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1971 war crimes: Bangladesh set to hang JI leader

It is actually internet hindus from India who should feel shame(which they won't) for two reasons

1 For celebrating a judicial murder
2 Supporting a mas murderer and religious fascist for PM of India.
I agree, but I was criticizing to his abusing Gandhi

bro see this guys post is it right for him to abuse a national leader ?

No ghandi use to f.u.u.c.k his own *** from Jew.
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As I already said it's not my claim it's Guardian claim that ghandi was guy.
why are you asking me ? ask them lol

see that's the point, shouldn't you have asked them instead of quoting me as to why did they put the words detained ,Held & why did his party members said so
hey I just posted a news, how would I know ?
I agree, but I was criticizing to his abusing Gandhi

I never abused Ghandi I just quoted newspaper for him being rapist and guy on this basis he should also be hang for being patriotic to India. I criticized the way Indians were happy for judicial killing.
@BDforever Writer gathered these testimonies from witnesses. Arguing on a petty point proves one thing, that you can not stand truth. Bangladeshi government doesn't denied the content of books which further corroborates the authenticity of the book.

Continue to live in denial like I said
petty point what ? that documentation started with fk news, do you know how credibility goes down with that ? mukti bahini never had dress code, even if author mentioned them as indian troop, it would make credible. A strong documentation starts with strong creditable info. You studied, so you better know that you have to start well in writing test to get teacher's/reader's good attention. And talking about bd govt. deniel ? bd and pak do not care each other's acquisition, forget about rest of stuff, they just watch.

see that's the point, shouldn't you have asked them instead of quoting me as to why did they put the words detained ,Held & why did his party members said so
hey I just posted a news, how would I know ?
welcome to Bangladesh's info politics :D
petty point what ? that documentation started with fk news, do you know how credibility goes down with that ? mukti bahini never had dress code, even if author mentioned them as indian troop, it would make credible. A strong documentation starts with strong creditable info. You studied, so you better know that you have to start well in writing test to get teacher's/reader's good attention. And talking about bd govt. deniel ? bd and pak do not care each other's acquisition, forget about rest of stuff, they just watch.

welcome to Bangladesh's info politics :D

you really are in petty and gross denial

inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon. May Allah accept him among the shaheed and may he find eternal peace. He died like a lion while reading kalima-e-shahdat.

However peace may not return to Bangladesh anytime soon.
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May this Mujahid i Pakistan rest in peace.

اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِحَيِّنَا وَمَيِّتِنَا وَشَاهِدِنَا وَغَائِبِنَا

وَصَغِيرِنَا وَكَبِيرِنَا وَذَكَرِنَا وَأُنْثَانَا

اللَّهُمَّ مَنْ أَحْيَيْته مِنَّا فَأَحْيِهِ عَلَى الْإِسْلَامِ

وَمَنْ تَوَفَّيْته مِنَّا فَتَوَفَّهُ عَلَى الْإِيمَانِ
People here praying for a terrorist who killed many.
He is burning in the fires of hell at the moment.

And then they wonder why Muslims are misunderstood globally.
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People here praying for a terrorist who killed many.

And then they wonder why Muslims are misunderstood globally.

If you don't understand muslims, see an effin shrink.

Maybe he will be able to tell you wtf is wrong with you, like why you hate Muslims so much.
If you don't understand muslims, see an effin shrink.

Maybe he will be able to tell you wtf is wrong with you, like why you hate Muslims so much.
That terrorist leader of JeI deserved to be hanged.
Its good he is dead. He will burn in hell fire for all eternity.

Any who support him are terrorist sympathizers and the countries in which they stay in the West need to be notified about these terrorist sympathizers on their soil.
That terrorist leader of JeI deserved to be hanged.
Its good he is dead. He will burn in hell fire for all eternity.

Any who support him are terrorist sympathizers and the countries in which they stay in the West need to be notified about these terrorist sympathizers on their soil.

So says a Muslim killing Hitler loving Modi lover.
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