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1864-2014 Circassian Genocide Olympics

Riyad doesn't have 2 million Christians.

Stop justifying Russian persecution of Muslims. And stop giving KSA's example. You sound dumb.

Rome, Istanbul, and Moscow? Three capitals of Christianity? Who says so?


West only got out of shithole AFTER enlightenment and secularization of the society. When christianity played any influential role in european society, Europe was the worst shithole of planet..

No wonder today, Christianity is a dead, effect-less religion for the most part in Western World and Russia too.

Ofcourse there are no christians when to be a christian is against the law.Western states and Russia are more tolerant to muslims than the other way around.Enough is given to muslims,they should be happy with that or leave to muslim countries.This constant ridiculous moaning is to much.

Contrary to your myths Europe was pretty developed during the Middle Ages to,Byzantine Empire was an european power and even in Western Europe beautiful cathedrals were built and even the monasteries were centers of knowledge.
I am Caucasians, I want an apology from Russia and democratic handling my people.

I am not a "pro-West, pro-Turk, pro-Suad and stuff.":tdown:
I'm Caucasian and I am an activist pro-Caucasus (pan-Caucasus: 1) is formally possible 2) perhaps in the future similarity EU).
I am a secular Nationalists. i am not an Islamist:ph34r:

kononizatory destroyed the Indians however! Neo-Americans apologized today Indians full citizens politicians and no discrimination.

the Caucasus today havent even study: the native language! :hitwall:

- You call it "care"?:confused:
Do not learn their native language? Each Caucasus republic of several national languages - Russian and local languages. Do not tell me.
Do not confuse the conquest and genocide. Genocide - is that the Anglo-Saxons did with the local population in Australia, America, New Zealand, Tasmania.
Riyad doesn't have 2 million Christians.

Stop justifying Russian persecution of Muslims. And stop giving KSA's example. You sound dumb.

Rome, Istanbul, and Moscow? Three capitals of Christianity? Who says so?

2 million Muslims , vast majority are immigrant workers and not permanent citizens of the city. They have plenty of mosques where they came from. From my POV you are dumb , because it`s clear that you don`t view mosques as a religious buildings but as way to show off. That`s why more and more people in Europe are against building mosques. Using pathetic excuses about oppression of Islam will no one buy because there is none.

I don`t have any problem with Saudis , at least they are honest and i respect that.

Rome , Istanbul and Moscow are historic seats Christian patriarchies and therefore capitols of Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches , main branches of Christendom. Of course that doesn`t mean non-Christains should not be able to build their religious sites and live , on the contrary. But their role as capitols should be respected by every other religious community like Mecca is respected as Holy for Muslims by everyone, it`s not the same league of "holiness" but point is given.
They did what they were supposed to do - protect the Orthodox faith. Only thanks to Russia Orthodoxy still exist. Catholics constantly wanted to destroy Orthodoxy. Arranged against us crusades.
Honestly, I did not quite catch your thinking - you blame Orthodoxy is that because of it was a Revolution? Revolution was caused by those who sponsored and trained revolutionaries, starting with the Decembrists. Britain did. They could not beat us in a fair fight, so intrigued. They sponsored all revolutionaries. They still do.

The revolution was created by the jews and britain and their enochian/grimoire based black magic. But what created the conditions for such an event?

The reforms of tyrant Nikon and the brutal suppression of old believer church and other syncretic churches comparable to the spanish inquisition on a much larger scale. And guess what?The old believers had huge syncretic tendencies and huge tolerance for inter-sects.Big plus.

The foot soldiers of the revolutionaries .old believers and other orthodox sects. The absolute ferocity with they attacked the russian orthodox church shows that the tsar's stupid policies backfired big time. No way that Lenin would have won without ocal support. In those days,the russian orthodox church had become hated
LOL. There is no insult. I just wrote the basic doctrine of christianity....and you are just another agnostic just like majority of western people...don't pretend as if you "actually" believe..hah!

And if you see, the only "spin" was put by paul who claimed fairy tales of god, holy ghost and what not...christianity later was "designed" for romans...and it is all historical fact.

Muhammad didn't put any spin off but only delivered the message of God that was original..hence you see alot of similarities b/w Judaism and Islam..the concept of God..prayer and what not.

"Trinity" is a "spin" not saying "Hey man, just worship one god of Abharam, Moses, and Jesus etc" ....

Bs. I've SHOWED you "specifically" how it was Byzantine who started the war with Arabs.

Also, why should I cry you river? Who are you? A Romanian? LMAO! your country is smaller than dot on a map..you have zero relevance...you are irrelevant...please stop this.

Yeah right,for you maybe he was the Prophet,for me...not really.Goes for the rest of the christians.Now this attitude of yours to shove your "truth" upon others is irritating.It propably was irritating for 7th century christians when some guy in a desert started to claim he's a prophet.Unlike you,unless i'm provocated i tend to leave everybody to his ideeas but i see you like to agitate people.Once again,stop bothering people,keep your truth to yourself and don't ever dare to classify me or Christianity .

