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1864-2014 Circassian Genocide Olympics

Jesus was an Essene who came to India ,studied under Buddhist monks and achieved considerable siddhis.There has been proof of it in the buddhist monastery documents in Ladakh ,second you can check what remote viewers like Edgar Cayce ,Ghulam Mirza of Qadian stated on Jesus .or google nazarene judaism.

Ok,i won't debate the nature of Jesus here with you.Believe what you want and i'll do the same.
Jesus was an Essene who came to India ,studied under Buddhist monks and achieved considerable siddhis.There has been proof of it in the buddhist monastery documents in Ladakh ,second you can check what remote viewers like Edgar Cayce ,Ghulam Mirza of Qadian stated on Jesus .or google nazarene judaism.
In Orthodoxy books of holy sages - Fathers of the Church are equal to the Bible. Orthodoxy absorbed the ancient Slavic heritage.
About Christ, there are many stories and legends. Some consider him alien. For me this does not matter.
I do not want any synthetic religion. I do not want unification of Orthodoxy with Protestantism or Catholicism. I accept Orthodoxy for what it is. Just such a way - without reforms and revolutions .
Events '17 have no relation to Orthodoxy . First Bolsheviks ( the majority of them were Jews ) hated all religions equally .
The White race has reached its greatness precisely thanks to Christianity. And can be great only if will stick Christianity . If the West finally abandon it's roots - he will die. And Russia will remain.

Actually they have a lot .


Occult Roots of the Russian Revolution

Dearest friend, do you not see
All that we perceive –
Only reflects and shadows forth
What our eyes cannot see.
Dearest friend, do you not hear
In the clamour of everyday life –
Only the unstrung echoing fall of
Jubilant harmonies.
– Vladimir Soloviev, 1892

The Great Russian Revolution of 1917, launched by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevic party, profoundly influenced the history of the twentieth century. The fall of the Russian Empire and its replacement by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ushered in а new аgе in world politics. More than this, the Russian Revolution was the triumph of а dynamic revolutionary ideology that directly challenged Western capitalism. But what of the hidden origins of this Revolution? Did secret influences contribute to the victory of Lenin and the Bolshevics?

Innumerable books, not to forget massive scholarly studies, are devoted to examining the Russian Revolution and the rise of Soviet Communism. All this impressive research is almost exclusively devoted to the obvious political, economic and social dimensions, i.e. the surface manifestations of history. However, within or behind this mundane history lies another reality that is more interesting and more important than the everyday analysis offered by mainstream historians and writers.

Establishment historians pay little attention to the remarkable impact occult and Gnostic ideas had on the rise of Bolshevism and the victory of the Russian Revolution.

A number of social and political movements, including Marxism and Lenin’s Bolshevism, have been linked to Gnosticism, which flourished in the early centuries of the Christian era. The political scientists A. Besancon and L. Pellicani argue the intellectual roots of Russian Bolshevism are a structural repetition of the ancient Gnostic paradigm. A distinguishing feature of Gnosticism is an illusive, symbolic interpretation of reality, including history.

For the early Christian Gnostics the Absolute – termed the ‘Unknown Father’– has nothing in common with the wrathful ‘God’ worshipped by theist religion. In fact, for these Gnostics, the ‘God’ of the Old Testament is the adversary of their ‘Unknown Father’, the true God. Our world, including all human institutions, is not the work of the true God, but of a false creator, the Demiurge, who keeps us captive in the world, away from the divine light and truth.

Therefore, in Gnosticism, the world is merely a sort of illusion, a set of allegorical symbols, a reverse image of the real essence of history. Man, who is asleep to his inner potential, must awake and become an active partner of the ‘Unknown Father’ in the transformation of all life. Otherwise he remains a prisoner in what the eminent Russian Gnostic philosopher Vladimir Solviev (1853-1900) aptly described as “a kind of nightmare of sleeping humanity.” A number of Gnostic communities – like nineteenth century communists – held contempt for material goods and lived communally, teaching “the world and its laws, religious, moral and social, are of little relevance to the plan of salvation.”1

