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Though i am Very new here and Very immature to comment, who is the Best & Who will win.

But going thru all replies here.............. I feel Best suited for us is EUROFIGHTER.
Mig -35 is not coming anytime soon

As u have known all the firms like Sukhoi, Mig, Yak... are merged in one company last year. So all their focus in now on PAK-FA.

Mig-29K might get the technology og Mig-35.
Mig is also working on Mig 1.44/Indian AMCA.
Mig -35 is not coming anytime soon

As u have known all the firms like Sukhoi, Mig, Yak... are merged in one company last year. So all their focus in now on PAK-FA.

Mig-29K might get the technology og Mig-35.
Mig is also working on Mig 1.44/Indian AMCA.

Mig 1.44 is russian f-22 and
Su Pak Fa is indo-russian f-35(when comes to stealth)/f22(during air superiority)
Mikoyan is not working on Indian amca. Amca is our pride , our future indigenous 5gfa.
what iaf requires is 800(40 squadrons) fighter aircraft which can be extended to 1200(60 squadrons) after 2050.
My analysis of future IAF
2010- Total aircraft-636 , Effective aircraft(Su30,Mig29,Mirage,Jaguar)-413, Next to be retired:Mig21,Mig27,Jaguar
Any one can attack india easily before 2020. After wards india will be tuffest opponent.

Interceptor . Mig21 bison -121 .121
Multirole/airsuperiority . Su30mk/mk2 - 42, su30mki-82 .124
Fighter aircraft . Mig29S- 69, Mirage 2000H- 51 .120
Ground attack . JaguarIM-169 , Mig 27UPG-102 .271

2020- Total aircraft-738 , Effective aircraft(Su30,Super30,MMRCA,Tejas)-498, Next to be retired:Jaguar,Mirage,Mig29's
India is self sufficient. We are defensive, no one can dare to attack us

Interceptor . Tejas Mk1-40,Tejas Mk2-30 .70
Multirole/airsuperiority . MMRCA-126 ,Sukhoi su30 super-180 .306
Fighter aircraft . Su30mki-124 ,Mig29S- 69 .193
Ground attack . Jaguar upgraded-100, Mirage 2000H- 51,PakFa-18 .171

2030- Total aircraft-820 , Effective aircraft(Su30,super30,Tejas,Indian bomber,Russian bomber,Pakfa,fgfa,MMRCA)-820, Next to be retired:No retirement, Only upgrades
Dont touch India u'll die. India can stop attacks from neighbours.

Interceptor . Tejas Mk1-40,Tejas mk2-100 .140
Multirole/airsuperiority . Pakfa-50,Fgfa-50,Sukhoi su30 super-204 .304
Fighter aircraft . MMRCA-126 ,Su30mki-100 .226
Ground attack . Indeginous bomber-50,Sukhoi/ Mig bomber-100 .150

2040- Total aircraft-1270 , Effective aircraft(Su30,super30,TejasMk2,Indian bomber,Russian bomber,Pakfa,fgfa,Amca)-1104, Next to be retired:MMRCA will be upgraded to strike attack ,Tejas Mk1
Stealth rules india.IAF becomes attack airforce. More than sufficient airforce. India can attack deep in china.

Interceptor . Tejas Mk1-40,Tejas Mk2-150 .190
Multirole/airsuperiority . Fgfa-250,Sukhoi su30 super-254 .504
Fighter aircraft . Pakfa-50,Amca-100,Su30mki-50 .200
Ground attack . MMRCA-126,Indeginous bomber-150,Sukhoi/Mig bomber-100 .376

2050- Total aircraft-1370 , Effective aircraft(super30,Tejas,Indian bomber,Russian bomber,Pakfa,fgfa,MMRCA,Stealth bomber)-1020, Next to be retired:MMRCA,Su30's
Inducts more stealthy crafts. Gets ready for 6th gen aircrafts. Neighbours scare from India.India can attack china and pakistan simuntaneously!