I don't care about your prophet,his judaism/christianity with a personal spin ideeas you shouldn't care about me.Live,let live and don't insult.You have at least 2 posts insulting Christianity only in this thread.

West only got out of shithole AFTER enlightenment and secularization of the society. When christianity played any influential role in european society, Europe was the worst shithole of planet..

No wonder today, Christianity is a dead, effect-less religion for the most part in Western World and Russia too.
Decline of the West began with the '60s, '70s - when they started abandon Christianity in favor of multiculturalism and liberal ideology. Sexual perversion, the constant murders in schools, juvenile justice - the symptoms of moral deradatsii West. If they do not return to Christianity - they will die.
In the Russia Orthodox Renessanse now. For 20 years built more than 25,000 temples.
is not the "Christianity" or "Islam" LOL!
Reason: Genocide!

aftor genocide (in the Caucasus)
Russian, Gadjars, Turks, Tartars-Mongols, Arabs, Masagety.

but Russian destroyed more than 95% of Peoples and Nations!

I think you are talking about tsarist era ,right. In those days the russian orthodox church was like spanish inquisiton. And the 95% destroyed claim is wrong.

Decline of the West began with the '60s, '70s - when they started abandon Christianity in favor of multiculturalism and liberal ideology. Sexual perversion, the constant murders in schools, juvenile justice - the symptoms of moral deradatsii West. If they do not return to Christianity - they will die.
In the Russia Orthodox Renessanse now. For 20 years built more than 25,000 temples.

The problem was liberal ideology and lack of moral values.Cultural synthesis is not bad if it follows the universal spiritual laws.

@vostok, the current greatness of the white race in the west was due to black magic and use of considerable dark arts by jewish forces. As for Russia ,its due to old believer church ,orthodox churches and communism(which gave you technomancy)
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The revolution was created by the jews and britain and their enochian/grimoire based black magic. But what created the conditions for such an event?

The reforms of tyrant Nikon and the brutal suppression of old believer church and other syncretic churches comparable to the spanish inquisition on a much larger scale. And guess what?The old believers had huge syncretic tendencies and huge tolerance for inter-sects.Big plus.

The foot soldiers of the revolutionaries .old believers and other orthodox sects. The absolute ferocity with they attacked the russian orthodox church shows that the tsar's stupid policies backfired big time. No way that Lenin would have won without ocal support. In those days,the russian orthodox church had become hated
Russia in the early 18th century, passed through the stage of reforms. If Peter did not do it - Russia would never have become a great nation, a global world player. Church resisted reforms and urged the people to resist them. The Church wanted to remain in the Middle Ages. Peter reformed Church. That's it.
London has always intrigued against Russia. They killed Tsar Paul the First. They sponsored Herzen and his magazine. They paid for the lives in Europe of all revolutionaries.
Orthodoxy is absolutely nothing to do with this. You are too enthusiastic in conspiracies theory.
I think you are talking about tsarist era ,right. In those days the russian orthodox church was like spanish inquisiton. And the 95% destroyed claim is wrong.

It was not about Orthodox Christianity,the orthodox romanians suffered deportations,killings at the hands of the russians to.Thanks to some posters this thread escalated in a Christianity vs Islam thread when this was not the problem.

Russia was a imperialist power who cracked down hard on conquered natives who resisted,be they muslims or christians.
Russia in the early 18th century, passed through the stage of reforms. If Peter did not do it - Russia would never have become a great nation, a global world player. Church resisted reforms and urged the people to resist them. The Church wanted to remain in the Middle Ages. Peter reformed Church. That's it.
London has always intrigued against Russia. They killed Tsar Paul the First. They sponsored Herzen and his magazine. They paid for the lives in Europe of all revolutionaries.
Orthodoxy is absolutely nothing to do with this. You are too enthusiastic in conspiracies theory.

Thats what official history says.But the mystical forces that govern Russia were not happy and either ways Russia was destined for greatness. Rather the reforms harmed the Church badly and caused more schisms ,ultimately leading to its destruction led by the jews and old believers in the revolution who saw the tsars as tyrants .Again vostok ,you severely underestimate the power of mystical forces. Google Rudolf Steiner sometime .

Maybe you should research why world elite loves black magic so much.

It was not about Orthodox Christianity,the orthodox romanians suffered deportations,killings at the hands of the russians to.Thanks to some posters this thread escalated in a Christianity vs Islam thread when this was not the problem.

I spoke to a historian some days back,he told something about bessarbia and other romanian principalities when it was taken by russians from ottomans the romanian people welcomed russian in open arms ,but in a matter of time it changed .why ?? simply because the russian orthodox church tried to brute force its beliefs down the throats of romanians .Strange days , the days of tsardom were.