Gnostics, Mystic Sects & Radicals

Russian mystical sects played an extremely important part in the Bolshevik revolution, on the side of the Bolsheviks. In spite of their rejection of the state and the church, these sects were deeply nationalistic, since their members were hostile to foreign innovations. They hated the West.
— Mikhail Agursky,The Third Rome

Throughout nineteenth century Europe we find numerous connections between Gnostics, mystics, occultists and radical socialists. They constituted what the historian James Webb calls “a progressive underground” united by a common opposition to the established order of their day. Constantly, Webb writes, “we find socialists and occultists running in harness.”2Sundry spiritual communities emerged across the United States, with clear Gnostic and occult doctrines, which attempted to follow a pure communistic life style. Victoria Woodhull, the president of the American Association of Spiritualists during the 1870s, was a radical socialist. Woodhull believed that Spiritualism signified not only religious enlightenment, but also a cultural, political and social revolution. She published the first English translation of theCommunist Manifestoand tried in vain to persuade Karl Marx that the goals of Spiritualism and Communism were the same.

Dissident Christian mystics, spiritualists, occultists and radical socialists often found themselves together at the forefront of political movements for social justice, worker’s rights, free love and the emancipation of women. Nineteenth century occultists and socialists even used the same language in calling for a new age of universal brotherhood, justice and peace. They all shared a charismatic vision of what the future could be – a radical alternative to the oppressive old political, social, economic and religious power structures. And more often than not they found themselves facing the same common enemy in the unholy alliance of State and Church.

The birth of radical socialist ideas in Russia cannot be easily separated from the spiritual communism practiced by diverse Russian sects. For centuries folk myths nourished a widespread belief in the possibility of an earthly communist paradise united by fraternal love, where justice, truth and equality prevailed. One prominent Russian legend told of the lost land of Belovode (the Kingdom of the White Waters), said to be “across the water” and inhabited by Russian Old Believer mystics. In Belovode, spiritual life reigned supreme, and all went barefoot sharing the fruits of the land and their labour. There were no oppressive rules, crime, and war. Another Russian legend concerned Kitezh, the radiant city beneath the lake. Kitezh will only rise from the waters and appear again when Russia returns to the true Christ and is once more worthy to see it and its priceless treasures. Early in the twentieth century such myths captured the popular imagination and were associated with the hopes of revolution.

In the latter half of the seventeenth century, a schism occurred within the Russian Orthodox Church of a new religious movement called the Old Believers. The result was that many Russian spiritual dissidents took courage from the split to found their own communities, giving vent to Gnostic ideas that had long been simmering underground. The Old Believers, in the face of severe repression, clung tenaciously to their ancient mystic tradition and expressed their separation from the official world of Imperial Orthodox Russia in collective migration to the fringes of the state, mass suicide by fire, rebellion, and a monastic communism.

Gnostic communities, with their communalism and disdain for private property, proliferated throughout Russia in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Known by a variety of names such as Common Hope, United Brotherhood, Love of Brotherhood, Righthanded Brotherhood, White Doves, Believers in Christ, Friends of God, Wanderers, their followers reportedly numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Ruthlessly persecuted by the authorities, they made up a spiritual underground, often hiding themselves from inquisitive eyes. A countrywide revolutionary sectarianism that rejected the state, the church, society, law, and even religious commandments, which they declared were abolished when the Holy Spirit descended to humanity.

The origin of Gnostic ideas in Russia is difficult to trace, but they appear to be an outgrowth of two powerful spiritual impulses in Russian religious history. The first is the Christian esoteric tradition preserved within the monastic communities of the Russian Orthodox Church. A mystical tradition going back by way of Greek Neoplatonism, Origin and Clement of Alexandria to St. John the “beloved disciple”. “Russian Orthodox mystical theology has bent more than a little in the direction of the Gnostic heresy,” notes the historian Maria Carlson.3The second impulse originated with Essene and Manichean missionaries who reached Russia in the early centuries of the Christian era. An impulse later given new vitality by the Bogomils whose Gnostic teachings had gained a foothold in Russia by the thirteenth century.

