, what is the kind of deal that you would want with China to make amends. (Forget the history issue for a moment)

Next, don't you think it is in your interest that you make amends with China as soon as you can, as time seems to be against Japan, and in favor of China.

He has always been anti china, just trying to give the impression of being not while maintaining the face of japanese nationalist, which would be in conflict of itself, now it seems he gotten tired.

and the proof you've just provided is marked with , and only with, Chinese characters allover. :omghaha:

thank you for providing this map evidence showing SCS has belonged to China since its origin! :D

He has proofed more than that in fact, it shows that viet itself belonged to china since its origin.
He has proofed more than that in fact, it shows that viet itself belonged to china since its origin.

that's right, because the charaters on the ancient map showed the original name of a Chinese county , (it became the nowadays "Vietnam"), given by the Chinese emporer at a time. :lol:
He has always been anti china, just trying to give the impression of being not while maintaining the face of japanese nationalist, which would be in conflict of itself, now it seems he gotten tired.

He has proofed more than that in fact, it shows that viet itself belonged to china since its origin.

China should invade and claim both Korea and Japan at first, they're still use kanji and hanja, which have been adapted from Hanzi.

1. who gives a flying jerk where the English word of "China" came from? Persian or Sanskrit? Just like I should give a hoot on where the Chinese translation of your name " that-horse-house" (a direct translation of "namaloom") came from? . So you must be called " that-horse-house" ever since in PDF because it is the Chinese translation? :omghaha:

English calls it China, since we are at an English-language forum, genius. :rofl:

There has never been "China" inside "China" by the "Chinese" - another English name.

It's "Zhong Guo" for "China". "Hua Ren" Or "Han Ren" for the so-called "Chinese".

It's just like there has been no "Japan" or "Japanese" in Japan either , but "Ninhon" and "Ninhonjin".

2. China is not , or at least not only, so -called "modern nation state". Instead it is "Civilisation State" -the Cenral Kingdon - the term that China has been usually known for for 1,000s of years.

Actually it's a consensus among historians that China is the ONLY continuous civilisation on earth, thus your "iran" or "egypt" or "india" analogies are complete nonsense.

it doesn't matter Qing or Han or Song or Tang Dynasty or "China" (PRC, or ROK) or what, they are all "Zhong Guo" with different names.

3. UNCLOS was estabished in the 1980s, under the leadership of UNSC 5 "China" included, to goven economic spheres of sealines of non-UNSC modern nation states in the UN. UNCLOS has NO jurisdiction whatsoever over the modern sovereign territory of "China" (who didn't sign for it) , let alone the historical territory of Zhong Guo, a UNSC veto member who co-founded UNCLOS in the first place. :rofl:

Go to UNCLOS? :omghaha: Yeah right, it is just like will you come here to PDF to allow us make a decision on the genetic future of you and your family? Don't laugh , because it is exactly what your above twisted logic proposes.

and the proof you've just provided is marked with , and only with, Chinese characters allover. :omghaha:

you know why so? becuase there were no "Vietnamese" letters at that time! 2,000 yrs too late?:lol:

thank you for providing this map evidence showing SCS has belonged to China since its origin! :D

Again, your childish bickering aside, please inform us when was modern state of the People's Republic of China formed. And once again, China is party to the UNCLOS and if it wants to fight the rules defined under UNCLOS, it should take up the matter in the ICJ or quit United Nations altogether. Unless ofcourse China's stated claim of 'peaceful rise' is a sham and it wants to behave just like the United States where 'might is right'. You seem to prefer the latter with all the hot air you seem to be discharging here.
Awesome island development. Good for sea lane security and emergency assistance.  
Again, your childish bickering aside, please inform us when was modern state of the People's Republic of China formed. And once again, China is party to the UNCLOS and if it wants to fight the rules defined under UNCLOS, it should take up the matter in the ICJ or quit United Nations altogether. Unless ofcourse China's stated claim of 'peaceful rise' is a sham and it wants to behave just like the United States where 'might is right'. You seem to prefer the latter with all the hot air you seem to be discharging here.

absolute bulllocks.

Hey , will you stop ad-hom attack after lossing your mojo?

have you read UNCLOS charter after all, sunshine?

yes, China is a signitory of it, but hasn't signed the part concerning any sovereign dispute, and will never sign it --- a FACT!