Anyways ,I apologize to you for the former statements when I had insulted you in a previous thread.
I spoke to a historian some days back,he told something about bessarbia and other romanian principalities when it was taken by russians from ottomans the romanian people welcomed russian in open arms ,but in a matter of time it changed .why ?? simply because the russian orthodox church tried to brute force its beliefs down the throats of romanians .Strange days , the days of tsardom were.

Anyways ,I apologize to you for the former statements when I had insulted you in a previous thread.

When russians arrived at our borders at the beginning of the 18th century they were seen as liberators because they were orthodox christians just like us.The romanians lived in 3 main areas,2 romanian semi independent principalities,Moldova and Wallachia and in Hapsburg-Hungarian ruled Transylvania.The 2 autonomous principalities were indirectly ruled by the Ottoman Empire and had to pay tribute but the territories where romanians lived where not taken from them and absobed into the Ottoman Empire.The russians did just that in 1812 after they've defeated the Ottoman Empire,they took a romanian territory(from the principality of Moldova) and incorporated it into the Russian Empire.At that moment it became pretty clear that Russia was no saviour but another agressive imperialist power with no good intentions towards the natives,be they orthodox christians.After that,the relations pretty much went downhill.
When russians arrived at our borders at the beginning of the 18th century they were seen as liberators because they were orthodox christians just like us.The romanians lived in 3 main areas,2 romanian semi independent principalities,Moldova and Wallachia and in Hapsburg-Hungarian ruled Transylvania.The 2 autonomous principalities were indirectly ruled by the Ottoman Empire and had to pay tribute but the territories where romanians lived where not taken from them and absobed into the Ottoman Empire.The russians did just that in 1812 after they've defeated the Ottoman Empire,they took a romanian territory(from the principality of Moldova) and incorporated it into the Russian Empire.At that moment it became pretty clear that Russia was no saviour but another agressive imperialist power with no good intentions towards the natives,be they orthodox christians.After that,the relations pretty much went downhill.

Actually first the romanian natives wanted to be part of russia in those principalities just like serbs who .But after the policy of very intense and very forceful russification started and russian orthodox church started acting like spanish inquisition on the romanian orthodox faithful things started going downhill. Same it was in finland,lithunia,latvia and poland.
Actually first the romanian natives wanted to be part of russia in those principalities just like serbs who .But after the policy of very intense and very forceful russification started and russian orthodox church started acting like spanish inquisition on the romanian orthodox faithful things started going downhill. Same it was in finland,lithunia,latvia and poland.

Actually no....i come from a family who lived in Bessarabia up until 1940 when they fled from the russians.The romanians wanted to live in their own independent country,they never wanted to be a part of Russia.Yes,at first they looked to Russia as some kind of liberator older brother who will liberate them and even facilitate the creation of a modern romanian state who would naturally be a russian ally.Instead,they got their land taken from them and,worse,in Bessarabia russian/ukrainian/jew colonists started to arrive and an agressive russification process towards the romanian natives started.All dreams of "orthodox brotherhood" went up in smoke.The fight for survival was on. Result ? Bessarabia returned to Moldova in 1856,taken by Russia from modern Romania in 1878-taken back by Romania in 1919-taken again by the Soviet Union in 1940-taken back by Romania in 1941 and lost again to the soviets in 1944-today the Republic of Moldova which continues to be a source of tensions between Russia and Romania.

Seriously,why would we want to be part of Russian when we're not russians ? Unlike the serbs who are slavs and speak a slavic language we have no such thing.We speak a latin language and we have a different ethnicity.
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@vK_man Mystical forces are mystical, they act at a level not accessible to man. We do not know about them. Our attempts to attribute certain events influence of mystical forces - or guesses, or attempt to justify. Russia has not pursued a policy of Russification - only unification. This abslolutly normal practice in any empire, and any state. If you are in India in each state will have own laws that contradict each other and no single official languages - such a country not long survive.
Actually no....i come from a family who lived in Bessarabia up until 1940 when they fled from the russians.The romanians wanted to live in their own independent country,they never wanted to be a part of Russia.Yes,at first they looked to Russia as some kind of liberator older brother who will liberate them and even facilitate the creation of a modern romanian state who would naturally be a russian ally.Instead,they got their land taken from them and,worse,in Bessarabia russian/ukrainian/jew colonists started to arrive and an agressive russification process towards the romanian natives started.All dreams of "orthodox brotherhood" went up in smoke.The fight for survival was on. Result ? Bessarabia returned to Moldova in 1856,taken by Russia from modern Romania in 1878-taken back by Romania in 1919-taken again by the Soviet Union in 1940-taken back by Romania in 1941 and lost again to the soviets in 1944-today the Republic of Moldova which continues to be a source of tensions between Russia and Romania.

I think here I beg to differ. According to the historian the forceful russification of natives and suppression of romanian orthodoxy and culture was the start point that disillusioned the romanian people.

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