By the end of the nineteenth century occult and Gnostic ideas enjoyed wide circulation among all segments of the Russian population. At one point the Russian philosopher Nicholas Berdyaev (1874-1948) welcomed the Gnostics, urging “Gnosticism should be revived and should enter into our life for all time.”4After the 1917 Revolution, Gnosticism, observed the Russian scholar Mikhail Agursky, “contributed considerably to Soviet culture and even influenced Soviet political life. Its foundations were laid before the revolution…[by] several gnostic trends in nineteenth century Russian culture.”

While Russian Gnostics rejected the world order and strove to live by the apostolic precept to hold “all things in common,”5they were also profoundly aware of the approaching end of the age. “Russian popular Gnosticism had a very pronounced apocalyptic character,” says Mikhail Agursky. “Russian mystical sectarians lived in anticipation of a catastrophe. The degradation of human life demanded purifying fire from heaven, which would devour the new Sodom and Gomorrah and replace them with the Kingdom of God. Any revolution could easily be identified by such sectarians as this fire, regardless of its external form.”6

Russian Socialism

Bolshevik collectivism had roots in long-standing Russian values of individual self-sacrifice. The suffering, martyrdom, humility, and sacrifice of Christ was deeply embedded in the texture of Russian religious thought and practice, and the lives of Russian saints were a litany of suffering. The Old Believers, heretics in the eyes of the official church for their adherence to their own version of the truth, suffered persecution for centuries at the hands of the government and sought escape in mass immolation, colonization, and, finally, economic mutual aid.
— Robert C. Williams,The Other Bolsheviks

Alexander Herzen (1812-1870), seen by many as the father of Russian socialism, was a friend and admirer of the French revolutionary Proudhon, who viewed himself as a Christian socialist. Proudhon worked intermittently all his adult life on a never completed study of the original teachings of Jesus Christ. Herzen also paid special attention to Russia’s persecuted religious sectarians. He printed a special supplement for the Old Believers, the mystic Christian traditionalists who had been driven out of the Russian Orthodox Church. Nicholas Chernyshevsky, another Russian socialist thinker of the nineteenth century, wrote an article in praise of the “fools for Christ’s sake” and defended members of the spiritual underground.

The Russian radicals of the 1800s, in the words of James H. Billington, looked upon “socialism as an outgrowth of suppressed traditions within heretical Christianity.”7They saw the genesis of Russian socialism in the spiritual underground of the Gnostics and religious sectarians. One influential network of Russian socialists openly claimed to be rediscovering “the teaching of Christ in its original purity,” which “had as its basic doctrine charity and its aim the realisation of freedom and the destruction of private property.”8

Nicholas Chernyshevsky (1828-1889), who spent much of his life in penal servitude, penned the utopian novel What Is To Be Done? as a vision of the future new society and a guidebook for the revolutionaries who would build it. Chernyshevsky wrote:

Then say to all: this is what will come to pass in the future, a radiant and beautiful future. Have love for it, strive toward it, work on behalf of it, bring it ever nearer, bear what you can from it into your present life. The more you can carry from that future into your present life, the more your life will be radiant and good, the richer it will be in happiness and pleasure.

Chernyshevsky’s novel inspired two generations of idealistic young radicals. Among them was Alexandre Ulianov, the beloved elder brother of V.I. Lenin. He was executed in 1887 for his part in the attempted assassination of Tsar Alexander III. Vladimir Lenin told how Chernyshevsky’s What Is To Be Done?“captivated my brother, and captivated me… It transformed me completely.” What impressed the future leader of the Russian Revolution was how Chernyshevsky:

not only demonstrated the necessity for every correctly thinking and really honest man to become a revolutionary, but also showed – even more importantly – what a revolutionary should be like, what his principles should be, how he must achieve his goals, what methods and means he should employ to realise them.9

Nicholas Berdyaev observed that the “Russian revolutionaries who were to be inspired by the ideas of Chernyshevsky present an interesting psychological problem. The best of Russian revolutionaries acquiesced during this earthly life in persecution, want, imprisonment, exile, penal servitude, execution, and they had no hope whatever of another life beyond this. The comparison with Christians of that time is almost disadvantageous to the latter; they highly cherished the blessings of this earthly life and counted upon the blessings of heavenly life.”10

