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1971 and a bit of alternative history. What if Sheik Mujib became PM of Pakistan

This is no "card".
Majority Bengali had every right to dominate and rule Pakistan. This is the natural order.

Bengalis would have turned Pakistan into a secular and more equal society. Punjabi feudal elites did not want this(along with some racism thrown in lol) and so the split happened.

Well spoken, but along with Punjabi elites there were other types of feudal elites as well.

The fact is between East and West our values and our societies belong to and subscribes to two totally different idea pools.

Some would argue successfully (and have) that people in the East are more educated and evolved (regardless of class or wealth).

In the East people are generally more accepting of high-minded evolved egalitarian principles in terms of wealth, class, gender, whereas in the West people are more prone to accept and tolerate dated feudal behavior in terms of sardar/slave and master landowner/peasant relationships. Punjabis saw Bengalis' tolerant and innocuous behavior as an invitation to exploit feudally - and ultimately got 1971 split as payback.

But history was (and will be) the judge. Look at where these two countries are today in terms of national/political direction, health and developmental indicators and economic indicators. They tell all, good or bad.

Just like the other member pointed, 99% of the pictures that have been published are of the cyclone casualities. Just 26000 people died out of which majority were mutkia terrorists. I would agree that the vast majority of population was brainwashed and turned against Pakistan.

I'd like to get a few draws of that stuff you are smokin'. Must be good.

But seriously, please read up history before you post.
Rather than mock, maybe try and learn why BD has surpassed Pakistan in GDP per capita and is building a lead now?
In case you are unaware, we have been fighting a war for the last 17 years...Your country wouldn't last if it had to withstand 1/100th of that.
2-300,000 people were killed on all sides in 1971.
Pakistan is mainly to blame for this needless civil war.
OK. Whatever you want to believe.

At least one less three-millioner.
Pakistan would have been much more destabilise nation
Much weaker in regards to army if not already broken army wouldn't have pushed that much for nuclear power
Since Uncle sam would have stopped Pakistan with carrot
Current stalemate is because of Pakistani nuclear program which started after 1971 war
Political parties will have been more domaint in there regions becaue of language and area
Which more division in people

Many regional uprisings because of issues like cast , language , area
Mujeeb was supported by India they had leverage on him so could have already been a vessel state.

1971 was a big but if this happened today would have been much harder , division will much more swear
With all its fault , young nation has lost something , part of themeselves ,
Feeling of patriotism became much more strong
Unity became much more stronger

It was meant to be happened, good thing it was in early stages
A sense of nation which Pakistani people have today wasnt same at that time with west and east Pakistan
So how Mujeeb would have dealt with the nuke program of Pakistan which was going on behind the scene? India conducted it's first nuke test in 1974 so it would have happened during his tenure.
"Termites" have no say!!! Allah-u Azimushshan has saved Pak!!! BD folks, especially those under 100% Hindu culture/language/mindset etc. subjugation, are complete anti-thesis in all plausible aspects to what the Empire building Muslims stand for!!! Forget about nukes, even weed smoking, skirt wearing, barefooted, matriarchial Burmese would have become too much!!! The last BD Merts were ex Pak Ordu men who were fluent in Urdu!!! Can anybody realistically build a Deep State and a Deep Nation with BD folks???? Kargalar bile guler - even crows will laugh.....
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Are these the revised figures?
No. All the foreign journalists were asked to leave East Pakistan before Pakistan Army started one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind. Most of the neutral experts believe that the death toll is around that 1.5 million figure.
Yet three million slum dwelling Bengalis are begging for Pakistani citizenship.
Why doesn't your economic powerhouse take them back as a start.

Another prime example of ungrateful nature of Pakistanis in general. i agree with u regarding the fact that Pakistan is a poor country filled with slums and its not surprising to see that these bengalis have been leaving in slums like most of the other Pakistanis.

But these Bengalis who r now living in Pakistan r traitors who opposed the idea of Bangladesh and were in favor of united Pakistan and directly helped Pakistan Army in Killing innocent civilians. These traitor bengalis formed a good part of Razakar, al Badar ,Al Shams and were involved in murdering, raping, looting,vandalizing and all sorts of heinous crime one could possibly think of. They ran back to Pakistan after the humiliating defeat of Pakistan army because they knew they would be punished for their atrocity if they stayed in Bangladesh.

We r one of the fastest growing nation in Asia and have enough money to feed few hundred thousand People. We have given shelter to millions of Rohyangas and given citizenship to the children of traitor Biharis a long ago. Because we understand the fact that these children were born in independent Bangladesh and they have their right to call themselves as the citizen of Bangladesh.
No. All the foreign journalists were asked to leave East Pakistan before Pakistan Army started one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind. Most of the neutral experts believe that the death toll is around that 1.5 million figure.
I thought it was 3 million.
Where did the remaining 1.5 million go? Vanish into thin air:lol:
Yeah sure whatever.

