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14th August v/s 15th august

Pakistan always seems to one step ahead of India!! Damn!! :hitwall:

Both India and Pakistan came into being on 15th August, 1947. Section 1(I) of India Independence Act states:

'As from the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, two independent Dominions shall be set up in India, to be known respectively as India and Pakistan.'​

Mountbatten signed the papers for Pakistan on 14th August, all right, but the documents became effective only on 15th. Jinnah, himself a brilliant constitutional lawyer, on more than one occasion had declared 15th August as the independence day of Pakistan. For example, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Pakistan Broadcasting Service on 15th Aug, 1947, Jinnah began thus:

'It is with feelings of greatest happiness and emotion that I send you my greetings. August 15 is the birthday of the independent and sovereign State of Pakistan. It marks the fulfillment of the destiny of the Muslim nation which made great sacrifices in the past few years to have its homeland.'​
The people of IVC spoke a language called Proto-Indic, developed form Proto Indo-European language
Languages like Sanskrit and Pali developed out of it, centuries upon centuries later, as the population spread eastwards

BTW, Hinduism is a collection of various practices, cultures, myths, stories, poems and beliefs that were present at the time of Arab invasions. They then named you "Hindus", because the first river in the region they came across was the Indus river (even though most Hindus worship Ganges not Indus)

Hinduism is much much older religion than Islam....
I don't understand. Did Pakistan change its date of independence just because of an Earthly concern of a human being not being able to be present in two places at the same time?

What is there to change? Earthly? Was it supposed to be heavenly? August 15th or 14th are not some dates when the sun, the moon and the heavens would be aligned. The sooner the better! He came to officiate our Independence ceremony first so it the point of time since the ceremony became our Independence day.
What is there to change? Earthly? Was it supposed to be heavenly? August 15th or 14th are not some dates when the sun, the moon and the heavens would be aligned. The sooner the better! He came to officiate our Independence ceremony first so it the point of time since the ceremony became our Independence day.

If you're born on 15th, you are born on 15th. I don't think you can change that just because your birth certificate couldn't be made on 15th because the Doctor wasn't available.

That what I meant by 'Earthly'.
If you're born on 15th, you are born on 15th. I don't think you can change that just because your birth certificate couldn't be made on 15th because the Doctor wasn't available.

That what I meant by 'Earthly'.

Even by the 15th, 15th of what? The final ceremony took place was in India and in Indian time 12 am was declared as Independence for both. According to that it was Aug 14th, 11:30 am in Pakistan when this declaration took place.

And for your kind information we weren't born we gained our independence on Aug 14th, 1947.
Even by the 15th, 15th of what? The final ceremony took place was in India and in Indian time 12 am was declared as Independence for both. According to that it was Aug 14th, 11:30 am in Pakistan when this declaration took place.

That argument of 'time zone' I have already accepted. See my earlier posts.

I have difficulty understanding the argument regarding the unavailability of a man.

That's it.

And for your kind information we weren't born we gained our independence on Aug 14th, 1947.

Bhai mere, that was an analogy.
I did not know Pakistan exist at Mohenjo daro era....and British came to Pakistan not India....your face in your Avatar shows how intelligent you are....Mr. RazPak:hang2:

No kiddo.. but several kingdoms n states inhabited by our ancestors(not urs) did exist... as for the personal attack... ur a sick creature disrespecting his family.. grow up.
Indians trying to claim our history, and trying play off like we just popped out of thin air.

Indian punjabis.. ok i can digest tht.. some parts of rajhisthan near sindh? ok... but 1.25 billion indians from central,northern and south india claiming IVC,Mohenjodaro(sindh),Harapa(Punjab),mehrgarh(baluchistan),gandara(NWFP) claiming as their own makes me LAUGH!
Indian punjabis.. ok i can digest tht.. some parts of rajhisthan near sindh? ok... but 1.25 billion indians from central,northern and south india claiming IVC,Mohenjodaro(sindh),Harapa(Punjab),mehrgarh(baluchistan),gandara(NWFP) claiming as their own makes me LAUGH!

Trivia: Did you know that the words 'Kandahar' and 'Gandhar' are actually derived from 'Gandhaar Pradesh' as mentioned in the Hindu epic Mahabharat, written thousands of years ago? :azn:
Trivia: Did you know that the words 'Kandahar' and 'Gandhar' are actually derived from 'Gandhaar Pradesh' as mentioned in the Hindu epic Mahabharat, written thousands of years ago? :azn:

We taught you that old religion, and have moved on. Perhaps it's time for you guys to update as well.
We taught you that old religion, and have moved on. Perhaps it's time for you guys to update as well.

We are doing good where we are.

Who knows about you?

At that time you left one religion for another.

Who knows hundreds of years later you might leave this religion for another religion of that time.

After all, you are used to 'moving on' when it comes to religion and beliefs. :)

No thanks but we can't catch up with you. :P
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