Chernyshevsky, like those who followed him, was passionately committed to the power of reason. His philosophy firmly grounded in the materialist outlook and a sober utilitarianism. But in his life Chernyshevsky was the embodiment of self-abnegation, single-mindedness and asceticism. Like a true saint he asked nothing for himself, but wanted everything for the people as a whole. When the police officers took him into exile in Siberia they said, “Our orders were to bring a criminal and we are bringing a saint. “These two elements, the religious and the secular, the ascetic and the calculating,” writes historian Geoffrey Hosking, “remained in unresolved tension in his personality, but on the level of theory he sought a resolution in the idea of a social revolution to be promoted by the best people on the basis of personal example.”11

Inspired by Chernyshevsky, groups of young radicals emerged committed to the reconstruction of Russia as a federation of village communes and communally run factories. The reading list of one such revolutionary cell is revealing because it included the New Testament and histories of Russian Gnostic communities. The leader of the main radical circle in the Russian capital St. Petersburg spoke of founding “a religion of humanity.” He called his circle “an Order of Knights” and included in its ranks members of a Gnostic “God-manhood sect” which taught that each individual is potentially destined to become a god. It was not uncommon for the revolutionary call “liberty, equality, and fraternity” to be written on crosses, or for Russian revolutionaries to declare their belief in “Christ, St. Paul, and Chernyshevsky.”

The Russian socialists frequently visited religious sectarians and sought their support because of their history of alienation from the tsarist regime. Emil Dillon, an English journalist who had personal contact with several persecuted religious communities, reminds us:

Among the various revolutionary agencies which were at work… the most unpretending, indirect, and effective were certain religious sectarians…. Coercion in religious matters did more to spread political disaffection than the most enterprising revolutionary propagandists. It turned the best spirits of the nation against the tripartite system of God, Tsar, and fatherland, and convinced even average people not only that there was no lifegiving principle in the State, but that no faculty of the individual or the nation had room left for unimpeded growth.12

V.I. Lenin & The Spiritual Underground

Men who are participating in a great social movement always picture their coming action as a battle in which their cause is certain to triumph. These constructions… I propose to call myths; the syndicalist “general strike” and Marx’s catastrophic revolution are such myths.
— Georges Sorel, 1906


Russian orthodox church and tsars were brutally
Russian orthodox church and tsars were brutally
They did what they were supposed to do - protect the Orthodox faith. Only thanks to Russia Orthodoxy still exist. Catholics constantly wanted to destroy Orthodoxy. Arranged against us crusades.
Honestly, I did not quite catch your thinking - you blame Orthodoxy is that because of it was a Revolution? Revolution was caused by those who sponsored and trained revolutionaries, starting with the Decembrists. Britain did. They could not beat us in a fair fight, so intrigued. They sponsored all revolutionaries. They still do.
Christianity came to the Caucasus for several centuries before Islam. Why we do not claim that all Muslim nations left the Caucasus?

is not the "Christianity" or "Islam" LOL!
Reason: Genocide!

aftor genocide (in the Caucasus)
Russian, Gadjars, Turks, Tartars-Mongols, Arabs, Masagety.

but Russian destroyed more than 95% of Peoples and Nations!
is not the "Christianity" or "Islam" LOL!
Reason: Genocide!

aftor genocide (in the Caucasus)
Russian, Gadjars, Turks, Tartars-Mongols, Arabs, Masagety.

but Russian destroyed more than 95% of Peoples and Nations!
1095% !!!
You confused the Caucasus and America. Russia did not destroy any nation in the Caucasus. All have republics and parliaments.
1095% !!!
You confused the Caucasus and America. Russia did not destroy any nation in the Caucasus. All have republics and parliaments.

too formal and a lot of bloodshed.

When a murder occurs 2-3 Russian guys all Russia screams like occurred - 3 World War.
but when they kill Caucasians, it is "normal" - that's the plan.
dude, you do not have to cover bureaucrats and their dark plans.
too formal and a lot of bloodshed.