That many didn't die in 8 years of Iran-Iraq conflict---Bashar, US, Russia combined couldn't kill that many Syrians in 7 years.
Yet Bongas believe this cock and bull story that 35000 men and a squardon of f86 wiped out 3 million as if they had nothing else to do---Or perhaps the bongas were presenting themselves standing in queue ready to be slaughtered like sheep.
Another prime example of ungrateful nature of Pakistanis in general. i agree with u regarding the fact that Pakistan is a poor country filled with slums and its not surprising to see that these bengalis have been leaving in slums like most of the other Pakistanis.
Bongla stronk

Your average homes in which the average Bongla folk live are what we consider slums.
But these Bengalis who r now living in Pakistan r traitors who opposed the idea of Bangladesh and were in favor of united Pakistan and directly helped Pakistan Army in Killing innocent civilians. These traitor bengalis formed a good part of Razakar, al Badar ,Al Shams and were involved in murdering, raping, looting,vandalizing and all sorts of heinous crime one could possibly think of. They ran back to Pakistan after the humiliating defeat of Pakistan army because they knew they would be punished for their atrocity if they stayed in Bangladesh.
Another cock and bull story.
Most were economic migrants who came in 70s, 80s and 90s.
In case you are unaware, we have been fighting a war for the last 17 years...Your country wouldn't last if it had to withstand 1/100th of that.

OK. Whatever you want to believe.

At least one less three-millioner.
U r fighting against these terrorists because u nurtured them in the past for ur own benefit. We did not. We have no good taliban- bad taliban or good ISIS-bad ISIS in our book. We consider all of them as the scum of the earth and crushed them like an insignificant pest when they tried to do radicalize our young generation.

That's the difference between these two countries. We r a progressive nation whose main goal is to become the economic Powerhouse of Asia rather than training terrorists to destabilize the neighboring countries.
U r fighting against these terrorists because u nurtured them in the past for ur own benefit. We did not. We have no good taliban- bad taliban or good ISIS-bad ISIS in our book. We consider all of them as the scum of the earth and crushed them like an insignificant pest when they tried to do radicalize our young generation.

That's the difference between these two countries. We r a progressive nation whose main goal is to become the economic Powerhouse of Asia rather than training terrorists to destabilize the neighboring countries.
Blah Blah Blah
Economic powerhouse which no one in the world knows even exists. Bangladesh, say again, is that a place?

You prefer prostrating in front of India---we had to deal with Soviets and the Afghan hell hole, US invasion, Afghan refugees and fallout of war in our West---A gift/curse of geography.
Had your lot been in place of ours, your country would have been gang r@ped over and over again---First by Soviets, then by Americans and then by Afghans. End of Bangla.

Had their been a Soviet invasion of your neighbour , you would have dealt with it by opening your legs wide open !
I thought it was 3 million.
Where did the remaining 1.5 million go? Vanish into thin air:lol:
Yeah sure whatever.

That many didn't die in 8 years of Iran-Iraq conflict---Bashar, US, Russia combined couldn't kill that many Syrians in 7 years.
Yet Bongas believe this cock and bull story that 35000 men and a squardon of f86 wiped out 3 million as if they had nothing else to do---Or perhaps the bongas were presenting themselves standing in queue ready to be slaughtered like sheep.

That is why it's called one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind. Pakistan army with the help of local Razakars burnt down village after village and killed whoever they found in front of them since they considered every single one of them as Muktijoddha. This atrocity went on for freaking 9 months. It shouldn't be a surprise even if the death toll is way more than that 1.5 million figure.

35000 pak soldiers? :lol:

Obviously this nonsense has been fed to the gullible Pakistani public in order to cover up their defeat in front of the brave muktibahi. Nobody is going to believe that BS number other than Pakistanis since its the only way they can soothe the pain of their humiliating surrender.

93 k Pakistani soldiers surrendered in front of the brave and courageous muktijoddhas and begged for mercy. Thousands of the other died during the war in the hand of our freedom fighters. Just be happy that the lives of those 93k was spared. We r a peace living nation who don't beat someone who has already surrendered. Otherwise those 93k wouldn't have managed to run back to Islamabad.

Bongla stronk
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Your average homes in which the average Bongla folk live are what we consider slums.

Another cock and bull story.
Most were economic migrants who came in 70s, 80s and 90s.
Who claimed Bangladesh as a first world country. Its a developing nation which has its fare share of poor people.

But there shouldn't be any doubt about the fact that it's still miles ahead of a bottom less basket aka Pakistan :laugh:

We have billions of dollars as foreign reserve in our bank and has the ability to undertake mega projects with our own money whereas ur ministers run from door to door in order to arrange few million dollars.

I won't even bother mentioning our literacy rate, mortality rate, export, gender equality and all sorts of other things since Pakistan is a nobody in front of us in these sectors. We r not interested to compare ourselves with someone who's already in the gutter and going deep with every passing year.

