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2015 SCS Islands/Reefs Compare Map controlled by four nations, Amazing ~!

Actually China doesn't violate any thing that‘s in UNCLOS by claiming SCS.
so Vietnam. we don´t violate the Unclos. here is our claim. we clearly state it before the UN after signing the convention..
International Law isn't perfect. Anyone who tells you that will be lying to you. But it is there, and it largely works. If every country in the world started doing whatever it wants on a whim, there would be no countries left.

And since you exhibit quite clearly your disregard for International Law, I guess you are saying in other words, China's commitment to a 'peaceful rise' is nonsense? I see..
You shall save that for USA. When comes to breaking international law and suits its need. US is one number one culprit.

What is international law? Its mainly a coalition of allies who makes law that suit their need.

South Ossetia and Crimea vote to join Russia, UN say its illegal and against Georgia sovereignity or Ukraine sovereignity. Isn't US always champion the wish of people but becos this time is Russian. So its not count.
You shall save that for USA. When comes to breaking international law and suits its need. US is one number one culprit.

What is international law? Its mainly a coalition of allies who makes law that suit their need.

South Ossetia and Crimea vote to join Russia, UN say its illegal and against Georgia sovereignity or Ukraine sovereignity. Isn't US always champion the wish of people but becos this time is Russian. So its not count.

So you are saying you are no better than the United States and you want to be just like them? I see...
I have no personal stake in the matter. I am neither Chinese, nor Filipino. My only concern is the fair and equitable treatment of all countries that share borders with SCS. You can keep barking up your nationalist & patriotic tree; it means nothing in an objective discussion. Philippines, Vietnam, other countries have EEZs and whatever falls within those EEZ rules belong to those nations. None of those countries are claiming any area that falls under Chinese EEZ.

then try to argue with the facts, not with my personality.

WHich of what I stated above is not a fact? You're entitleed to your opinion, but don't give me EEZ bullsh!t established only in the 1980's which the US even doesn't recognise, particularly when if it overlaps and hence contradicts to any pre-existing and long-established sovereign territory.

China is already very rich compared to those poorer countries and should therefore demonstrate its willingness to engage those nations in a just, fair and equitable solution to the SCS dispute thereby showing its commitment to its slogan of 'peaceful rise'.

That's exactly what China has done since 1980s when the Viets and Pinoys came out of nowhere starting to enroaching China's SCS without any shred of sovereign basis. You ought to thank to China's patience and courtesy, If it were another country, WAR would break out already years ago.

Your nationalistic fervor in your posts is bordering on fascism to say the least. Looks like you been drinking too much Communist cool aid being fed to you by your dear censor loving, state-sponsored propaganda feeding Chinese state system. The communists are pretty skilled at feeding nationalism to simpletons like you so that you can keep your gaze focused on nations outside your borders while ignoring the lack of freedoms inside those borders.

I grew up in Europe since I was 6. Don't give me any bullcrap of commie -sponsored cool aid, will yer?

Again, direct your argument at those facts i raised , not ad-hom personal attack, ( again!?), on my personlity or beliefs or skills or which positions I like with my gals in which day... it's none of your bloody business. Thank you very much!

You come on these forums and try to air your views openly and your views are accepted here, while if you were to air any dissenting views over Tibet, Taiwan, Tiananmen in China, you would never see the light of day again.

Buta a fact is a factual. Whether you'll see any daylight here depending on the strenghth and cohenrance of your arguements when presenting, not the strenghth of your Che Guevera-alike enthusiasm

You want to bask in the glory of ancient China by claiming kinship with the dynasties of the old, try working on your internal issues and open up your society instead of brow-beating smaller nations.

yes, I do want to bask in teh glory of ancient and current continuity of the Middle Kingkom's sovereign territories. i am proud of it. What's wrong with that? oh, you don't have it yourself, do you? is this jealousy what's all about?

That, however, doesn't give you any moral authority trying to lecture me here on the "openess and fairness". How open or how fair China today is , or not, again, has bloody jack to do with China's historical and current sovereign territories and claims.

And my society, Nederlands and Belgium, the countries where I grew up, have so much openess and fairness that one can openly smoking marijuana or any class B drugs, how about that, huh?