When a murder occurs 2-3 Russian guys all Russia screams like occurred - 3 World War.
but when they kill Caucasians, it is "normal" - that's the plan.
dude, you do not have to cover bureaucrats and their dark plans.
You long seen map of Caucasus? There live all those nations that lived before Russia. What genocide? Russian - not like that, not like British. Otherwise, we would have killed all the Germans after WW2. Everyone. Or all the French after Napoleon. Anglsax invent tales about Russia to divert attention from their criminals against humanity - and you believe them.
The byzantines were christian for over 3 centuries before the rise of Islam,that "invitation" made no sense to them.Ofcourse they responded in force to what they perceived as a dangerous movement.

lol, how ridiculous. What "threat" bunch of Arabs could have posed to Byzantine Empire? It was there arrogance and sense of being "superior" which made them act like that.

Oh well, they got their *** handed to them and rightly so.

Christianity doesn't tell anyone to become arrogant, does it?

Anyway,you can't equate a few skirmishes with what followed,a full invasion and a cleansing of christians over the centuries.Considering that all those territories were christian and looking at the numbers now...let's not forget that those numbers keep going down due to persecutions.

Are you kidding me? Murder of an ambassador was THE greatest sign of WAR in those times, specially in tribal societies. It was ULTIMATE disrespect and provocation. Stop making a fool outa yourself.

Byzantine started the wars with Arabs...since they were superpower and thought to crush ants (arabs) once for an all...and they actually did crush Arabs like petty ants....until, sadly for them, Khalid Ibn al Walid took the command of Muslim forces and then we all know what happened. Read up on Khalid, probably one of the three greatest generals of all time.

Also, there was no "cleanising" ..majority of christians willingly accepted Islam b/c they were sick and tired to corrupt, useless, despot Byzantine and its persecution of Middle-Eastern Christianity (maronite christianity etc. weren't the "official" version of christianity that was created to please the romans...hence romans persecuted them)..

And another thing,the ottomans didn't expel/kill all the christians because they couldn't.Imagine trying to do this in the Balkans,they would have had a full rebelion on their hands throughout all the provinces.Couple that with the outcry in the rest of Europe and they would have had an impossible situation on their hands.

Ottomans just continued the Muslim trend of tolerance and acceptance of others, specially people of the book. Uncivilized westerners only learned about these things after they came in contact with Islamic World and were "tamed" by the influence of Islamic Civilization. Funny thing, even modern secularism of Europe is a legacy of an Islamic Thinker who was called by Western historians as "founding father of secular thought in Europe" ...

The truth is that after the 7th century,Christian states were constantly under siege by muslim powers.When they started to fight back and even winning the upper hand you like to cry foul.

Yeah. Bullshit.

Ok,i won't debate the nature of Jesus here with you.Believe what you want and i'll do the same.

Nature of Jesus? Don't tell me you believe that jesus was a 'god' and a 'man' and a 'god-man' together but was separate from holy ghost who was also god..but he was separate from father..who was also god..but god is not three, but god is one.

You see how utterly laughable it sounds? Clearly not from god.
Just four? Still very few for millions of people. and Russians actively suppress/oppress Islam...thats a fact.

lol...Moscow? since when it became 'capital' of christianity? Rome? lol..there is no capital of Christianity..just like there is no capital of Islam..specially not Riyad :lol:

Four more than in Riyad. I din`t know that fact , nobody does.

Christianity has it`s capitols , Rome , Istanbul (nominal) and Moscow. Protestants are different and don`t have centralized institutions (with exception of Anglicans)
You long seen map of Caucasus? There live all those nations that lived before Russia. What genocide? Russian - not like that, not like British. Otherwise, we would have killed all the Germans after WW2. Everyone. Or all the French after Napoleon. Anglsax invent tales about Russia to divert attention from their criminals against humanity - and you believe them.

I am Caucasians, I want an apology from Russia and democratic handling my people.