We as a country is in a different class altogether. We r going to be the economic powerhouse of Asia in next couple of decades and our competitors r countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and others. Pakistan doesn't even come in the equation. Lol.
In the East people are generally more accepting of high-minded evolved egalitarian principles in terms of wealth, class, gender, whereas in the West people are more prone to accept and tolerate dated feudal behavior in terms of sardar/slave and master landowner/peasant relationships. Punjabis saw Bengalis' tolerant and innocuous behavior as an invitation to exploit feudally - and ultimately got 1971 split as payback.

This is some serious historical revisionism here. You may not fully understand Pakistan's internal issues, but there is no reason to essentialize our history, culture, and civilization into a caricature as you have done. I keep hearing this from many critics of Pakistan, like most things it is a severe exaggeration.

But history was (and will be) the judge. Look at where these two countries are today in terms of national/political direction, health and developmental indicators and economic indicators. They tell all, good or bad.

We had to deal with two large superpowers, both of which attacked us head on using proxies and terrorism. We still defended ourselves from Indian militarism and our soldiers are still standing tall at the LoC. We never abandoned Kashmir and still support our occupied siblings. In the whole world, we are the Muslim world's top airforce and military, and its only nuclear power. Muslims from Palestine, Makkah, India, Afghanistan, Somalia, and as far as Indonesia and Morocco look up to us for guidance. Our brand has many fans.

Which external enemies did Bangladesh have post-independence? Which invasion? Which proxy wars?

Now that Pakistan has gotten out of the shadow of war, we have begun developing our society. History is not over and is continuing.

Next few years will be interesting. No reason to be arrogant. Let's wait and see.
That is why it's called one of the worst genocides in the history of mankind.
By whom?
Nobody gives a rats @ss.
It shouldn't be a surprise even if the death toll is way more than that 1.5 million figure.
Bongas can't prove anything---All that was shown in the name of proofs was pictures of those who died in floods plus so called first hand accounts which were no more than fairy tales coming straight out of someone's "fertile" imagination.

As I said earlier, it is humanely impossible for such a small force(Posse) to eliminate so many people.
35000 men and a squardon of lightly armed F86---Guarding the border, running civil administration fighting Mukti terrorists and killing and raping at the same time---
Were your lot like sheep and cattle in a slaughterhouse getting ready to get their throats slit at an assembly line?

That number couldn't be achieved in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya combined.
That number couldn't be achieved in 8 years of Iran-Iraq war.
That number couldn't be achieved after 7 years of bloodshed in Syria.
That number couldn't be achieved in Bosnia where a real genocide happened.

But critical thinking is a trait rarely found in sonar bangla I guess.
35000 pak soldiers?
There were 3 Divisions and a squardon of PAF.
14th, 9th and 16th Infantry Divisions---Lack of tanks and artillery.

Obviously this nonsense has been fed to the gullible Pakistani public in order to cover up their defeat in front of the brave muktibahi. Nobody is going to believe that BS number other than Pakistanis since its the only way they can soothe the pain of their humiliating surrender.
That Brave Muktibhai needed the help of some 200,000 Indian soldiers and some 11 IAF squardons to achieve their freedom despite outnumbering Pakistani forces by a great margin.

35000 pak soldiers? :lol:

Obviously this nonsense has been fed to the gullible Pakistani public in order to cover up their defeat in front of the brave muktibahi. Nobody is going to believe that BS number other than Pakistanis since its the only way they can soothe the pain of their humiliating surrender.
Here are some typical Pakistanis
US congressman, Charles Wilson (famous for Charlie Wilson’s War) in a discussion with Pakistani diplomats in Washington DC remarked.

“……In 1971, it was certainly not possible for the 35,000 Pakistani troops in Dhaka to fight against the combined strength of 200,000 Indian army and the more than 100,000 Indian-trained Bengali guerillas.”

Another US congressman, Stephen Solarz, commenting on the War of 1971 in June 1989, remarked,

Pakistanis are energetic, vibrant, and resilient. We must not be misled by 1971. It was certainly not possible for the 40,000 odd Pakistani army in Dhaka to fight against much larger Indian army and Indian-trained Bengali Bahinis in a hostile territory ….”

And finally, cherry on top!
K C Pant, Indian former Defense Minister in September, 1994 during a discussion on Indo-Pak relations held in New Delhi, said

Peace is important between Pakistan and India. We respect the professional competence of the Pakistani soldier. Had democracy continued in Pakistan, Islamabad would not have suffered the debacle resulting in the surrender of its 40,000 military personnel to India in East Pakistan”.
But there shouldn't be any doubt about the fact that it's still miles ahead of a bottom less basket aka Pakistan :laugh:
That's why your women work as maids for Arab Sheikhs ?

That's why your women have sold their bodies in Calcutta ?

That's why your people in their millions have to travel to India for menial jobs?

That's why your pole vaulting brigade get's a mauling by BSF every now and then?

economic powerhouse, my @ss.
Now get out of this Pakistani forum and massage your ego with misleading figures provided by your govt for local consumption.
@Desert Fox @django @Nilgiri
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In case you are unaware, we have been fighting a war for the last 17 years...Your country wouldn't last if it had to withstand 1/100th of that.

A "war" that an independent Pakistan helped create.
Need to take responsibility for your own actions.
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