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128 dead, over 200 injured in Mastung blast targeting BAP meeting; IS claims responsibility

Yes, Baluchistan is set to prosper more and more in the coming years dear. You can call it whatever but India will not be allowed to succeed in Baluchistan as is your claim... this in itself is proof enough who is delusional due to a brazen and inhumane attack on the Patriot Baluchs at the behest of India. No point putting the blame entrirely on Pak Army when this war is forced upon us from Interantional Sponsors/ Enemy State backed terrorists fighting India's proxy war.

Your childish, derogatory remarks and frustration is no less revealing who's propaganda you have fallen for. Nothing further needs to said indeed.

I never claimed that India would succeed or not in Balochistan

Anyways as I said. Not going to waste my time on you and your delusions.
All in charge of security should be forced to resign and presented to courts for severe negligence.
Many were averted, did you propose medals then? and one went through so now resignations should be given?

It doesn't work that way.

I never claimed that India would succeed or not in Balochistan

Anyways as I said. Not going to waste my time on you and your delusions.

Its a proxy war of terror imposed by India on Pakistan. You call the situation in Baluchistan as a total failure of Pakistan Army - who's success are you alluding it to be dear? Or are you really that Naive? That's why its wise to think it through instead of posting anything that comes to mind in blind rage and emotion. Hosla karo Hosla... Pakistan Army knows whats going on in Baluchistan far more than you do sitting at home.
General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) visited Quetta. Attended funeral prayer of shaheed Siraj Raisani, met his family and visited CMH Quetta to meet injured of Mastung blast victims. COAS expressed his deepest empathy with all bereaved families of the Mastung blast incident. Referring to Shaheed Siraj Raisani as ‘Soldier of Pakistan’ COAS said that we have lost a die-hard brave patriot Pakistani who shall be remembered for his commitment and contributions for Pakistan. COAS acknowledged sacrifices of three generations of Siraj Raisani’s family.

COAS said that our journey to peace hasn’t yet reached the desired destination of complete peace but we are successfully nearing its achievement. We as a nation have stood up to the challenges of terrorism and extremism and shall defeat all inimical forces undeterred. Commander Southern Command Lieutenant General Asim Saleem Bajwa was present on the occasion.




There is no doubt in my mind that after the failure of Nawaz Sharif to simultaneously incite and increase chaos and violence on the streets of Pakistan's Cities, there were simultaneous surges in suicide and bomb attacks in KPK and Baluchistan, there is going to be ever more attempts to do a lot more of the same now that Nawaz Sharif has failed.

Enemies of Pakistan want a bloody and chaotic election with little credibility to perpetually destabilize Pakistan's in-coming new Government. They will do everything in their power to achieve this goal. Election campaigns are the most suitable soft targets and nearly impossible to avert due to so much activity going on.

What else do we have but our security forces, military and civil intelligence to protect our homeland from this latest spree of India sponsored terrorism. They are indeed stretched already due to the elections and our enemies have found this to be an opportune time to strike.

There is no other way but to fight the terrorists surgically to avoid collateral damage. It will take time but we will indeed prevail, In Sha Allah.

There is a reason for this up surge in violence. If Pakistan manages to keep moving forward in the right direction as it seems all set to do, then its Game over for India and its proxies to destroy Pakistan's future... All due to a politically stable government and Economic resurgence of Pakistan that would result in Regional Stake Holder's like Russia and China to invest more and more in Pakistan and that literally raises the stakes for our enemies like India to sponsor terrorism against a country that stands with regional powers.

It will indeed take a bit of time and iron resolve but we will prevail, In Sha Allah.
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No doubt the Rana Sanaullah/Nawaz Sharif angle also should be investigated

Its a proxy war of terror imposed by India on Pakistan. You call the situation in Baluchistan as a total failure of Pakistan Army - who's success are you alluding it to be dear? Or are you really that Naive? That's why its wise to think it through instead of posting anything that comes to mind in blind rage and emotion. Hosla karo Hosla... Pakistan Army knows whats going on in Baluchistan far more than you do sitting at home.

Are you dumb or what? India is an enemy and if it succeeds in killing 200 Pakistanis with 1 suicide bomber then whose failure that is? India being an enemy is doing what is supposed to do. The question is what we are doing?

I don't know what the hell is problem with you fan boys. You are no better than N league or PPP supporters who keep on supporting these parties despite their complete failure in governance and corruption.

Open your eyes. Mastung carnage is our failure and there is no way you can spin that.
Many were averted, did you propose medals then? and one went through so now resignations should be given?

