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2015 SCS Islands/Reefs Compare Map controlled by four nations, Amazing ~!

Thanks to CNN !

China artificial islands not block free navigation in SCS, will U.S bomb them ? U.S P-8 not block Chinese building, will China fire it down ?

Won't, unless U.S bomb China first ... my opinion is, after P-8 visited these artificial islands China's building will speed up ! The 3,000m length runway will be enough to deploy China aircrafts & radar & missiles on the island, so there's no much time left to American! After few months there will be China planes flying with P-8 in the sky of SCS. :coffee:

So u can tell Uncle SAM better to bomb artificial islands, or nothing can stop China's building in SCS ... future there will be a unsinkable aircraft carrier created by Chinese.
why should the US fire the first shot?
No, you don´t get it. you should be the first who fires on a US warship and aircraft. the US plays the chicken game.

anyway, I wonder if your islands withstand the coming taiphoon season.
You mean chinese have ruled all of vietnam for over 1000 years after beating viets, divided into several time periods from 111BC until 1427AD, even afterward vietnam still regarded and acted as vassal of chinese from time to times again up until arrival of French. On the other hand Japanese never even managed to finish the conflict which they have started, more so they have lost before they could set up effective rule after pacifying the conquered territories(Taiwan being the only exception). Then again viets wont be able to tell the difference(s).

There was conflicts Viet-Han in the past. how many rebels had been done in this time over 1,000 year of domination ? in fact our warlords controlled the country. Han Chinese could taken a relax in the Hanoi and received a tax money. Important is that Han Chinese went home at the end in 938 ACD.

Viet has paid a tribute to China, yes; it is like briber money for peace. In reality there were no-han dynasties in China. Tang from Turks, Yuan from Mongolian and Qing from Manchurian.

I can say: we given a gifts to China for normal diplomacy of Viet-Han in our history. Its reported that Viet envoyer brought back more than what "tribute" Viet has given to China Emperor.
why should the US fire the first shot?
No, you don´t get it. you should be the first who fires on a US warship and aircraft. the US plays the chicken game.

anyway, I wonder if your islands withstand the coming taiphoon season.
Once again,China is busy in building artificial islands as far as u saw, no time to start a war first.
China artificial islands not block free navigation in SCS, will U.S bomb them ? U.S P-8 not block Chinese building, will China fire it down ?

Won't, unless U.S bomb China first ... my opinion is, after P-8 visited these artificial islands China's building will speed up ! The 3,000m length runway will be enough to deploy China aircrafts & radar & missiles on the island, so there's no much time left to American! After few months there will be China planes flying with P-8 in the sky of SCS. :coffee:

So u can tell Uncle SAM better to bomb artificial islands, or nothing can stop China's building in SCS ... future there will be a unsinkable aircraft carrier created by Chinese.

That's the gist of the matter.

What is the point of taking some pictures? China has already served a number of pictures of the island development efforts for free through its new agency. They could have simply asked.

After the CNN crew took some videos on board of the surveillance plane, I should tell you, China continued with construction. Would you like to take another picture because, you know, topography changes.

Sooner than later, China's planes will be able to accompany the CNN crew in the sky and will perhaps invite them to shoot the pictures of the new newly-built islands.

Just follow us.


why should the US fire the first shot?
No, you don´t get it. you should be the first who fires on a US warship and aircraft. the US plays the chicken game.

anyway, I wonder if your islands withstand the coming taiphoon season.

Sorry, but our hands are really full with development efforts. Can you see the density of the construction courtesy of CNN?

We won't fire at them. And they won't stop us. Gentlemen's agreement.
七洲洋 in map you posted here is the small sea related only to the 七洲 islets in coastal of China as I said before. in the map I posted in my early post.

<大越史略>1377 is copied from <大越史记>1272 and the paragraph for Tran Dynasty is added. This history book found in China. Chinese didn't like the word <大越>, great Viets. so that the origin title <大越史略> is changed to <越史略> by Chinese.

View attachment 223203
only for 七洲? evidence?
<大越史略>? evidence like old books? Or archeology evidence?
You have no evidence then it's just your word and nothing more.
only for 七洲? evidence?
<大越史略>? evidence like old books? Or archeology evidence?
You have no evidence then it's just your word and nothing more.

七洲洋 related to 七洲 islets only. It is Paratas islets of Dong Sha 東沙群島 in Chinese, in EZZ of China.

七洲洋 related to 七洲 islets only. It is Paratas islets of Dong Sha 東沙群島 in Chinese, in EZZ of China.

Is this all you got? Just some hand draw pictures? How can you sure this is 七洲洋? Is this how you make up things in Vietnam? Just someone told?
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Is this all you got? Just some hand draw pictures? How can you sure this is 七洲洋? Is this how you make up things in Vietnam? Just someone told?

My answer is for your request, where is七洲 and 七洲洋 and our debate is about chinese old map.
It's pretty amazing that we're building so fast! Saw a news report a year or two back on the science of land reclamation, next thing we know, these islands are springing up like spring onions. Hehehe. :enjoy:
It's pretty amazing that we're building so fast! Saw a news report a year or two back on the science of land reclamation, next thing we know, these islands are springing up like spring onions. Hehehe. :enjoy:

Next time CNN is embedded to a patrol over the SCS, they will be surprised at the speed of China's build-up. That's our promise to our friends. LOL.
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