Browbeating smaller nations? :omghaha: browbeating whom? for what? try to get out more instead of reading NYT and CBC alike mainstream Jewish-neocon-sponsored warmongering propanganda.

Never heard of any victum browbeats their house-intruders, acutally in most case they shoot them straight away - no matter how poor and how rightful the house-intruders claim to be, they are still house-intruders and thiefs.

Research your SCS facts, get your facts straight , and present your SCS facts in your arguments, instead of opening that ad-hom-attack mouth again with empty cool aid slogans, I'd advice you.
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So you are saying you are no better than the United States and you want to be just like them? I see...
Which superpower is saint. Care to give example? Or you want to say Soviet Union is the righteous of nation?

Or u think the British empire colonizing is the act of spreading civilization with no ill intent?

At least China do not poke it's nose into other business unlike USA going around acting police and impose its will.
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and the proof you've just provided is marked with , and only with, Chinese characters allover. :omghaha:

you know why so? becuase there were no "Vietnamese" letters at that time! 2,000 yrs too late?:lol:

thank you for providing this map evidence showing SCS has belonged to China since its origin! :D

Chinese characters 漢字 made by Han people 漢民. Han people, who lived originally before 2,000 year in Middle Terrain
中元, in northern of China. :enjoy:

The map stated " 交趾芥" : Jiao Zhi border. It does mean that Jiao Zhi country has border, it is separated from China in ancient time. and 交趾洋 it does mean that there is the Sea of Jiao Zhi people. :enjoy:

The word Nan Hai 南海 mean southern sea. It doésn't mean It is sea òf China, no word mean China in this.:enjoy:
China Affirms Sovereignty Amid US Pressure on Island Dispute

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi rebuked US State Secretary John Kerry's effort to limit what the US has called "manufacturing sovereignty" in the South China Sea.

China refused to back down to US Secretary of State John Kerry's demands that the country stops land reclamation on islands in the South China Sea.

The United States has been increasingly critical of China's activities in the South China Sea, which have included building up artificial islands in the area disputed by China, the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries. China does not consider the United States a party to the South China Sea dispute.

"I would like to reaffirm that China's determination to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity is as hard as a rock," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

China considers infrastructure improvements on islands in the South China Sea within its sovereign rights. Other countries involved in the dispute have also built up infrastructure and land reclamation efforts on islands.

"The United States has for long turned a blind eye to some other claimants' large-scale schemes to "manufacture sovereignty" — as senior U.S. diplomat Daniel Russel recently accused China of doing — on Chinese sovereign islands," state news agency Xinhua said in a commentary.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius was also in Beijing on Saturday to discuss climate change ahead of a summit on the issue in Paris.

Read more: China Affirms Sovereignty Amid US Pressure on Island Dispute / Sputnik International
Members here should be considerate of others' points of view. Instead of proactively condemning points of view, rather, should evade personal insult posts, and cultivate a culture that encourages respectful debate. Thanks for sharing your view @NaMaloom , its great to have more objective posters here.

And yet the only member resorting to personal insult is the said "objective poster."

I say this as an objective observer.
International Law isn't perfect. Anyone who tells you that will be lying to you. But it is there, and it largely works. If every country in the world started doing whatever it wants on a whim, there would be no countries left.

And since you exhibit quite clearly your disregard for International Law, I guess you are saying in other words, China's commitment to a 'peaceful rise' is nonsense? I see..
International law. Big word from a fake friend. LOL Now listen, what international law did we break. Give me some answer. Don't run away from me. LOL
I don't know if it is sheer stupidity or bravery on part of Vietnam that wants to carve out a massive piece of Chinese territorial waters.

And based on whatever fraudulent claims Vietnam has, how does it plan to enforce it? Seize islands through force? By using any type of military means, Vietnam is openly inviting China to seize everything. Winner takes all. Instead, Vietnam should recognize China's historical claims and learn to live with the reality and cooperate with China instead. Everyone benefits.
Last update 10:56 | 12/05/2015
The fallacy of China in the East Sea

VietNamNet Bridge - China cannot compare its illegal acts to expand reefs and build artificial islands in the East Sea with Vietnam’s legal activities in Truong Sa (Spratlys) Islands.

In the past two weeks, to justify its illegal construction activities in Spratly Islands, China argued that Vietnam and other countries in the region had done that so they also had the right to do it similarly.