It doesn't work that way.

People like you don't get a simple fact that this is their job, regardless of medals or not they have to do it. They choose this job by their choice. Pakistani authorities should be experienced by now as they are constantly fighting this kind of warfare since last 20 years or so.

Btw it was not one, but three in 2 days. Many small ones goes unnoticed because they are not on political figures or have such high death toll as 220.

Furthermore, you won't be saying this if your loved one was part of deceased.
Are you dumb or what? India is an enemy and if it succeeds in killing 200 Pakistanis with 1 suicide bomber then whose failure that is? India being an enemy is doing what is supposed to do. The question is what we are doing?

I don't know what the hell is problem with you fan boys. You are no better than N league or PPP supporters who keep on supporting these parties despite their complete failure in governance and corruption.

Open your eyes. Mastung carnage is our failure and there is no way you can spin that.

Are you always this respectful or is this some special treatment you have decided to dish out to me on the same day when @PakSword literally thanked me for kicking *** of all Patwaris on this forum single handedly. You really have some nerve equating me with that lot when all you are doing is bad mouthing Army and its command like the very same patwaris.

Please enlighten us as to how we can deal with this failure dear? I am all ears. But please get you act together and think your rhetoric through instead of unnecessary cheap talk against General Bajwa and Pakistan Army.

Lets hear you explain your solution to the failure in Baluchistan.

Please spare us your sweeping rhetoric to kill all those terrorists sitting knitting cardigans in Baluchistan and a "coward" bajwa, as per a random poster sitting at home in Karachi, is not ordering operation against them as he is busy playing golf or acting like Keyani. Thats simply pathetic.
Are you always this respectful or is this some special treatment you have decided to dish out to me on the same day when @PakSword literally thanked me for kicking *** of all Patwaris on this forum single handedly. You really have some nerve equating me with that lot when all you are doing is bad mouthing Army and its command like the very same patwaris.

Please enlighten us as to how we can deal with this failure dear? I am all ears. But please get you act together and think your rhetoric through instead of unnecessary cheap talk against General Bajwa and Pakistan Army.

Lets hear you explain your solution to the failure in Baluchistan.

Please spare us your sweeping rhetoric to kill all those terrorists sitting knitting cardigans in Baluchistan and a "coward" bajwa, as per a random poster sitting at home in Karachi, is not ordering operation against them as he is busy playing golf or acting like Keyani. Thats simply pathetic.

Well that's what you look like to be. A typical noon league or ppp supporter. Giving excuses after excuses for their leaders.

Anyways I am not wasting my time on you. You can live happily with your delusions.
The fact is that our security and intelligence agencies failed once again and if we are loyal to this country then we shouldn't deny that. Or if you are only loyal to general bajwa and the team then you can continue to defend GHQ.

We have lost 150 Pakistanis and it is no game for me and for anyone who can see that intelligence and security agencies of Pakistan are incompetent in face of the challenges that we face.

And I am telling you right now here in this thread that nothing is going to happen. Neither there would be any revenge for this attack nor there would be any action in Balochistan itself. No real operation against terrorists would be done. Prove me wrong and I am damn sure I won't be proven wrong

We failed. Isi failed. MI failed. Pak army failed. Let's accept that. Once we accept that then we might actually do something to avoid such attacks in future.

Booicking or praising army all the time is no patriotism. I am an urdu speaker from Karachi too but I am criticizing army because I can see clear holes and gaps in their policies and in their attitude. I still that generals of our army lack guts and balls. After years of appeasement has left them without guts

If someone needs to die then it is the enemies of Pakistan and clearly they are not dying due to lack of guts of our generals. Due to their lack of vision. Gen bajwa has already failed us a lot. He is just another glorified general kiyani

General bajwa belongs to the crop of army officers who believe in all the liberal bullshit, passive attitude and playing golf. He isn't like the aggressive nationalist leader that we need right next now. We don't need kiyanis or bajwas. We need aggression that is lacking in current military leadership.

Come back and tell me when we would be killing terrorists daily and I would support you in your views. For now the group or people who are being mastung carnage are still in Balochistan and we are not doing anything to eliminate them.

As for prosperous Balochistan I can only laugh at your delusions. We have just lost 200 Pakistanis due to incompetence of our forces. We haven't announced any operation or revenge even though 24 hours have passed.

We have generals like bajwa who thanks Ashraf ghazni on phone just because America killed mullah fazlullah in a drone attack 9 years later.

