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1971 and a bit of alternative history. What if Sheik Mujib became PM of Pakistan

Yet some BD ultra-nationalists still don’t stop playing this card. Currently we have a Pukhtoon PM who is the most popular in a long time.

India and BD need to stop using this BS. We are in 2018 now.

This is no "card".
Majority Bengali had every right to dominate and rule Pakistan. This is the natural order.

Bengalis would have turned Pakistan into a secular and more equal society. Punjabi feudal elites did not want this(along with some racism thrown in lol) and so the split happened.
This is no "card".
Majority Bengali had every right to dominate and rule Pakistan. This is the natural order.

Not at the expense of all other ethnicities. Bhutto was not a Punjabi, he was Sindhi.

Your reading is history is wrong.

Bengalis would have turned Pakistan into a secular and more equal society.

India was a secular country, why not just stay with them? Why did Muslim League of Bengal advocate for including East Bengal in Pakistan.

Neither Allama Iqbal nor Chaudry Rehmat Ali included Bengal in their idea for Pakistan.

Punjabi feudal elites did not want this(along with some racism thrown in lol) and so the split happened.

State propaganda, nothing more.
Not at the expense of all other ethnicities. Bhutto was not a Punjabi, he was Sindhi.

Your reading is history is wrong.

Dude, I do not think you understand how democracy works.
Majority will always dominate the minority. If there is a disagreement then the majority opinion always wins.

India was a secular country, why not just stay with them? Why did Muslim League of Bengal advocate for including East Bengal in Pakistan.

Neither Allama Iqbal nor Chaudry Rehmat Ali included Bengal in their idea for Pakistan.

Secular country that is dominated by Muslims.

State propaganda, nothing more.

Not at all.
Dude, I do not think you understand how democracy works.
Majority will always dominate the minority. If there is a disagreement then the majority opinion always wins.

My family came from Kashmir, so we understand exactly what this concept of democracy looks like. Tyranny of the majority. No thanks.

Secular country that is dominated by Muslims.

There was no need for Pakistan, then. You could have had the same in India, and been happy as Indian Muslims.

East Bengal should never have been part of Pakistan to begin with. Too much anguish on both sides to learn this issue.

Religion alone cannot unite two different people, but you need a holistic approach to a shared history, culture, civilization, and way of life.

Alhamdulilah, now we each have our own space to grow and to prove which one is the better future for Muslims: religious or secular. History will be the ultimate judge.
1970 election was the most fair election in the history of Pakistan.

@ I completely disagree with you.
@ The election of 1970 was not all a election in the true sense. The reasons are given all below:
1. Yahya came to power by conspiracy and not just Ayub handed over power to him. It was Yahya and General Pirzada who conspired and came to power in 1969. It was a silent military coup. Hence, Yahya never wanted that the any of the Muslim Groups either Convention Muslim Leaque, Council Muslim Leaque or Qayumi Muslim Leaque to come to power. Yahya was worried if these powers come to power again then he might be in a problem ?
2. Once Martial Law was imposed he soon freezed the bank accounts of all the members of 22 members of Pakistani industrial groups. All most all were the supporters of Muslim League.
3. After some times he sacked near about 500 senior members of Pakistan Civil Service on plea of corrupt officers.
4. Soon, he freezed the Central Account of fund of Convention Muslim Leaque. This Convention Muslim Leaque was the party of Ayub Khan.
5. So, the ground was free for Awami Leaque & People's Party.
On 07 December 1970, during the election day(Central) I was in Rawalpindi and on 15 December 1970 I came to the then East Pakistan and observed the election on 18 December 1970.
@ All most all the SP and DC's of East Pakistan during the time of election were Bengali. This all started due to the demand of Sk Mujib. Back in 1967/68 Ayub took a decision to pacify the Bengalese transfer all senior Bengali CSP cadre officers to post towards East Pakistan. Most of them were left oriented officers and hence directly or indirectly supported Awami Leaque. The Military intelligence in East Pakistan remained mum.
@ " Wo jo khehte hai na, fouzki dimak gutno pe hoti hai". Yahya was a duffer. Once he was in West Pakistan he used to play with Bhutto and once he used to come to East Pakistan he used to play with Mujib and he was damm confident who ever wins he was sure to become a President ? Old people says that in East Pakistan on the election dates by 3 PM all quiet in all the polling centre. Every think was under AL's youth control.
off topic : as they do not know how democracy work, so Awami League also do not know that.
So Awami League=Pakistani regime .:enjoy::enjoy:

You hit the nail on the head.