I am not a "pro-West, pro-Turk, pro-Suad and stuff.":tdown:
I'm Caucasian and I am an activist pro-Caucasus (pan-Caucasus: 1) is formally possible 2) perhaps in the future similarity EU).
I am a secular Nationalists. i am not an Islamist:ph34r:

kononizatory destroyed the Indians however! Neo-Americans apologized today Indians full citizens politicians and no discrimination.

the Caucasus today havent even study: the native language! :hitwall:

- You call it "care"?:confused:
I am not a "pro-West, pro-Turk, pro-Suad and stuff.":tdown:
I'm Caucasian and I am an activist pro-Caucasus (pan-Caucasus: 1) is formally possible 2) perhaps in the future similarity EU).
I am a secular Nationalists. i am not an Islamist:ph34r:

kononizatory destroyed the Indians however! Neo-Americans apologized today Indians full citizens politicians and no discrimination.

the Caucasus today havent even study: the native language! :hitwall:

- You call it "care"?:confused:

Did Russians put you in reservates like animals, in middle of desert with no arable land?

You should read how Americans handled native people , their apologies don`t mean anything. They didn`t give them their lands back , they have highest levels of alcoholism and diabetes in US, broken communities. No discrimination my ***.....
Four more than in Riyad. I din`t know that fact , nobody does.

Riyad doesn't have 2 million Christians.

Stop justifying Russian persecution of Muslims. And stop giving KSA's example. You sound dumb.

Christianity has it`s capitols , Rome , Istanbul (nominal) and Moscow. Protestants are different and don`t have centralized institutions (with exception of Anglicans)

Rome, Istanbul, and Moscow? Three capitals of Christianity? Who says so?

I do not want any synthetic religion. I do not want unification of Orthodoxy with Protestantism or Catholicism. I accept Orthodoxy for what it is. Just such a way - without reforms and revolutions .
Events '17 have no relation to Orthodoxy . First Bolsheviks ( the majority of them were Jews ) hated all religions equally .
The White race has reached its greatness precisely thanks to Christianity. And can be great only if will stick Christianity . If the West finally abandon it's roots - he will die. And Russia will remain.


West only got out of shithole AFTER enlightenment and secularization of the society. When christianity played any influential role in european society, Europe was the worst shithole of planet..

No wonder today, Christianity is a dead, effect-less religion for the most part in Western World and Russia too.
Nature of Jesus? Don't tell me you believe that jesus was a 'god' and a 'man' and a 'god-man' together but was separate from holy ghost who was also god..but he was separate from father..who was also god..but god is not three, but god is one.

You see how utterly laughable it sounds? Clearly not from god.

I wanted to avoid religious debates but i will certainly not going to take insults on my religion from someone whose faith is basically a cheap copy after mine.Keep your beliefs for yourself and shove that all knowing attitude where the sun don't shine,you're no genius to tell me who Jesus was and i will certainly won't take the word of a 7th century arab who travelled into christians lands and than decided to borrow ideeas and put a personal spin on it ,as truth.

As for the rest,you're full of apologies,read history,muslims attacked,conquered christian lands and like to cry when the christians hit back.Cry me a river.Christians could have utterly destroyed (still can) the muslim world but they didn't.If the roles would have been reversed there would be no Western world/Christianity today.
I wanted to avoid religious debates but i will certainly not going to take insults on my religion from someone whose faith is basically a cheap copy after mine.Keep your beliefs for yourself and shove that all knowing attitude where the sun don't shine,you're no genius to tell me who Jesus was and i will certainly won't take the word of a 7th century arab who travelled into christians lands and than decided to borrow ideeas and put a personal spin on it ,as truth.

LOL. There is no insult. I just wrote the basic doctrine of christianity....and you are just another agnostic just like majority of western people...don't pretend as if you "actually" believe..hah!

And if you see, the only "spin" was put by paul who claimed fairy tales of god, holy ghost and what not...christianity later was "designed" for romans...and it is all historical fact.

Muhammad didn't put any spin off but only delivered the message of God that was original..hence you see alot of similarities b/w Judaism and Islam..the concept of God..prayer and what not.

"Trinity" is a "spin" not saying "Hey man, just worship one god of Abharam, Moses, and Jesus etc" ....

As for the rests,you're full of apologies,read history,muslims attacked,conquered christian lands and like to cry when the christians hit back.Cry me a river.

Bs. I've SHOWED you "specifically" how it was Byzantine who started the war with Arabs.

Also, why should I cry you river? Who are you? A Romanian? LMAO! your country is smaller than dot on a map..you have zero relevance...you are irrelevant...please stop this.
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