Nothing but bashing the Army and its COAS in posts after posts while pathetically stating that Army is not killing terrorists in Baluchistan deliberately and not going after ISIS operative in Baluchistan because Army chief is a coward. Not my words but do take a look back at your own. Utter Bull Crap and you have the nerve to say that I am acting like a Patwari, @BHarwana do you get this guy? what utter nonsense just because our Enemy succeeded in a cowardly and inhumane act of mass murder, this guy thinks that it is all because of the failure of GHQ as they do not act against ISIS terrorists deliberately.

@Areesh you said prove me wrong and it will never happen ... as No operation against terrorists would be done ... What kind of cross dressing Patriot's logic is this? chit bhee mayri...Patt bhee mayri...Sara Qasoor Sirf Bajwa...wah patwari...wah patwari.

And I am telling you right now here in this thread that nothing is going to happen. Neither there would be any revenge for this attack nor there would be any action in Balochistan itself. No real operation against terrorists would be done. Prove me wrong and I am damn sure I won't be proven wrong

Nothing but bashing the Army and its COAS in posts after posts while pathetically stating that Army is not killing terrorists in Baluchistan deliberately and not going after ISIS operative in Baluchistan because Army chief is a coward. Not my words but do take a look back at your own. Utter Bull Crap and you have the nerve to say that I am acting like a Patwari, @BHarwana do you get this guy? what utter nonsense just because our Enemy succeeded in a cowardly and inhumane act of mass murder, this guy thinks that it is all because of the failure of GHQ as they do not act against ISIS terrorists deliberately.

@Areesh you said prove me wrong and it will never happen ... as No operation against terrorists would be done ... What kind of cross dressing Patriot's logic is this?


Then answer this

How many ISIS/TTP/JUA terrorists we killed in past one month in balochistan?

Just share the number.
Then answer this

How many ISIS/TTP/JUA terrorists we killed in past one month in balochistan?

Just share the number.

Did i see you share that divine solution to the failure in Baluchistan that I asked you about Patwari???
I'm still waiting for your detailed answer to the problem dear...don't start asking questions instead of answering what you were asked first dear. Its called Whataboutism! the single most revealing trait of a Pakistani Patwari excuser.


I was waiting for your reply dear...Anyways dear, If you cant answer and give a solution to the failure in Baluchistan as expected, please do read carefully and try to understand my following reply to your post in kind.

Then answer this

How many ISIS/TTP/JUA terrorists we killed in past one month in balochistan?

Just share the number.

Please learn to read the posts of your accost if you want to do a meaningful discussion. It is only befitting the high standards of posts on this forum so please try and improve your standards or avoid posting substandard crap altogether. I clearly mentioned Surgical operations to illiminate the terrorists and its happening all over Pakistan as we speak my ignoramus Anti-Bajwa fenatic.

I already posted the way forward is always difficult and tedious, more so when conducting operations against terrorists inside our own borders to avoid collateral damage. You of all people, shouting profanities and calling it a complete failure of Pakistan forces, should take into account that a single terrorists killed is equal to saving the lives of Hundreds if not thousands of people. Thats why surgical operations are conducted to avoid collateral damage and kill just a few terrorists that are hiding amongst the civilian population.

So instead of your childish suggestion to measure sizes like some game from your days of adolescence (counting terrorists killed vs Victims of terror) you will do well to understand that even a single terrorist killed is equal to saving the lives of hundreds if not thousands of Innocent human beings.

So get it through your thick skull that even a single terrorist killed in baluchistan on that day or since means hundreds of more lives saved in just Baluchistan alone, thats the ongoing work being done by the security forces of Pakistan despite the ridicule of nay Sayers like yourself. Again, you are proved wrong dear boy, again, i ripped apart your rhetoric that PA or forces would not do any real operation or kill terrorists.

How would your obnoxious highness answer this simple logic explained above that is well understood by our forces but not by an emotionally challenged simpleton who wants indiscriminate revenge killing to satisfy his misplaced ego.
Then answer this

How many ISIS/TTP/JUA terrorists we killed in past one month in balochistan?

Just share the number.

Answer this Why did Nawaz Never took the Name of kulbhushan jadhav?



@Shane his sole purpose is to use this bomb to create a hate against army and give water to PML-N narrative who are responsible for this blast.

@Areesh will not answer my question. Terrorist did this bomb blast to create hate against Pakistan Army and promote PML-N's narrative and get some votes against Army but what these posters fail to understand that Pakistanis love their Army and will fail PML-N at all cost. If we want to defeat terrorism we have to defeat PML-N at all cost. Kulbhushan Jadhav boss is Nawaz.
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