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10th Tejas to Join no45 squadron in a week

I know from first hand experience of plagiarism by Indian students. As a personal policy I have never reported a student for such an act because I know it can be tough to get work done at times. Although I am generally stricter towards Arab and/or Pakistani students. When it comes to Indians, I throw grades at them even for low quality work.

You lot are not at all what you claim to be.
I have seen people of all ethnic background cheating like crazy when they find opportunity. As you yourself admitted, you gave them free-hand. Indian students, like most students, work well under pressure.
The best thing the Indians can excel at is clerical work, or repeating what they've been taught. Innovation or practicality isn't in their DNA.

Who cares, as long as we keep making money, everything else is irrelevant.
(Of course, heavy caveat on making money through theft)

100 will be decent numbers to open a thread

How long you willing to wait?
hats off to them for that.
people go for treatment there
their case law is quality
and education too
the books of their professors are among preffered choice in Pakistan too
not bad at all
politics aside. their achievements must be appreciated without sarcasm
True that.
Mubarak Mubarak BJP delivered 10 jets under make in India.
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Tejas x 10


Like I said theres 10 BUT all 10 of these have

HMD hobs missles combo
smokeless USA engines
and one third the RCS of any PAF fighter

admittedly they cost $50 million each
Like I said theres 10 BUT all 10 of these have

HMD hobs missles combo
smokeless USA engines
and one third the RCS of any PAF fighter

admittedly they cost $50 million each

To be honest, I have many gripes about this platform. India is a country of distances and this plane has short legs.

May be it is meant only for point defense? Then why so many futuristic tech on a simple point defense plane?

India needs mass number of cheap fighters to fill its 'low-end' squads. But this is shaping up to be a expensive high-end plane. Why this disconnect?

India needs exports to re-coup the money spent. But no-one will be able to buy this plane. Slow delivery schedule and slower time for clearance.
I meant economy and money making.

You need to sell those to make money.

I asked who is buying this.?

Ok, maybe there’s a disconnect since you jumped into a response to a diff poster, but I was simply replying to his comment about Indians being good for nothing but “taking orders”, innovation lacking in DNA etc etc

Hope that puts my response in context.

Now what are you selling?
Ok, maybe there’s a disconnect since you jumped into a response to a diff poster, but I was simply replying to his comment about Indians being good for nothing but “taking orders”, innovation lacking in DNA etc etc

Hope that puts my response in context.

Now what are you selling?

I am selling a functioning fighter jet capable of unsettling F16 in half the amount.
I am selling a functioning fighter jet capable of unsettling F16 in half the amount.
Not exactly.
F-16 comes with top of the line NATO BVRs.
Best guided/unguided bombs.
Path to upgrade to powerful ASEA radar.
Above all, blessing and support of Uncle Sam.
Its apple to a whole fruit basket comparison.
Not exactly.
F-16 comes with top of the line NATO BVRs.
Best guided/unguided bombs.
Path to upgrade to powerful ASEA radar.
Above all, blessing and support of Uncle Sam.
Its apple to a whole fruit basket comparison.

But atleast i have an Apple to sell.

All of These are optional Upgrades for long term customers as the Brochure suggests.
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