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China now threatens Britain with WAR over a decision to send Aircraft Carriers to SCS

Why should China threaten UK since it‘s such a trivial land that is begging China for investment?If UK does anything wrong in relations with other giants it will be kicked back to middle age!
I asked you why PLA is living in tents if they are sure they will come back after three years and bulldoze Indian army within a month? Wouldn't a citizen of USD 8000 per capita income want to live in city, drive car to weekend destination, play video games at home?

Second read history of Sikkim and Arunachal pradesh. The fact they are part of Republic of India don't leave any room for propaganda.
50 years can change many things.

50 years ago, some people believe that China will become the world's TOP 3 arms exporter Or the world's largest shipbuilding and exporter? Or the largest industrialized country? There should be none...

So why would I believe that China still restrained for 3 years. ended the war in a month? Maybe 10 days is enough.
The premise is that China's main forces remain in the eastern region.

Sorry, I just forgot to ask - India submarines do not even have submarine launched missiles??? Do you know the concept of submarine launched missiles? Similar China JL-2.

The JL-2 is a three-stage, solid-fuelled missile.[3][4] Range estimates have included 7,400 km (4,600 mi)[6] to 8,000 km (5,000 mi).[5] Payload is a single[3] 250–1000 kt warhead;[4] or 3 to 4 (MIRV) 90 kt warheads,[5]


Nope ..from SAfrica
Oh, sorry, so what about Chinese trains in S.Africa?
just big words.

I actually like chancellor Merkels snub at China. When Xi visited Berlin she had a special gift. An old chinese map that shows the chinese border...without disputed islands.

There you go..the daily quota of warnings from the propaganda ministry got completed. The UK will most definitely send their ships.
50 years can change many things.

50 years ago, some people believe that China will become the world's TOP 3 arms exporter Or the world's largest shipbuilding and exporter? Or the largest industrialized country? There should be none...

So why would I believe that China still restrained for 3 years. ended the war in a month? Maybe 10 days is enough.
The premise is that China's main forces remain in the eastern region.

Sorry, I just forgot to ask - India submarines do not even have submarine launched missiles??? Do you know the concept of submarine launched missiles? Similar China JL-2.

The JL-2 is a three-stage, solid-fuelled missile.[3][4] Range estimates have included 7,400 km (4,600 mi)[6] to 8,000 km (5,000 mi).[5] Payload is a single[3] 250–1000 kt warhead;[4] or 3 to 4 (MIRV) 90 kt warheads,[5]


Oh, sorry, so what about Chinese trains in S.Africa?

Great so then don't trouble your PLA soldiers living in tents. Move them to comfy warm apartments instead of living in minus 10 degree Celsius. You can win in 10 days then why not start after 2 years and 355 days?

And pls control your fetish with missiles. You didn't even reach Mars, return empty handed from Moon and couldn't even come close to 104 sats launched by India. It's only because you never found these missions in west to Copy.

just big words.

I actually like chancellor Merkels snub at China. When Xi visited Berlin she had a special gift. An old chinese map that shows the chinese border...without disputed islands.

To be honest, I prefer what the French say - Oh, Italy is our colony.;)
china selling cheap and fake things so world will pay more for there goods nothing heppend

lol, I would imagine possible collapse of Western governments from a massive boycott of China as you suggest. Western consumerist society are so used to buying cheap consumer goods from China en masse, that if these prices would start doubling, you're looking at torches and pitchforks!
Great so then don't trouble your PLA soldiers living in tents. Move them to comfy warm apartments instead of living in minus 10 degree Celsius. You can win in 10 days then why not start after 2 years and 355 days?

And pls control your fetish with missiles. You didn't even reach Mars, return empty handed from Moon and couldn't even come close to 104 sats launched by India. It's only because you never found these missions in west to Copy.

Oh, poor Indian... Not even the basic common sense.
You talk to me about space technology?
Hey, friends, have you ever heard of manned space flight, space docking, and lunar landing?

OMG! Indians and I discuss space technology?! :rofl: So you admit that the India submarine does not have missiles?
Pakitanis have bigger things to worry about now. Guess what? CPEC payments are already coming up and since it has not delivered the required billions the poor guys are already asking for extensions, restructuring etc. They're in deep deep shit, majority of the 40 billion project has not even taken off and they're already approaching default levels on even existing low borrowings. China will obviously squeeze the money out of their ball$ if necessary- look at what they've done in Lanka. This is very tragic.
India will provide loan and help to pay for the payments?
To be honest, I prefer what the French say - Oh, Italy is our colony.;)

No the french dont say that.

What is your problem actually? Chinas problem is its internal instability and it seeks to calm that down with external enemies.

Building islands in the sea is a crime against nature. It damages reefs on a massive scale. Of course i know chinese have little respect for nature anyways. Its unfortunate.
Give GREAT BRITAIN few years of war manufacturing and then they will be ready to take on China..
Oh, poor Indian... Not even the basic common sense.
You talk to me about space technology?
Hey, friends, have you ever heard of manned space flight, space docking, and lunar landing?

OMG! Indians and I discuss space technology?! :rofl: So you admit that the India submarine does not have missiles?

These all are accomplished by the west, about 50 years before you. What new innovation you brought to the table? Simply copying western footsteps like their cities, loosing your own culture and tradition.

BTW, Indian govt never allocated money for manned mission. We are not interested until we further lower the costs and not have to eat dog meat in space.

Dog on the menu for Chinese astronauts
No the french dont say that.

What is your problem actually? Chinas problem is its internal instability and it seeks to calm that down with external enemies.

Building islands in the sea is a crime against nature. It damages reefs on a massive scale. Of course i know chinese have little respect for nature anyways. Its unfortunate.
Unfortunately, I've seen this video. A variety show from China. There are Frenchmen and Italians in it. Then。。。 The two men quarreled because of historical problems.

He is your fellow, arguing with the french...But is Italy really a French colony?

Regarding China's internal problems, it seems that foreigners living in China do not care. So you don't have to worry about it in Italy.

Marine environment aspect. I want you to ask Vietnam and Philippines first. They have been relentlessly polluting SCS for 50 years. China has just begun. Moreover, China's pollution of the marine environment news is?... I hope your kindness will not be selective.
Unfortunately, I've seen this video. A variety show from China. There are Frenchmen and Italians in it. Then。。。 The two men quarreled because of historical problems.

He is your fellow, arguing with the french...But is Italy really a French colony?

Regarding China's internal problems, it seems that foreigners living in China do not care. So you don't have to worry about it in Italy.

Marine environment aspect. I want you to ask Vietnam and Philippines first. They have been relentlessly polluting SCS for 50 years. China has just begun. Moreover, China's pollution of the marine environment news is?... I hope your kindness will not be selective.

I understand that. Here we have TV shows where they say China pretty much is a cultural copy of Japan just with a less stoic world view.

And no, i´m not selective. The SCS should be blocked for all those nations and fall under UN control. Nature comes before petty nationalist agendas.
They have issued so many warnings by now they must have developed a template for all the warnings...
'An editorial in the official Chinese publication Global Times, which regularly threatens (INSERT COUNTRY) of war, has warned (INSERT COUNTRY) that sending warships to the South China Seawould be a provocation that would force China to take retaliatory measures.'
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