Interceptor . Tejas Mk2-150, MMRCA-100 .250
Multirole/airsuperiority . Fgfa-250,Amca-200 .450
Fighter aircraft . Pak fa-50,Su30 most advanced-250 .300
Ground attack . Tejas Mk3-50,Stealth bomber-20,Indeginous bomber-200,Russian bomber-100 .370

Then onwards non stealthy aircrafts will be slowly replaced by stealthy ones and 6th gen aircrafts.
In 2060 su30's becomes 2010 mig21's and the story continues.....
*Effective aircraft refers to good aircraft at that time.
I expect mmrca winner would be rafale with aesa/gripen ng/2 mig35's
which give full tot
I expect mmrca winner would be rafale with aesa/gripen ng/2 mig35's
which give full tot

Mig-35 doest not exists, its Mig-29ovt and without Indian interest it wont see the light of the day, Tejas mk2 will be more or less comparable to Gripen, so no point for having two aircraft of same caliber.
Mig-35 doest not exists, its Mig-29ovt and without Indian interest it wont see the light of the day, Tejas mk2 will be more or less comparable to Gripen, so no point for having two aircraft of same caliber.

10 prototypes of mig35 were built.
It does exist .
Rafale is more costly and no aesa, with aesa radar its cost would bang up. Same with eurofighter that too with 60% tot only.
10 prototypes of mig35 were built.
It does exist .

No it doesn't!

The Mig 35 demonstrator that is often shown on air shows is just an older Mig 29M/M2 which is the base for the further developed Mig 29K/KUB and the planned Mig 35.

It's easy to see if you compare the serial numbers of the Mig 29M2 and the Mig 35 demo (on top of the tail fins, or on the sides of the air intakes):




The fighters that were fielded in the MMRCA trials instead were just modified Mig 29K/KUBs (you can tell by the provisions for the arresting hook, between the engines for example):




As simple as it is, if India don't buy it, there is not a single other country that is interested in the Mig 35, not even Russia itself! That's why it's not worth for Mig to develop a real prototype, just like it's not worth for Saab with Gripen E/F.
A tech demonstrator instead like Mig 35 (154), or Gripen NG are only older versions with slight modifications, to test, or show future capabilities, be it of Gripen E/F, or Mig 35, or even more likely simple upgrades of Gripen C/Ds, or Mig 29K / KUBs.

P.S. check MMRCA thread for RBE 2 AESA radar, there are several sources posted, that shows it's developed and already in production.
No it doesn't!

The Mig 35 demonstrator that is often shown on air shows is just an older Mig 29M/M2 which is the base for the further developed Mig 29K/KUB and the planned Mig 35.

It's easy to see if you compare the serial numbers of the Mig 29M2 and the Mig 35 demo (on top of the tail fins, or on the sides of the air intakes):




The fighters that were fielded in the MMRCA trials instead were just modified Mig 29K/KUBs (you can tell by the provisions for the arresting hook, between the engines for example):




As simple as it is, if India don't buy it, there is not a single other country that is interested in the Mig 35, not even Russia itself! That's why it's not worth for Mig to develop a real prototype, just like it's not worth for Saab with Gripen E/F.
A tech demonstrator instead like Mig 35 (154), or Gripen NG are only older versions with slight modifications, to test, or show future capabilities, be it of Gripen E/F, or Mig 35, or even more likely simple upgrades of Gripen C/Ds, or Mig 29K / KUBs.

P.S. check MMRCA thread for RBE 2 AESA radar, there are several sources posted, that shows it's developed and already in production.

even when su35 was rejected by india. every one though it as end. But u know it was ordered by russia recently and it developed su37,47......... from su35..........
There is nothing like su30mki when india ordered for su30mki.
So as Mig35 situation .
Remember it is prototype and prototype can even be like mig21.
U cant say it is not prototype.
It is lsp1,lsp2.....,lsp10
The 10 which were built are not inducted in RuAF. Are mig29's not in RuAF?
Then if it is upgraded mig29 it must be working with AF.
so they were prototypes.
Remember it is prototype and prototype can even be like mig21.
U cant say it is not prototype.
It is lsp1,lsp2.....,lsp10
The 10 which were built are not inducted in RuAF. Are mig29's not in RuAF?
Then if it is upgraded mig29 it must be working with AF.
so they were prototypes.

Again, there is a difference between a real prototype of the final Mig 35, or a modified Mig 29K, that can use the same techs!
So far they are just showing that the techs (AESA radar, integrated LDP, avionics) can be used in later versions of Mig 29K (that's why they won't work with AF and if at all with RuN), with minor modifications. That's it!
There is no prototype that has the 4 wing stations, because that needs a redesign of the wing, that has to be bigger as well, there is still only the old Mig 29OVT prototype that used the TVC nozzels and not even the Mig 29K modifications have them.
Same for Gripen NG, some modifications are done, but it has no IRST, no LDP, wings are also the older once, the final prototype needs bigger size wings, because auf the redesign of the gear bays...

The fact remains, there are no real prototypes of the Mig 35, or the Gripen E/F!
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