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1864-2014 Circassian Genocide Olympics

I think here I beg to differ. According to the historian the forceful russification of natives and suppression of romanian orthodoxy and culture was the start point that disillusioned the romanian people.

I don't know what historian told you that but nobody wanted to be part of Russia.Forced russification and suppression of native culture was only a further catalyst to our dessillussion with the russians.
Right, the guy that denies the Armenian Genocide has the audacity to claim I don't know history :lol:

I provide sources you have yet to Give me a single source :lol: Ignorantly repeating that the Armenian Genocide never happened is not proof and it certainly doesn't prove that it did not happen. I could have a more intellectual conversation with a door knob.
Well, in a civilized debate you provide evidence. Posting racist blogs about Turks and plane lies and then expecting us to accept it on face value is just ridiculous. Where are the bones of Armenians? You try to distract the attention of this thread. The bones of Circassians are found but Russia is running away from its crimes against humanity. It is disgusting.

Those arn't lies. Once again, I provided sources while you have been running your mouth.
I already told you those sources are crap. They are written by a Bulgarian. No sources or anything were used. It is just fairy tale for their nationalistic vision. Bad sources are sources but I don't have to accept them. You don't know history but even more you don't know the differences between a good and bad source.

Any link I provide you automatically go full Senile and start denying...denying and again...denying. If you actually had some rebuttals you would post them, but you don't, so you can only resort to petty denial.
We don't deny anything. You can't deny something that didn't happen, you are just accusing Muslims because you want to distract the attention of this thread which is Russia's crimes against Circassians and Muslims.

There are thousands of mosques in Russia, now remind everyone how many churches are in Saudi Arabia? ......Zero. Now try to find a church in the middle that has not been attacked...then talk about suppression.
I'm not from Saudi Arabia.
It wont really matter soon, Russia itself is soon becoming muslim. The Slavs in Russia are a dying breed, and as much as it saddens me to see whole group of people disappear the irony will not be lost on anyone, when the conqueror will vanquish under its own weight of conquest.
LOL, at some of the users here.

The reason for the similarities between Judaism, Christianity and Islam is because all 3 are ABRAHAMIC religions that were revealed to us SEMITIC people on our SEMITIC lands. Nothing to do with Europe or Europeans.

We Muslims do not believe that Islam came into existence 1400 years ago. We believe that all the Prophets from Ibrahim (as) to those before and after him, many of which are unknown, convened the message of Islam but that Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the final messenger and the one who corrected the previous corrupted teachings.

So what if some areas of the Middle East were Christian before Islam?

That is only natural since the Middle East/Arab world/Semitic world is the BIRTHPLACE of Christianity.

Before they were Christian they were Jewish or believed in ancient Semitic religions and Gods (Pagans). Before that in ancient religions that we know little or nothing about.

Christianity was spread by the sword and through genocide everywhere. In very recent times as well. The Americas, Oceania and Africa. Even in Europe the Christians and the altered faith the Romans adopted waged wars against European pagans.

Islam on the other hand reached most lands completely peacefully through Arab traders and sailors.

The best example is Indonesia - the most populous Muslim country on earth. It happened completely peacefully and through Arab-Indonesiean trading and other peaceful means. Likewise Africa the remaining South East Asia etc.

Islam was also firstly brought by the Arabs to South Asia, more precise Kerala, peacefully as well and through trade. A trade that existed 3600 years previously between the Arabian Peninsula and India/South Asia.

Islam in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What the Mongols that embraced Islam (Mughals) did to the Indians/Hindus many centuries later have nothing to do with Arabs.

Nor did the Arabs commit any genocide in Al-Andalus (Spain and Portugal) rather Arabs, Jews and Christains worked together in world famous learning centers (back then) such as Toledo, Córdoba etc. After 800 years of rule they were defeated and in return all Muslims and Jews were thrown out….

And who started the crusades and got defeated?

Sure Arabs were not a pacifist bunch, nobody was that back then since the world was very different, but we as people have a FAR better track record than some of the people discussed in this thread. Arabs were also one of the best warriors in history.

Lastly it is very well-known that Russia sits on lands that were never Christian and Muslim and even never controlled by the Russian people.

Caucasus is a great example of this. No Russians lived there just 150 years ago.

But we all know that Russia has a bad habit of covering up for their many genocides and crimes so this is hardly any news. They are still crying because of a few Arab volunteers in Chechnya 15-20 years ago that terrorized the Ruskies. Or the ones in Afghanistan 30 years earlier. All fighting for the oppressed party.

Actually one of the oldest churches in the world is found in KSA but it is just a ruin since there are no native Christians.

Jubail Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Not withstanding what happened in past,the russian orthodox church has apologized to the old believer church in 70's and embraced them again.Rather it is increasingly using the socialist methods of social welfare that the old believers did and this has led to rise of the russian orthodox church as a entity in Russia yet again.

