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3 Rafale fighters landing next week, 9 more in April to add to IAF’s firepower

do you not feel that 36 Rafale are a tremendous,Force multiplier to already potent air Force.

in other words

imagine 6 strike formations for 6 targets
each formation

8 planes ie 4 mirage2000 carrying rampage 100km stand off missles
4 su30mki carrying 300 km Brahmos,cruise missLes,

now add 4 Rafale to each strike formations as the lead plane carrying scalp cruise missles, with meteore bvr with their radars,switched,off using spectra ew suites.

all of a,sudden each strike package is so much more dangerous,

my point is Rafale adds so much more threat in even in small nos
You expect 100% availability ?
do you not feel that 36 Rafale are a tremendous,Force multiplier to already potent air Force.

in other words

imagine 6 strike formations for 6 targets
each formation

8 planes ie 4 mirage2000 carrying rampage 100km stand off missles
4 su30mki carrying 300 km Brahmos,cruise missLes,

now add 4 Rafale to each strike formations as the lead plane carrying scalp cruise missles, with meteore bvr with their radars,switched,off using spectra ew suites.

all of a,sudden each strike package is so much more dangerous,

my point is Rafale adds so much more threat in even in small nos

So much talk, so little knowledge.

1) You will never have all 36 available, maybe perhaps 26-30 max
2) Integrated strike packages need practice, years of practice
3) Can you data link Indian, Russian and French planes?? Can AEW communicate via secure data link with all 3?
4) Due to different aircraft and systems can a French plane guide other planes that use Russian/Indian/Israeli weapons?
5) How often can just 36 Rafales train with the rest of the IAF on a regular basis?
6) How do you stop Your EW from say Israel, India or Russia accidentally jamming French radars on your planes?

I would have thought Balakot would have taught you lessons about French planes/Israeli bombs and Russian helicopters/Israeli SAMs, but obviously you think the IAF learnt nothing from that fiasco....
So much talk, so little knowledge.

1) You will never have all 36 available, maybe perhaps 26-30 max
2) Integrated strike packages need practice, years of practice
3) Can you data link Indian, Russian and French planes?? Can AEW communicate via secure data link with all 3?
4) Due to different aircraft and systems can a French plane guide other planes that use Russian/Indian/Israeli weapons?
5) How often can just 36 Rafales train with the rest of the IAF on a regular basis?
6) How do you stop Your EW from say Israel, India or Russia accidentally jamming French radars on your planes?

I would have thought Balakot would have taught you lessons about French planes/Israeli bombs and Russian helicopters/Israeli SAMs, but obviously you think the IAF learnt nothing from that fiasco....

I not questioning your judgement
but I trust a professional air Force that has operates mix of Russian and,French fighters for 50 years to get the data linking and comms networked effectively..no country can blow 9 billion dollars without working out plan to network to awacs or afnet or data link fighters,of entire fleet. now you really are clutching at straws,
this is the 4th largest air Force on the planet with dedicated spy satalites,and a,total networked afnet comms system linking all 3 services security with space satalites ships and ground radars, and on Indian networks.

regarding service levels the French fighter ate much more efficient than the Russian engines fighters ie 90 %v 60% historically something your paf has now learned following their decision to use Russian engines on the back bone of your future air power..

one other point 6 strike formations with 4 Rafale each is,24 out of 36 fighters ...

again it's just my imo on how the,Rafale will.be deployed ie in.combination with tejas, mirage2000 and mki not on its,own
Tell me how did pakistan network French fighter if 50 years vintage to a legacy usa f16 and then this in turn linked to chinease thunder and radar and finally how do you link these,to a,Swedish and chinease,awacs,.. .

you see this mix bag issue apply to pakistan as,well
Follow on orders should be placed for 36 more.

Atleast Active 4 squadrons are needed.
do you not feel that 36 Rafale are a tremendous,Force multiplier to already potent air Force.

in other words

imagine 6 strike formations for 6 targets
each formation

8 planes ie 4 mirage2000 carrying rampage 100km stand off missles
4 su30mki carrying 300 km Brahmos,cruise missLes,

now add 4 Rafale to each strike formations as the lead plane carrying scalp cruise missles, with meteore bvr with their radars,switched,off using spectra ew suites.

all of a,sudden each strike package is so much more dangerous,

my point is Rafale adds so much more threat in even in small nos

Rafale along with it's bells and whistles is definitely a fighter to be respected. No two ways about it. But you can't operationalize them immediately. It will take time to integrate in the overall ecosystem, tactics to be developed, strategies to be formulated. No offense, Feb 27 showed that IAF has good equipment but they are not so good in using it. I am not saying that IAF will not have learned anything from that skirmish. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. But the point is, platform does matter but not as much as how effectively one uses it.

Secondly, don't you think that PAF will or is already preparing for the counter. Chances of new F16s are close to none. It will be J10 (most probably) and JF17 Block 3. We are as eager as you to see what JF17 Block 3 brings to the table.
Rafale itself is currently one of the best aircraft available in its class but there are few issues
1st when these birds will be fully operational in IAF, you cant just add new platform and expect them work at 100% capabilities next day,
2nd Majority of its future fleet will be directed lfor Pakistan but some of it will or should be left near to chinese border so you are already dividing your limited fleet.
3rd its gone take atleast few years for these platform to be fully operational at even than you have maintenance and other issues your operational availability will always be 60 to 80 %.
4th Future Pakistani and Chinese Upgrade with next gen missile and new platforms, Next Gen BVR soon will be operational in Chinese airforce and it will come to Pakistan which means Thunder will out range indian BVRs like it against Sukhoi in last skirmish even if Pakistani home grown project doesn't do much pakistan can get better off the shelf products at much faster rate than india is adding and cheaper price just forget thunder even if Pakistan is some how able to land f16s which i see happening in future with solid cash those birds can be fully utilised

Indian air force is facing quite few issues
1 Fleet and Systems from so many different countries they were not meant to work together.
2 Issue with service and availability of its full fleet with regular crashes.
3 Replacement for older gen air crafts.

