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1971 and a bit of alternative history. What if Sheik Mujib became PM of Pakistan

A "war" that an independent Pakistan helped create.
Yeah we requested Afghan governments to arm and fund insurgents in Baluchistan and frontier.(1970s)

We also requested 40th Army to invade Kabul.

Then we requested the world to leave Afghanistan in a mess instead of brokering a peace talk.

Then we requested Massood and Hekmetyar to fight each other like mangy dogs and devastate Kabul in process.

Then we made a mistake by requesting Mullah Omer to hand over Bin Laden.

Then we requested US to invade.
Yeah we requested Afghan governments to arm and fund insurgents in Baluchistan and frontier.(1970s)

We also requested 40th Army to invade Kabul.

Then we requested the world to leave Afghanistan in a mess instead of brokering a peace talk.

Then we requested Massood and Hekmetyar to fight each other like mangy dogs and devastate Kabul in process.

Then we made a mistake by requesting Mullah Omer to hand over Bin Laden.

Then we requested US to invade.

Dude, please take responsibility as you have been an independent country since 1947, and had access to BD resources from 1947-1971.
By whom?
Nobody gives a rats @ss.

Bongas can't prove anything---All that was shown in the name of proofs was pictures of those who died in floods plus so called first hand accounts which were no more than fairy tales coming straight out of someone's "fertile" imagination.

As I said earlier, it is humanely impossible for such a small force(Posse) to eliminate so many people.
35000 men and a squardon of lightly armed F86---Guarding the border, running civil administration fighting Mukti terrorists and killing and raping at the same time---
Were your lot like sheep and cattle in a slaughterhouse getting ready to get their throats slit at an assembly line?
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That number couldn't be achieved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya combined.
That number couldn't be achieved in 8 years of Iran-Iraq war.
That number couldn't be achieved after 7 years of bloodshed in Syria.
That number couldn't be achieved in Bosnia where a real genocide happened.

But critical thinking is a trait rarely found in sonar bangla I guess.

There were 3 Divisions and a squardon of PAF.
14th, 9th and 16th Infantry Divisions---Lack of tanks and artillery.

That Brave Muktibhai needed the help of some 200,000 Indian soldiers and some 11 IAF squardons to achieve their freedom despite outnumbering Pakistani forces by a great margin.

Here are some typical Pakistanis
US congressman, Charles Wilson (famous for Charlie Wilson’s War) in a discussion with Pakistani diplomats in Washington DC remarked.

“……In 1971, it was certainly not possible for the 35,000 Pakistani troops in Dhaka to fight against the combined strength of 200,000 Indian army and the more than 100,000 Indian-trained Bengali guerillas.”

Another US congressman, Stephen Solarz, commenting on the War of 1971 in June 1989, remarked,

Pakistanis are energetic, vibrant, and resilient. We must not be misled by 1971. It was certainly not possible for the 40,000 odd Pakistani army in Dhaka to fight against much larger Indian army and Indian-trained Bengali Bahinis in a hostile territory ….”

And finally, cherry on top!
K C Pant, Indian former Defense Minister in September, 1994 during a discussion on Indo-Pak relations held in New Delhi, said

Peace is important between Pakistan and India. We respect the professional competence of the Pakistani soldier. Had democracy continued in Pakistan, Islamabad would not have suffered the debacle resulting in the surrender of its 40,000 military personnel to India in East Pakistan”.

That's why your women work as maids for Arab Sheikhs ?

That's why your women have sold their bodies in Calcutta ?

That's why your people in their millions have to travel to India for menial jobs?

That's why your pole vaulting brigade get's a mauling by BSF every now and then?
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economic powerhouse, my @ss.
Now get out of this Pakistani forum and massage your ego with misleading figures provided by your govt for local consumption.
@Desert Fox @django @Nilgiri
Mujib formed a committee to come up with a # for BD casualties after the creation of BD. Their own number is ~230K. As for the ethnic cleansing style genocide of the Mujajirs, done by a large number of BD folks, 500K to 1m were mercilessly killed, not to mention raping and maiming. Once the mob entered into a Muhajir house it meant wanton raping, maiming and killing. Old, women, kids, babies - none were spared. What they did to the Muhajir women will put even the RSS folks into shame! In fact the Muhajir genocide started in the 1st week of March, '71 at the instigation of Mujib and his cohorts in a very well pre-planned and systematic manner. The Pak Army action to put a stop to it came too late and too little. It was so horrible that the correct information was suppressed by the authorities; otherwise, not a single Bengali folk could have come out alive from the West Pak....
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Another US congressman, Stephen Solarz, commenting on the War of 1971 in June 1989, remarked,

Pakistanis are energetic, vibrant, and resilient. We must not be misled by 1971. It was certainly not possible for the 40,000 odd Pakistani army in Dhaka to fight against much larger Indian army and Indian-trained Bengali Bahinis in a hostile territory ….”

Why you did not open the western front then?
Alhamdulilah things are good now and Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are best friends the world over. Whether in US, Canada, UK, UAE, KSA, Qatar.

When I lived in London, I used to go to a Bangladeshi masjid whose khutbah was in Bangla. I had no problem praying with those wonderful fellows.

Time is the best healer. We are on the same page. I hope BD gets better leaders than Hasina.

Usually Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi Muslims share same Masjid.
Hmmm... the unity of Pakistan would have been saved, Pakistan as a country would be taken more seriously on the world stage.