Overall ,the old rite church has much more chances to successfully convert the avar people because of the dedication of the priests of the old rite church.
It wont really matter soon, Russia itself is soon becoming muslim. The Slavs in Russia are a dying breed, and as much as it saddens me to see whole group of people disappear the irony will not be lost on anyone, when the conqueror will vanquish under its own weight of conquest.

facts contradict you...
2 million ethnic Muslims adopted baptism in Russia while only 2,5 thousand Russians converted to Islam - expert

Moscow, November 1, Interfax - The number of ethnic Muslims in Russia who adopted Christianity is 2 million, while the number of the Orthodox who have been converted to Islam is only 2,5 thousand, stated Roman Silantyev, executive secretary of the Inter-religious Council in Russia.

‘Christianization happens not so much as a result of some purposeful missionary activity (in which only Protestants are engaged) as under the influence of Russian culture which has express Christian roots’, Silantyev said in a interview published this week by the Itogi weekly.

According Silantyev, the converts are predominantly Muslims by birth, while ‘those who really confess Islamic values and attend mosque on a regular basis rarely change their faith’.

‘The assimilation of ethnic and religious minorities is an inevitable process in any society. In Russia it is accelerated due to extremist activities’, the Islamic researcher believes.

For instance, he says, as a result of what happened in Beslan, the proportion of Muslims in North Ossetia has decreased at least by 30%, while in Beslan itself, where Muslims had comprised from 30 to 40% of the population, their number has decreased at least by half.

‘As even Muslim sources confirm, after each terrorist action, thousands and may be even dozens of thousands of ethnic Muslims adopt baptism’, Silantyev stated.

At the same time, the expert accounts for the small number of ethnic Orthodox people who have adopted Islam for the last 15 years, among other things, by the fact that ‘for some reason Russians seem to be more willing to join sects than Islam’.

Not withstanding what happened in past,the russian orthodox church has apologized to the old believer church in 70's and embraced them again.Rather it is increasingly using the socialist methods of social welfare that the old believers did and this has led to rise of the russian orthodox church as a entity in Russia yet again.

Overall ,the old rite church has much more chances to successfully convert the avar people because of the dedication of the priests of the old rite church.
You greatly overestimate the significance of the old believers . In any case , the Orthodox Church after the Soviet collapse and destruction of the Communist Party became the main force for the fastening of the Russian people . And I would not want to combining it with any other spiritual power. Especially , I would like to see the Russian Church stay away from the Protestants and Catholics who actively revising basic Christian values and overturned many of sins. This secularization - a dead end. New socialism will be built on the basis of deep faith in God, and not on atheism .
Why do we have convert someone? Let them believe in Allah. The main thing they do not blow up trolley and robbed people.
facts contradict you...
Hahaha , 2 million? Why we never see them? Although I see Christian as equal religion. Muslim is dominant religion. Only way for Muslim to become Christian is when their whole family turns to Christianity. If for example one person becomes Christian he would be ousted out of his social circle. It is probably worst than becoming atheist for most Muslims.

Another thing, Muslims are the only ones left with family structure. Christians almost all became like atheist. Their women on the loose. Traveling abroad. Doing it with foreigners and being absorbed. Doing polygamy and not settling down and having children. Birth rates are well under replenishing rates for ethnic Russians while muslims are still breeding above replenishing rates. They say Russia's pupulation will fall to 100 million and very big portion of it will be Muslim.

Unfortunately Christianity is a dying religion. There are more people leaving the religion and becoming atheist than the ones joining or being born into it. It is a feminine religion. Ready to be taken over by masculine religion.
Hahaha , 2 million? Why we never see them? Although I see Christian as equal religion. Muslim is dominant religion. Only way for Muslim to become Christian is when their whole family turns to Christianity. If for example one person becomes Christian he would be ousted out of his social circle. It is probably worst than becoming atheist for most Muslims.

Another thing, Muslims are the only ones left with family structure. Christians almost all became like atheist. Their women on the loose. Traveling abroad. Doing it with foreigners and being absorbed. Doing polygamy and not settling down and having children. Birth rates are well under replenishing rates for ethnic Russians while muslims are still breeding above replenishing rates. They say Russia's pupulation will fall to 100 million and very big portion of it will be Muslim.

Unfortunately Christianity is a dying religion. There are more people leaving the religion and becoming atheist than the ones joining or being born into it. It is a feminine religion. Ready to be taken over by masculine religion.

