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128 dead, over 200 injured in Mastung blast targeting BAP meeting; IS claims responsibility

IS are operating from Afghanistan. Pakistan needs to stop this open heart policy seal the Afghan border permanently.
But term shaheed is owned by Islam and is meant only for Muslims not every tom, dick and harry

Lots of terms have made their way into different languages. "Shaheed" from what I understand is specifically mentioned in the Sikh religion as a term. The word martyr has Christian origins but is used by everyone these days.
lol so much crying you must be frustrated fellow after all that banging.

pakistan's closed military aka kangaroo court trial of the accused says a lot about intentions of pakistan. This type of propaganda is fit for local consumption , world will not be fooled by it. What happened when sartaj aziz took the matter to UN? absolutely nothing, world knows who the terrorists are.

For kasab, butcher of mumbai there was a public & open trial , it was not hush hush in camera cover up with doctored videos.

You still dint answer my question about his fathers killers who are threat to peace in kashmir but all you want to do is run away by posting some usual chest beating videos with zero facts.
You guys have mastered the art of deflection and denial. Your responses show as much.

What propaganda? Kulbhushan Yadav confirmed our long-term suspicions that RAW is playing a role in causing unrest in Balochistan and Sindh. Unlike Ajmal Kasab, Yadav is an Indian military official - guilty for sabotaging activities in Pakistan at official capacity - and was accorded a court martial for his deeds accordingly. Your inability to understand the difference in these two cases, show your lack of independent judgement.

UN is a useless organization where interests of the Big 5 take precedence over lesser issues.

Who killed Maulvi Farooq is most unfortunate but it bear no relevance to views of Mirwaiz Farooq which are blatantly clear to all; dissent in J&K is localized and real, and atrocities of Indian Army in the region are well-documented. Years of brainwashing have desensitized you to ground realities of J&K, it seems.
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Iran denounces deadly attack in Pakistan

TEHRAN, Jul. 14 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi has condemned the attack on an election rally in Pakistan’s southwestern province of Baluchistan which left dozens of people killed and wounded.

In a Friday statement, Ghasemi denounced the attack and offered condolences to the government and people of Pakistan as well as the bereaved families of the victims.

A suicide bomber blew himself up on Friday amid scores of supporters who had gathered at an election campaign and killed 128 individuals, including a politician running for a provincial legislature. ISIL has claimed responsibility of the attack without providing any specific reason for the bombing, CNBC reported.


Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan

ISIS is the one who have taken the claim for this brutal attack...

If we have to speculate than we can say that it has been done by ISI to divert attention from NS' arrest... or by ISI to stir nationalism and clear the path for Imran Khan...

Honestly speaking I want Imran Khan to win this election as I have seen one of his interview when he was in India... he has clearly said that peaceful relation with India are the key for development...

On RAW and ISI... all I can say that their games are well known to us...

India funds ISIS in Afghanistan along with the CIA. Well known fact. Stop living in denial!
India funds ISIS in Afghanistan along with the CIA. Well known fact. Stop living in denial!

CIA is funding an agency which is fighting US troops in Afghanistan and responsible for numerous attacks in Kabul?


Some people have truly lost their minds.
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Yes... Its called playing both sides. ISIS is an expendable force of terror.

It is a well known fact Hillary, Obama and John McCain created ISIS is Syria and Iraq and once the Russians crushed them..... America transported them to Afghanistan to attack Pakistan.

Yes... Its called playing both sides. ISIS is an expendable force of terror.

It is a well known fact Hillary, Obama and John McCain created ISIS in Syria and Iraq and once the Russians crushed them..... America transported them to Afghanistan to attack Pakistan.
Yes, RAW funds ISI too... I'm admitting that... does that make any change...

You should have thought about this monster while it was playing in the lap of US and you were feeding it to crush USSR in Afganistan...
Little internet search, little common sense to connect dots and you will know whats going on.
Regarding ISIS is more in line of al-qaeda and TTP(Pakistan Taliban) is also working and joining ISIS.
1> The Same TTP which was supported by NATO Forces & Afghan Force (They Give them free passage by removing border post along the border where Pakistan Army was conducting operation)
2> Afghan Army attack Pakistan army so that border remain open for terrorist movement (Using US fund & Weapon & US remain silent)
3> Zero effort from US for border monitoring(No Drones Patrolling Border)
4> No support for Pakistan Army From US for border management(Drones, Surveillance Equipment etc)
5> Giving free hand to Afghan Govt+Army for DRUG + CORRUPTION + CHILD RAPE resulting in fueling of militancy & terrorism.
6> Avoiding Operation and drone strikes in Afghanistan Afghanistan against TTP+ISIS except for few strike under pressure. They are in Thousand of Number.
7> Hamid Karzi give TTP free passage & Land as base of Operation against Pakistan.

