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14th August v/s 15th august

Pakistan is an older nation that India. :coffee:
thats why most f pre-mature delivery cases had problem for their entire life span....sometimes failed to complete quota of life.

The people of IVC spoke a language called Proto-Indic, developed form Proto Indo-European language
Languages like Sanskrit and Pali developed out of it, centuries upon centuries later, as the population spread eastwards

BTW, Hinduism is a collection of various practices, cultures, myths, stories, poems and beliefs that were present at the time of Arab invasions. They then named you "Hindus", because the first river in the region they came across was the Indus river (even though most Hindus worship Ganges not Indus)

Have seldom read such uneducated rubbish.

Trivia: Did you know that the words 'Kandahar' and 'Gandhar' are actually derived from 'Gandhaar Pradesh' as mentioned in the Hindu epic Mahabharat, written thousands of years ago? :azn:

Not necessarily. It may have been derived from Alexander's installation of a city at that spot, which he named after himself, Alexandria.

The Gandhar of the epic was most likely in the Kabul region.

We taught you that old religion, and have moved on. Perhaps it's time for you guys to update as well.

Fascinating. And how did you do that, pray?
Sorry, but is it not true? The common Indian belief of Sanskrit oldest language and Hinduism oldest religion isn't exactly the case

Should I reply in a sentence, in a few paragraphs (not more than 3 to 5, say), or at length? Serious question.
The major contributors to Hinduism was the IVC, and the Aryans.

Extremely unlikely. Given that we have no idea what connection there was between the IVC and the new culture that spread more or less around the time that the IVC declined.

The 'Aryans'? Isn't that rather moth-eaten by now? Whether AIT or OOI, nobody thinks huge hordes of blonde barbarians swept down from the hills galloping their horses through the plains.
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