@Arzamas 16
Unfortunately Christianity is a dying religion. There are more people leaving the religion and becoming atheist than the ones joining or being born into it. It is a feminine religion. Ready to be taken over by masculine religion.
"Masculine" and "feminine" are meaningless concepts, nonsense. Christianity is based on the ideas, inherited from ancient Greece. Science, engineering, technology has been successfully developed in the Christian world. The Islamic world is far behind. But Islamic countries now have the opportunity to renounce radicalism and join the rest of the world going forward. But if you like to remain inside radicalism, good, it is your choice.
"Masculine" and "feminine" are meaningless concepts, nonsense. Christianity is based on the ideas, inherited from ancient Greece. Science, engineering, technology has been successfully developed in the Christian world. The Islamic world is far behind. But Islamic countries now have the opportunity to renounce radicalism and join the rest of the world going forward. But if you like to remain inside radicalism, good, it is your choice.
With Islamic invention algebra, you wouldn't even have a computer to type that silly message on a Muslim forum.....

There was a time when Islam was superior and a time when Christianity was superior. Today's science doesn't have a religion. Kind of weird to look at the world like that. Also if you look at it like that .. Civilization started in Mesopotamia .. Not Europe .. And definitely not with Slavic peoples. Most of Europe were hunter gatherer waste lands when Middle East had giant civilizations like Sumerian Babylonia,etc..

And it is funny you talk about Christian achievements p. Slavic people became Christian very late. There weren't any Christian breakthroughs in that time. It was the time of the time of the Muslim. Most of Europe was in dark ages because of wars and diseases.
Birth rates are well under replenishing rates for ethnic Russians while muslims are still breeding above replenishing rates. They say Russia's pupulation will fall to 100 million and very big portion of it will be Muslim.
Unfortunately Christianity is a dying religion. There are more people leaving the religion and becoming atheist than the ones joining or being born into it. It is a feminine religion. Ready to be taken over by masculine religion.

This Turk is funny :omghaha:

According to an official estimate for 1 October 2013, the population of Russia is 143,600,000.[5] The population hit a historic peak at 148,689,000 in 1991, just before the breakup of the Soviet Union, but then began a decade-long decline, falling at a rate of about 0.5% per year due to declining birth rates, rising death rates and emigration.[6] The decline slowed considerably in late 2000s, and in 2009 Russia recorded population growth for the first time in 15 years, with a growth rate of 23,300.[7][8] As of 2013, Russian TFR of 1.7 children per woman[3] is among the highest in Eastern Europe.

However in 2010, the population began to rise due to better health care, rising fertility, and falling emigration. Now, the population increases 0.4 per year and scientists say maybe by 2015 the population will reach its peak of 148,689,000 set in 1991.

Demographics of Russia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1. With Islamic invention algebra, you wouldn't even have a computer to type that silly message on a Muslim forum.....

There was a time when Islam was superior and a time when Christianity was superior. Today's science doesn't have a religion. Kind of weird to look at the world like that.
2. Also if you look at it like that .. Civilization started in Mesopotamia .. Not Europe .. And definitely not with Slavic peoples. Most of Europe were hunter gatherer waste lands when Middle East had giant civilizations like Sumerian Babylonia,etc..

And it is funny you talk about Christian achievements p. Slavic people became Christian very late. There weren't any Christian breakthroughs in that time. It was the time of the time of the Muslim. Most of Europe was in dark ages because of wars and diseases.
As i see from your arguments, you have by default agreed that "Masculine" and "feminine" are meaningless concepts.
1. Does Islam include some mathematical background? Or does books on mathematics were written by clerics or under their patronage?
2. Yes it is. Islamic world at its beginning met with achievements of ancient world, and first of all the achievements of Greeks. Growth of the society, the development of navigation led to the adoption of mathematics. But what new was added to mathematics in Islamic world?
Christianity incorporated Greek ideology in its background in a form of philosophy of Aristotle and Plato. Christian monks copied Greek and Roman books. In 1215 under the patronage of Pope first university was opened in Paris. Development began.
And finally - neither Christianity nor Islam is superior to each other. They are what they are.
What does all this have to do with the topic of this thread? I just stressed that most of your statements here are the same irrelevant to this topic.
Mathematics was not invented by Greeks or Europeans for that matter. Babylonians and Egyptians invented math millenniums before Greeks even could count to 10. Greeks didn't invent one pilar of civilization or invented one science. It was all invented by middle eastern civilizations. Any way, I can't keep correcting you. This is getting off topic.
It wont really matter soon, Russia itself is soon becoming muslim. The Slavs in Russia are a dying breed, and as much as it saddens me to see whole group of people disappear the irony will not be lost on anyone, when the conqueror will vanquish under its own weight of conquest.

Cossacks breed faster than local Muslims , why do you think Chechens are against establishment of Terek Host?

Above 80% of borned in Russia are non-Muslim , only Chechnya and Dagestan have higher birth rates , other Muslim groups are comparable with Slavic.

So , less reading Western media.
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