Solution for Afghanistan & Pakistan is simple.
Deport all refugees from Pakistan.
Seal Complete border except border crossing.
Only allow legal trade and peoples movement after checking and clearance(both side should do the same).
Problem solved no one can blame any one.
One more thing if NATO + Afghan can't clear Afghanistan like Pakistan cleared its border then Pakistan should have a right for Cross border raid and air strike to Protect Only force(Pakistan Army) Guarding, fighting & Denying terrorist free movement along border.
While NATO + Afghan force remain in their hole.
Lots of terms have made their way into different languages. "Shaheed" from what I understand is specifically mentioned in the Sikh religion as a term. The word martyr has Christian origins but is used by everyone these days.

Word martyr has no Christian origin. Don't take out things from your as$

Word shaheed has origins in Quran and has strict rules that are to be applied when using it for someone. None of your soldiers are elegible for this term as per Islam.

Sikhs might have copy paste it from Islam doesn't matter.

If one does a RCA then the factors which lead to such attacks fall under the domain of the civilian government, but you are right about the immediate responsibility.

Civilian government would always be the second immediate responsible
Word martyr has no Christian origin. Don't take out things from your as$

Word shaheed has origins in Quran and has strict rules that are to be applied when using it for someone. None of your soldiers are elegible for this term as per Islam.

Sikhs might have copy paste it from Islam doesn't matter.

I don't know the Hindu equivalent of Shaheed, but for Shahadat (sp?) it is Veergati.

I agree that Shaheed belongs to the Muslims of the subcontinent.

I do not think Muslims others than of the subcontinent use the exact same word. Or do they? The Turks? The Iranians? The Arabs?

Cheers, Doc
I do not think Muslims others than of the subcontinent use the exact same word. Or do they? The Turks? The Iranians? The Arabs?

All of Muslims do - Even in Iran (who are anti-Arab) you will find thousands of streets named after Shaheeds
I don't know the Hindu equivalent of Shaheed, but for Shahadat (sp?) it is Veergati.

I agree that Shaheed belongs to the Muslims of the subcontinent.

I do not think Muslims others than of the subcontinent use the exact same word. Or do they? The Turks? The Iranians? The Arabs?

Cheers, Doc

Shaheed word is used by all Muslims. Arabs, turks, Iranians etc. If you have watched Arabic videos of al qaeda for their dead suicide bombers etc they use the same term.

Same for Iran. All of their fighters who are getting killed in Syria are called shaheed.

They are dying but they are hiding inside Afghanistan and not close to our border but deep inside Afghanistan. Some are being kept in RAW and NDS safe houses and some are hiding in areas which are controlled by no one. We can't go in and capture entire Afghanistan. Neither we have the capacity nor international backing to do it. We have to seal our border improve our Police and when these morons come close to border strike them their. Yes no Pakistan should die this brutal death. But our enemies are also not small they are monsters and being backed and supported by most powerful countries on face of the earth.

We are not doing enough in our territory either. I hate to say this but despite countless terror attacks no action has been taken in Balochistan. Yeah FC Balochistan do some random operations here and there in mountains of Balochistan but not enough terrorists are getting killed in Balochistan. For every ten attacks one or two terrorists are killed in Balochistan which is our clear failure.

Let's start killing terror rings hiding in our own territory before we talk about Afghanistan. We are unable to kick out Afghan refugees who are a great security risk to this nation and we are talking about killing terrorists in Afghanistan. This is simply a joke.

Its all about resources and funding, with what little they have they risk their life and limbs for the country.

Its all about resources and funding, with what little they have they risk their life and limbs for the country.

You don't need a lot of resources to go after terrorists that are sitting inside pakistan.

We failed in that and they hit in return

Don't use Google translate... use your mind to understand what I want to say...

You are the one who created mujahids along with US and RSA... to defeat USSR in Afghanistan and to defeat India in JnK... now they are hitting back...

When you raise a snake... be ready for venomous bite...

I always say... bad words are the last resort of a looser in a discussion...

Don't need a bharati to lecture us on state sponsored terrorism. Shoo and give this lecture to someone who is foolish enough to believe in that.
The stakes are high indeed, thats the way state sponsored terrorism works, you have the right to go bonkers over it and loose all hope and call others who can see beyond it as being in denial...lol, Pakistan has just put one of the most corrupt man in history of Pakistan in jail to the frustration of its enemies and you call it being in denial, thats some logic indeed, lol.

Have some guts to aim higher than below the belt dear, you are not the only one who cares about Pakistan to accuse its COAS of being any less of a Patriot than you and I are. The only force standing in the way of Indian designs against Baluchistan is our armed forces, you are quite naive to think otherwise. Period.