Again, your childish bickering aside, please inform us when was modern state of the People's Republic of China formed.

PRC was formed in 1949. ROC was formed in 1911. Both has claimed SCS right after their establishment, like each of China's dynastyin history. - FACT!

International communities agreed with that, with zero objection, - FACT!

Vietnam agreed with that , but started dispute for the 1st time once oil deposit were reported discovered in the 1970s/1980s - FACT!

Pinoys as a country didn't exist pre 1949 or pre 1911 - FACT!

Pinoy's old collonial masters, both Spain and the US, agreed with Qing dynasty, ROC, and PRC claim on SCS - FACT! it was a fact until recently - in the last decade or so after oils were discovered. The current US official stance is NO TAKING SIDE.

Pinoys formed a country called Phillipine post WW2 - it had never claimed SCS till 1980s, after oil deposits were discovered in SCS - FACT!

In the last 2,000 years Pinoys have never owned (hasn't had soveriegn on), neither its colonial masters Spain and the US, any part of SCS that China has claimed for literally thousands of years, til they started to claim it in the 1980's due to reported oil discovery there - FACT!

SCS only became "an issure" in the last 10 years or so and when the US saw China Rising and determined to stir troubles in China's backyard and started instigating Pinoys to take China to UNCLOS court which even the US itself doesn't recognise. What a bloody joke!

Which of above facts you don't understand?

And once again, China is party to the UNCLOS and if it wants to fight the rules defined under UNCLOS, it should take up the matter in the ICJ or quit United Nations altogether.

too much cool aids, eh?

You should stop barking at the wrong tree and acting like an ignorant fool - or perhaps that's how you are and intend to be.
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The Philippines needs to seriously develop the islands that they have. I hope the AFP invites the JSDF to help develop their assets. :)

Unfortunately, our politicians are busy making tons of bank accounts and fattening them.
Again, your childish bickering aside, please inform us when was modern state of the People's Republic of China formed. And once again, China is party to the UNCLOS and if it wants to fight the rules defined under UNCLOS, it should take up the matter in the ICJ or quit United Nations altogether. Unless ofcourse China's stated claim of 'peaceful rise' is a sham and it wants to behave just like the United States where 'might is right'. You seem to prefer the latter with all the hot air you seem to be discharging here.
Honestly speaking, what the F is international law? Look at the Ukrain,the Irap,the Palestain,...we can take tens of examples. We Chinese has learned the justice of this bloody world in WW2,when Japan invaded us in 1937,every country just waited and see the invasion happen,and USA always sold their weapon to Japan until they joined the war,this lesson taught us a truth:no justice in this world,never trust international law and only superpower can define what the justice is. By the way,we didn't invade SCS,SCS is ours ABSOLUTELY. Don't try to be a “holy” man,it is very disgusting if it is none of your business!

The Philippines needs to seriously develop the islands that they have. I hope the AFP invites the JSDF to help develop their assets. :)
I am very happy to see Japan join this game,in fact ,it is not a big deal ,let us play this game from Japan Sea to SCS . Thanks for the conflict in the 钓鱼岛,now we have a much stronger coast guard fleet than years ago,Japan actually is not a big threat to us anymore,as time passes,the threat of Japan is smaller and smaller.Our only big opponent is USA even decades later, the competition between Japan and China can give us a perfect excuse to develop a stronger naval force and Air Force .
We didn't eliminate Japans threat in history and this proved to be a very big mistake ,there were three main reason:1.our enemies always came from the grassland and the north in history and we didnt expect them come from the sea; 2.Japan was a very ordinary country around us and not important for us;3.the distance of the sea. Today,we are very interested in eliminating Japans threat and the sea is not its Great Wall . Japan ,come on, keep up with us,it is ACTUALLY the last chance for you to changllege us in the history,we will never give you another chance to do this in the future.
At last,I want to say, from your past words,Ninhonjins,I think you are a good person and I don't have prejudice with you personally , no offence.
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absolute bulllocks.

Hey , will you stop ad-hom attack after lossing your mojo?

have you read UNCLOS charter after all, sunshine?

yes, China is a signitory of it, but hasn't signed the part concerning any sovereign dispute, and will never sign it --- a FACT!