On May 4, the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the Philippines violated the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) through the construction of large-scale military and civilian facilities, including airports, ports and barracks.

The aforementioned arguments of Beijing were vehemently denied by observers. Experts said that China’s land reclamation and construction of artificial islands on the large scale is violating the DOC. More importantly, China has no basis to compare its acts to change the current status with the construction activities of the neighboring countries.

Turn nothing into something

Gregory Poling, from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, USA) pointed out: "In Spratly Islands, China is the only country to build the islands from the entities that were formerly submerged and in the process of construction it caused enormous ecological damage. Other countries in the region have also renovated islands in a limited way, but in nature their activities are entirely different from what Beijing is doing: turning nothing into something."

Emphasizing the aspect "turn nothing into something," Dr. Zachary Abuza (expert on security in Southeast Asia, America) added: "China is also scheming to use these islands to justify its economic exclusive zone. And more importantly, the development of these islands is purely for military purposes and as a basis for claiming the Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ). This is the key difference."

China cannot compare its acts with Vietnam’s. Dr. Tran Cong Truc, former Head of the Border Frontier Committee, said: "Vietnam is the owner of the Spratlys Islands. Vietnamese people have been living, building, governing, and protecting the islands for hundreds of years, at least since the 17th century and Vietnam’s construction and upgraded works serve people, economics, security and defense ... on its land is totally normal, not activities that change the status quo, making the situation in the East Sea more tense."

He added: "And how about China? They have just occupied some entities in the northwest of the islands since 1988; their acts to turn these reefs into islands for the purpose of military attack, in order to dominate the East Sea have not only violated the sovereignty of Vietnam but also broken the commitments recorded in article 4 and article 5 of the DOC. Therefore their illegal acts cannot be equated with the legitimate activities of Vietnam".

Last update 10:56 | 12/05/2015
The fallacy of China in the East Sea

VietNamNet Bridge - China cannot compare its illegal acts to expand reefs and build artificial islands in the East Sea with Vietnam’s legal activities in Truong Sa (Spratlys) Islands.

In the past two weeks, to justify its illegal construction activities in Spratly Islands, China argued that Vietnam and other countries in the region had done that so they also had the right to do it similarly.

On May 4, the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the Philippines violated the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) through the construction of large-scale military and civilian facilities, including airports, ports and barracks.

The aforementioned arguments of Beijing were vehemently denied by observers. Experts said that China’s land reclamation and construction of artificial islands on the large scale is violating the DOC. More importantly, China has no basis to compare its acts to change the current status with the construction activities of the neighboring countries.

Turn nothing into something

Gregory Poling, from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, USA) pointed out: "In Spratly Islands, China is the only country to build the islands from the entities that were formerly submerged and in the process of construction it caused enormous ecological damage. Other countries in the region have also renovated islands in a limited way, but in nature their activities are entirely different from what Beijing is doing: turning nothing into something."

Emphasizing the aspect "turn nothing into something," Dr. Zachary Abuza (expert on security in Southeast Asia, America) added: "China is also scheming to use these islands to justify its economic exclusive zone. And more importantly, the development of these islands is purely for military purposes and as a basis for claiming the Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ). This is the key difference."

China cannot compare its acts with Vietnam’s. Dr. Tran Cong Truc, former Head of the Border Frontier Committee, said: "Vietnam is the owner of the Spratlys Islands. Vietnamese people have been living, building, governing, and protecting the islands for hundreds of years, at least since the 17th century and Vietnam’s construction and upgraded works serve people, economics, security and defense ... on its land is totally normal, not activities that change the status quo, making the situation in the East Sea more tense."

He added: "And how about China? They have just occupied some entities in the northwest of the islands since 1988; their acts to turn these reefs into islands for the purpose of military attack, in order to dominate the East Sea have not only violated the sovereignty of Vietnam but also broken the commitments recorded in article 4 and article 5 of the DOC. Therefore their illegal acts cannot be equated with the legitimate activities of Vietnam".

Lol... Who are these expert to gauge what action is illegal or not? Now the so called idiot claim enlarge island is not illegal and will not cause Eco damage? And other countries enlargement is not for military installation? Then the runaway build on enlarge islet is for F1 racing? :lol:

I pity the loser desperately posting random post desperately to hide your frustration of not able to stop China action.
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