In the very words of Siraj Raisani: "Pakistan Zindabad, Pak Fauj Zindabad".
You can choose to say whatever you like but here, plz dont mock Siraj Raisani Shaheed!
Nuff said!!!

I am not mocking anyone's death but the fact that raisani is dead is a failure of Pakistani state and its institutions. Let's not use this martyrdom crap to hide that.

We have failed yet again and still our general is busy issuing condemnation statements which clearly isn't his job. General bajwa belongs to the crop of army officers who believe in all the liberal bullshit, passive attitude and playing golf. He isn't like the aggressive nationalist leader that we need right next now. We don't need kiyanis or bajwas. We need aggression that is lacking in current military leadership.

Dying is not something to be proud about. Making your enemy die is something to be proud about. Come back and tell me when we would be killing terrorists daily and I would support you in your views. For now the group or people who are being mastung carnage are still in Balochistan and we are not doing anything to eliminate them.
Yes... Its called playing both sides. ISIS is an expendable force of terror.

It is a well known fact Hillary, Obama and John McCain created ISIS in Syria and Iraq and once the Russians crushed them..... America transported them to Afghanistan to attack Pakistan.
None of that is true. You are taking 'political views' of Donald Trump and Hamid Karzai at face value, and overlooked actual ground realities. I shall enlighten you.

Donald Trump accused President Obama of being the “founder of ISIS” Wednesday, the latest incendiary comment from a candidate in the middle of a meltdown. Of course, Obama did not found ISIS and has actually led a campaign that has killed thousands of ISIS militants.

Labeling any individual the sole founder of ISIS would probably be an oversimplification given the wide range of factors that contributed to its rise. But two figures—Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—stand out as the most pivotal in the organization’s ascent to international infamy.

In the late 1990s, when President Obama was an Illinois state senator, Jordanian national al-Zarqawi founded the group called Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad with the goal of overthrowing the government of Jordan for not conforming with his extremist Sunni view of Islam. The group hatched various plots in the following years, but it wasn’t until the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq that group gained real traction. The U.S. invasion destabilized the country and allowed the group to grow.

Al-Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama Bin Laden and changed the name of the group to al-Qaeda in Iraq. The group battled U.S. and Iraqi government troops and its suicide bombing campaigns became infamous. Before long, al-Zarqawi began to conceive of himself as a religious leader, in addition to a military commander. Strict Sharia law was enforced complete with beheadings for violators. The U.S. killed al-Zarqawi in 2006, but the group continued.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi came to helm of al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2010 after serving as long as four years in the U.S. prison facility Camp Bucca along with other future top ISIS officials. But after taking power in 2011, al-Baghdadi cut off ties with al-Qaeda and changed the name of the group to the Islamic State in Iraq. He targeted Shiites and planned to unite the Arab world under a single Sunni regime. In 2013, he changed the group’s name to the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) to reflect the expanded ambition.

Trump supporters have tried to explain their candidate’s “founder of ISIS” comment as a rhetorical flourish meant to highlight how Obama’s policies have contributed to chaos in the region. There’s an element of truth to the clarification. Some national security experts have said that pulling out of Iraq in 2011 left the country vastly unprepared and helped create an environment where ISIS could expand and thrive. But the real blunder, many experts say, was President George W. Bush’s decision to invade Iraq in the first place without any real plan to bring stability. Mistakes aside, calling any U.S. president the “founder of ISIS” is a grave misrepresentation.

FYI: http://time.com/4448218/donald-trump-isis-founder-president-obama-zarqawi/

In-fact, Brooking's meticulous autobiography of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is self-sufficient in explaining the rise of ISIS in the Middle East: http://csweb.brookings.edu/content/research/essays/2015/thebeliever.html

ISIS is the byproduct of a mindset which is prevalent in the Pan-Islamic bloc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salafi_jihadism

Individuals such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (Jordanian), Abu Ayyub al-Masri (Egyptian) and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Iraqi) had following in common:

1) Middle Class background
2) Admiring Osama Bin Laden
3) Anti-American views
4) Desire to rout US and Israel from the Middle East
5) Adherence to Salafism
6) Desire for Pan-Islamic khilafat to address all issues plaguing Islamic countries
7) Short-tempered and rigid views

Notice how many people think on similar lines? Scores of PDF members also harbor similar views. Difference is that the aforementioned individuals decided to act and chose Iraq for their base of operations. They capitalized on Anti-American sentiments of people and established group(s) of like-minded individuals which morphed into ISIS eventually. When ISIS came into being, it used social media to lure like-minded individuals from all over the world to its cause. Even women from European states rushed to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS movement.

Bigger problem is that these people are SELF-CENTERED and have total disregard of well-being of others. Their religico-political views transcend suffering of people around them. Unfortunately, these kind of people exist everywhere within the Pan-Islamic bloc.