PRC was formed in 1949. ROC was formed in 1911. Both has claimed SCS right after their establishment, like each of China's dynastyin history. - FACT!

International communities agreed with that, with zero objection, - FACT!

Vietnam agreed with that , but started dispute for the 1st time once oil deposit were reported discovered in the 1970s/1980s - FACT!

Pinoys as a country didn't exist pre 1949 or pre 1911 - FACT!

Pinoy's old collonial masters, both Spain and the US, agreed with Qing dynasty, ROC, and PRC claim on SCS - FACT! it was a fact until recently - in the last decade or so after oils were discovered. The current US official stance is NO TAKING SIDE.

Pinoys formed a country called Phillipine post WW2 - it had never claimed SCS till 1980s, after oil deposits were discovered in SCS - FACT!

In the last 2,000 years Pinoys have never owned (hasn't had soveriegn on), neither its colonial masters Spain and the US, any part of SCS that China has claimed for literally thousands of years, til they started to claim it in the 1980's due to reported oil discovery there - FACT!

SCS only became "an issure" in the last 10 years or so and when the US saw China Rising and determined to stir troubles in China's backyard and started instigating Pinoys to take China to UNCLOS court which even the US itself doesn't recognise. What a bloody joke!

Which of above facts you don't understand?

too much cool aids, eh?

You should stop barking at the wrong tree and acting like an ignorant fool - or perhaps that's how you are and intend to be.

I have no personal stake in the matter. I am neither Chinese, nor Filipino. My only concern is the fair and equitable treatment of all countries that share borders with SCS. You can keep barking up your nationalist & patriotic tree; it means nothing in an objective discussion. Philippines, Vietnam, other countries have EEZs and whatever falls within those EEZ rules belong to those nations. None of those countries are claiming any area that falls under Chinese EEZ.

China is already very rich compared to those poorer countries and should therefore demonstrate its willingness to engage those nations in a just, fair and equitable solution to the SCS dispute thereby showing its commitment to its slogan of 'peaceful rise'.

Your nationalistic fervor in your posts is bordering on fascism to say the least. Looks like you been drinking too much Communist cool aid being fed to you by your dear censor loving, state-sponsored propaganda feeding Chinese state system. The communists are pretty skilled at feeding nationalism to simpletons like you so that you can keep your gaze focused on nations outside your borders while ignoring the lack of freedoms inside those borders.

You come on these forums and try to air your views openly and your views are accepted here, while if you were to air any dissenting views over Tibet, Taiwan, Tiananmen in China, you would never see the light of day again.

You want to bask in the glory of ancient China by claiming kinship with the dynasties of the old, try working on your internal issues and open up your society instead of brow-beating smaller nations.
the left 3 shapes look like a silkworm, a cheetah and a wild goose correspondingly. :D

What's the United Nations' mandated Law of the Seas anyway?

China claims SCS soveriegn according to the Law of Point of Origin , the single most potent law of all - China has owned SCS for 1,000s of years, before most of these modern "Nation State" around were even established.

At a time, no "Vietnam", no "Pinoy", no "Malaysia", No "Indonesia", etc, let alone post 1980's "Law of the Seas" , which neither China nor the US is a signatory/ or signatory with a condition that doesn't cover any soveriegn issue.

Talk to China using the United Nations' mandated Law of the Seas ? :omghaha:
I´m afraid you are a brainwashed boy.
- there is no such law of "point of origin". what the fkc is it?
- china never "owns" the SC Sea.
- if Vietnam does not exist, so neither China.
Honestly speaking, what the F is international law? Look at the Ukrain,the Irap,the Palestain,...we can take tens of examples. We Chinese has learned the justice of this bloody world in WW2,when Japan invaded us in 1937,every country just waited and see the invasion happen,and USA always sold their weapon to Japan until they joined the war,this lesson taught us a truth:no justice in this world,never trust international law and only superpower can define what the justice is. By the way,we didn't invade SCS,SCS is ours ABSOLUTELY. Don't try to be a “holy” man,it is very disgusting if it is none of your business!

International Law isn't perfect. Anyone who tells you that will be lying to you. But it is there, and it largely works. If every country in the world started doing whatever it wants on a whim, there would be no countries left.

And since you exhibit quite clearly your disregard for International Law, I guess you are saying in other words, China's commitment to a 'peaceful rise' is nonsense? I see..
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