Tell me how did pakistan network French fighter if 50 years vintage to a legacy usa f16 and then this in turn linked to chinease thunder and radar and finally how do you link these,to a,Swedish and chinease,awacs,.. .

you see this mix bag issue apply to pakistan as,well
Link 17, for this specific role. When did india start something similar
I not questioning your judgement
but I trust a professional air Force that has operates mix of Russian and,French fighters for 50 years to get the data linking and comms networked effectively..no country can blow 9 billion dollars without working out plan to network to awacs or afnet or data link fighters,of entire fleet. now you really are clutching at straws,
this is the 4th largest air Force on the planet with dedicated spy satalites,and a,total networked afnet comms system linking all 3 services security with space satalites ships and ground radars, and on Indian networks.

regarding service levels the French fighter ate much more efficient than the Russian engines fighters ie 90 %v 60% historically something your paf has now learned following their decision to use Russian engines on the back bone of your future air power..

one other point 6 strike formations with 4 Rafale each is,24 out of 36 fighters ...

again it's just my imo on how the,Rafale will.be deployed ie in.combination with tejas, mirage2000 and mki not on its,own

It's not if you "trust" the IAF or not. 6 dead Indian Airmen and their families testify to the fact that comms, integration and data sharing did not work on Feb 27th, but I guess this does not really matter to you as long as you can post an argument on a forum.
Tell me how did pakistan network French fighter if 50 years vintage to a legacy usa f16 and then this in turn linked to chinease thunder and radar and finally how do you link these,to a,Swedish and chinease,awacs,.. .

you see this mix bag issue apply to pakistan as,well

Link 17
something not working on 27th 2019 does not mean you can't induct French fighters.

they worked very well on 26th February over balakot and did a fine job over kargil laser bombing.

regardless indian defense planners would love to induct more Rafale fighters in future and combine them.with future upgraded lol from.russia and to confuse,enemy even further add indian.tejas and Amca on both israeli and indian awacs systems. we are probably looking at 100 billion dollars,investment so I know networking and comms is not overlooked and I can guarantee that will not be an issue .

your concern is when and what you do to respond to the almost non stop upgradtion to indian military power be it fighters, submarines,destroyers, drones,or logistics
something not working on 27th 2019 does not mean you can't induct French fighters.

they worked very well on 26th February over balakot and did a fine job over kargil laser bombing.

regardless indian defense planners would love to induct more Rafale fighters in future and combine them.with future upgraded lol from.russia and to confuse,enemy even further add indian.tejas and Amca on both israeli and indian awacs systems. we are probably looking at 100 billion dollars,investment so I know networking and comms is not overlooked and I can guarantee that will not be an issue .

your concern is when and what you do to respond to the almost non stop upgradtion to indian military power be it fighters, submarines,destroyers, drones,or logistics

You cannot "guarantee" it will not be an issue, no one can, unless you have access to the very highest secrets in the IAF.

You want to, but you cannot.

As for your Feb 26th claim, best we not depart from reality in another thread now. Surely you must realise how little your word means to forum readers by now no?
In Feb 2019, it was decided that all IAF fighter aircraft will be equipped with Israeli made jamproof, ultra-secure BNET software defined radios and datalinks.
This will allow French, Russian and Indian aircraft to communicate with each other and also share tactical data through datalink (much faster than link 16).

At a ceremony on 20 February 2019 at the 2019 Aero India defense exhibition in Bengaluru, India, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems CEO, Major General (ret.) Yoav Har-Even, presented Chief Operations Officer of Astra Rafael COMSYS PVT LTD (ARC), Brigadier Ravi Hariharan with a $30 million purchase order for the manufacture, test-before-integration, and lifecycle support management for a complete set of the BNet Software Defined Radio (SDR) system for the Indian Air Force (IAF).

This order is the first contract for ARC, the joint venture between Rafael and India’s Astra Microwave Products Ltd.

In late 2017, Rafael was awarded a contract to supply BNet SDRs to the IAF. ARC will manufacture and integrate these advanced radio systems onboard IAF aircraft, allowing for the digital exchange of tactical information. As a force multiplier, the systems will enable IAF pilots to engage the enemy beyond visual range, without being detected by their on-board sensors.

Acquired by both the Brazilian and Colombian Air Forces, the BNet carries the an airborne V/UHF tactical handle L-band (1-2 GHz) communications datalink (TDL) to support air operations. This radio was also acquired by the Israeli Air Force. The radio can include transmit data rates of up to 2mbps and 10mbps transmit with reception speeds of 100mbps and 500 megabits per second.
As for your Feb 26th claim, best we not depart from reality in another thread now. Surely you must realise how little your word means to forum readers by now no?

not overly concerned about readers on here. most just fantasize,about j10c block 70 f16 and project Azm and 052 destroyers, without understanding ground reality and claims are so far fetched it's like primary school level understanding.

I do agree pakistan did a good job on 27th in having the courage to respond to on paper at least a much stronger air power. and you scored a,kill ie mig21 bison.
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