Perhaps both the wings could have made Pakistan a great country, if we wanted to make it work.

but unfortunately the traitors destroyed Pakistan.

Agreed with you. Bangladeshis and Indians cannot use the ethnic card in Pakistani politics anymore.

We have a Pathan PM and he is liked by pretty much everyone.

Secondly I agree with @Horus , East Pakistan should have been given autonomy of some sort.

In 1954 1 USD was equal to 3PKR.

Imagine the potential we lost.
By whom?
Nobody gives a rats @ss.

Bongas can't prove anything---All that was shown in the name of proofs was pictures of those who died in floods plus so called first hand accounts which were no more than fairy tales coming straight out of someone's "fertile" imagination.

As I said earlier, it is humanely impossible for such a small force(Posse) to eliminate so many people.
35000 men and a squardon of lightly armed F86---Guarding the border, running civil administration fighting Mukti terrorists and killing and raping at the same time---
Were your lot like sheep and cattle in a slaughterhouse getting ready to get their throats slit at an assembly line?
View attachment 501335

That number couldn't be achieved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya combined.
That number couldn't be achieved in 8 years of Iran-Iraq war.
That number couldn't be achieved after 7 years of bloodshed in Syria.
That number couldn't be achieved in Bosnia where a real genocide happened.

But critical thinking is a trait rarely found in sonar bangla I guess.

There were 3 Divisions and a squardon of PAF.
14th, 9th and 16th Infantry Divisions---Lack of tanks and artillery.

That Brave Muktibhai needed the help of some 200,000 Indian soldiers and some 11 IAF squardons to achieve their freedom despite outnumbering Pakistani forces by a great margin.

Here are some typical Pakistanis
US congressman, Charles Wilson (famous for Charlie Wilson’s War) in a discussion with Pakistani diplomats in Washington DC remarked.

“……In 1971, it was certainly not possible for the 35,000 Pakistani troops in Dhaka to fight against the combined strength of 200,000 Indian army and the more than 100,000 Indian-trained Bengali guerillas.”

Another US congressman, Stephen Solarz, commenting on the War of 1971 in June 1989, remarked,

Pakistanis are energetic, vibrant, and resilient. We must not be misled by 1971. It was certainly not possible for the 40,000 odd Pakistani army in Dhaka to fight against much larger Indian army and Indian-trained Bengali Bahinis in a hostile territory ….”

And finally, cherry on top!
K C Pant, Indian former Defense Minister in September, 1994 during a discussion on Indo-Pak relations held in New Delhi, said

Peace is important between Pakistan and India. We respect the professional competence of the Pakistani soldier. Had democracy continued in Pakistan, Islamabad would not have suffered the debacle resulting in the surrender of its 40,000 military personnel to India in East Pakistan”.

That's why your women work as maids for Arab Sheikhs ?

That's why your women have sold their bodies in Calcutta ?

That's why your people in their millions have to travel to India for menial jobs?

That's why your pole vaulting brigade get's a mauling by BSF every now and then?
View attachment 501336

economic powerhouse, my @ss.
Now get out of this Pakistani forum and massage your ego with misleading figures provided by your govt for local consumption.
@Desert Fox @django @Nilgiri
Sam Manekshaw summed up brilliantly the performance of Pak army in Gangladesh sorry "cough" "cough" Benglerdesh, how could 30,000 jawans over a thousand miles from home in an alien Ganga land be expected to successfully resist a huge Indian force which had all the necessary logistics in place and add to that a hostile population who saw our boys as ALIEN to them in every sense of the word (and you know what for once Benglerdeshis were right, the Pakistan jawan epitomised the quintessential Indus chap), taking all this into account we fought valiantly as good old Sam stated BTW when an ultra-hawk on Pakistan like Solarz praises Pak army performance you know they "left it all on the field".Kudos bro
Everything was good if only the Bengalis were in charge??
Guess those trips to calcutta by many Bengalis right after partition were all about good.
It is only because of the current AL government that BD has this kind of development - per capita growth nearly 7% a year.

You need one party in power for many terms to do anything in a 3rd world country - see what happened in Taiwan, S Korea, Malaysia etc under one party rule.

AL MUST win this election or otherwise BD's economic progress may halt or even reverse.

So democracy is only needed when Awami is in opposition otherwise its in pause mode. Is that it? Money talk and BS Walk type of crap your are spewing here.

I have no problem if Awami win next election or any future election so long it’s chosen by the people of the republic under a fair election where all parties given equal chance to compete.

If Awami attempt to repeat the same style election as the last one, I suggest don’t waste state money. Just do what Mujib did and be done with it.

What a Bloody pathetic mentality Awami people has.
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So democracy is only needed when Awami is in opposition otherwise its in pause mode. Is that it? Money talk and BS Walk type of crap your are sowing here.

I have no problem if Awami win next election or any future election so long it’s chosen by the people of the republic under a fair election where all parties given equal chance to compete.

If Awami attempt to repeat the same style election as the last one, I suggest don’t waste state money. Just do what Mujib did and be done with it.

What a Bloody pathetic mentality Awami people has.

3rd world country cannot afford luxury of democracy.

BD is fortunate that the constant AL/BNP 5 year rotation is over and GDP is growing at around 8% a year. No reason why a unitary state like BD cannot develop much faster than multi-ethnic ones like Pakistan and India.

Let AL rule for another 5 years at least and then it may be safe for someone else to have a chance.
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