Mujib flight for democracy when he was in opposition but killed democracy at 1st glance. Rest is history.

Hasina brought destruction to Bd street for CTG yet she removed the CTG systems fear of loosing election. Not sure what will be her fate.

Awami League is a pure hypocrite league.
Alhamdulilah things are good now and Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are best friends the world over. Whether in US, Canada, UK, UAE, KSA, Qatar.

When I lived in London, I used to go to a Bangladeshi masjid whose khutbah was in Bangla. I had no problem praying with those wonderful fellows.

Time is the best healer. We are on the same page. I hope BD gets better leaders than Hasina.

Mujibur Rahman screwed up so bad that people of Bd kept his party Awami League out of power for straight 23 years.

Hasina also screwed up like her Father. This time, if Bd people manage to get rid of her, she along with her party will be made obsolete in Bd politics.
Mujibur Rahman screwed up so bad that people of Bd kept his party Awami League out of power for straight 23 years.

Hasina also screwed up like her Father. This time, if Bd people manage to get rid of her, she along with her party will be made obsolete in Bd politics.

In sha Allah, we all want the best for our BD brothers and sisters. This is why we always cheer BD as our second cricket team after PK.

If BD economy is progressing this quickly under Hasina's authoritarian government, imagine to what heights BD can flourish to after she is gone.

BD people are extremely intelligent and hard-working, the sky is the limit.
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In sha Allah, we all want the best for our BD brothers and sisters. This is why we always cheer BD as our second cricket team after PK.

If BD economy is progressing this quickly under Hasina's authoritarian government, imagine to what heights BD can flourish to after she is gone.

BD people are extremely intelligent and hard-working, the sky is the limit.

It is only because of the current AL government that BD has this kind of development - per capita growth nearly 7% a year.

You need one party in power for many terms to do anything in a 3rd world country - see what happened in Taiwan, S Korea, Malaysia etc under one party rule.

AL MUST win this election or otherwise BD's economic progress may halt or even reverse.
Hmmm... the unity of Pakistan would have been saved, Pakistan as a country would be taken more seriously on the world stage.

Perhaps both the wings could have made Pakistan a great country, if we wanted to make it work.

but unfortunately the traitors destroyed Pakistan.

Yet some BD ultra-nationalists still don’t stop playing this card. Currently we have a Pukhtoon PM who is the most popular in a long time.

India and BD need to stop using this BS. We are in 2018 now.
Agreed with you. Bangladeshis and Indians cannot use the ethnic card in Pakistani politics anymore.

We have a Pathan PM and he is liked by pretty much everyone.

Secondly I agree with @Horus , East Pakistan should have been given autonomy of some sort.
Bangladesh was bound to happen. If not in 1971 then maybe 1981 or 1991 or 2001. It was just that Bangladeshi leaders were smart and they knew they would not survive as independent country in 1947 as India would swallow it just like it did with Hyderabad Deccan, IOK Kashmir and Junagadh Manvadar, therefore they joined Pakistan and later conspired against Pakistan with India. If Allama Iqbal was alive in 47, Bangladesh would not have been part of Pakistan. Jinnah was too soft for Bengalis.

Just like the other member pointed, 99% of the pictures that have been published are of the cyclone casualities. Just 26000 people died out of which majority were mutkia terrorists. I would agree that the vast majority of population was brainwashed and turned against Pakistan.
What an a** you all are.
1947 every one fought against the British rule and now the same people fighting eachother BC chu*iya ho kya? If this was you all wanted then India was better under British rule.

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