"BAGHDADI’S FAMILY IS REPRESENTATIVE in many ways of the diversity of influences and ever-shifting allegiances that were required for survival in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. Not only did they have ties to the Baathist party, if only for practical purposes, but there is evidence that several of Baghdadi’s family members, perhaps even his father, were Salafis—adherents of an extreme, puritanical form of Sunni Islam widely practiced in Saudi Arabia and throughout much of the Middle East, including Iraq, where it has deep roots. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the founder of the Saudi strain of Salafism, supposedly studied in the Iraqi city of Mosul in the 18th century, and individual Salafi missionaries spread their beliefs throughout Iraq in the 20th."

Most Salafis preach obedience to Muslim rulers, even bad ones, but Saddam viewed the Salafis as a threat because they condemn secularism and want states to impose Islamic law. So when the Salafis in Iraq began to organize themselves into societies to further their missionary work in the late 1970s, Saddam put them in jail for forming illegal organizations. He backed off in the 1980s during the war with Shiite Iran because he needed to retain the support of Iraq’s Sunni minority, which includes the Salafis. But in 1990, two years after the war with Iran ended, Saddam pressured thousands of Salafis to sign a pledge not to convert other Iraqis to their cause.

Around the same time, Saddam sought to co-opt his devout subjects by founding in 1989—and naming in his own honor—the Saddam University for Islamic Studies. The university was but one of the many ways he attempted to use religion to strengthen his hold on Iraqi society. As part of what he called his Faith Campaign, which began in 1993, he tried to woo religious conservatives by closing nightclubs, forbidding public consumption of alcohol, and imposing some of the harsh penalties prescribed by Islamic scripture such as severing a hand or foot for theft. In 1994, he confided in a cabinet meeting that his earlier hesitancy about applying Islamic punishments was unwarranted. Such punishments, he observed, could deter crime better than less severe ones. Left unsaid was the fact that they were also useful for frightening his subjects into submission while burnishing his credentials as defender of the faith.

As part of his Faith Campaign, Saddam also promoted the study and recitation of the Quran, promising to use state funds to train 30,000 Quran instructors. Saddam even donated 28 liters of his own blood to be used as ink for a Quran to be housed in the Mother of All Battles Mosque.


When US toppled Saddam regime in Iraq, it unwittingly opened a can of worms in the region. Salafist forces in the Middle East saw an opening and capitalized on it.


ISIS-K emerged in Afghanistan because their isn't a shortage of like-minded people in this part of the world either. It also lured scores of members of Al-Qaeda Network, TTP and Afghan Taliban to its cause.


Russia crushed ISIS? Russian mandate is restricted to Syria whereas ISIS had a much bigger footprint. Russia wasn't in the position to fight a war with ISIS on a broader scale. In-fact, US-led forces struck ISIS in several countries and took care of ISIS stronghold in Syria as well (i.e. Raqqa).

US-led operations against ISIS are visible and well-documented! Show me the same from Russia. Heck, there is more proof of Iranian militias contending with ISIS than Russian forces in Syria. Russia doesn't want to embroil itself in this war.


By toppling Saddam regime in Iraq, US unwittingly popped the cap of the bottle of Salafist forces, and embroiled itself in a bigger conflict since - a conflict which have no boundaries. This is a clash of civilizations.

Look at this list from Pentagon:
  • Haqqani Network
  • Harakat-Ul-Jihadi-Islami (HUJ/I)
  • Harakat-Ul-Mujahideen (HUM)
  • Indian Mujahideen
  • Islamic Jihad Union
  • Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
  • ISIS-K
  • Jaish-e-Mohammed
  • Jundullah
  • Lashkar-e-Tayyiba
  • Lashkar-e-Janghvi
  • Al-Qaeda core
  • Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent
  • Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan
  • Jamaat-ul-Ahrar
  • Jamaat-ud-Dawa al-Quran
  • Tariq Gidar Group
  • East Turkistan Islamic Movement
  • Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
  • Commander Nazir Group
Different heads of Salafist Medusa in the subcontinent.


Now you understand why US didn't topple Assad regime in Syria? Better to have SECULAR tyrants in power than to create new breeding grounds for this Salafist Medusa. Examples below.
  • Al-Nusra Front
  • Abdullah Azzam Brigades
  • Fatah al-Islam
Additional heads of Salafist Medusa operating in Syria.


This war is far from over, unfortunately. Unless the mindset in question is addressed, Salafist Medusa will continue to thrive.
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I thought terrorism was wiped out from Pakistan? More like most of terrorist organisations went underground, they will continue to pop their heads whenever they get the opportunity. Pakistan's security forces and the society itself needs to target the root causes and their local masters in Pakistan preaching suicide bombings in Pakistan madarsas.
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