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10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

My opinion is that although Turkey members have some exaggerations. But in fact. This is because Greek members have provoked conflicts.

Foinikas is a provocateur , he is doing same thing since 2021

No any exaggeration here

All Turkish military projects are real with factual information

-- TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet
( only USA , China , Russia , Turkiye and S.Korea in the World )

-- Next gen Trainer and light attack Fighter Jet
( only USA , China , Russia , Turkiye , Italy and S.Korea in the World )

-- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
( only USA and Turkiye in the World )

-- ANKA-3 flying-wing stealth UCAV
( only USA , China , Russia , Turkiye , France , The UK and S.Korea in the World )

( only USA , China , Turkiye and Israel in the World )

-- 10+ tons heavy Attack Helicopter
( only USA , Russia and Turkiye in the World )

-- Utility Helicopter with turboshaft engine technology
( only USA , China , Russia , Turkiye , France and The UK in the World )

-- Land based Radar Electronic Warfare System
( only Russia , Turkiye and Israel in the World )

-- BVR Air to Air Missile
( only USA ,China ,Russia ,Turkiye ,France ,Taiwan ,India ,Israel and Japan in the World )

-- High altitude long range Air Defense System
( only USA , China , Russia , Turkiye , France-Italy ,Taiwan ,Israel and Iran in the World )
Its propaganda .. nothing else

Your logic is basically: If I does not promote Turkish propaganda, then it must be propaganda.

reality is different than your fantasy world

That is ironic coming from a guy who is posting nothing but pure propaganda.

While France and Russia produces turbofan-turboshaft Engines for decades , still Iran and India dreaming about it .. keep dreaming with useless research papers

You're copying and pasting the same comment as thought that changes the fact you're wrong.

We are talking about UCAV technology here

and Yes , Turkiye is more advanced than European nations in UCAV technology

The UK , France , Italy use American MQ-9
while Turkiye uses its own TB-2 , ANKA , AKSUNGUR and superior AKINCI to carry even 150-280 km CAKIR , IHA-230 , SOM Missiles

A new era in aviation ... first time in the world
Unmanned fighter jet and manned fighter jet flew together at the same time


and nothing from the US or Europe for Turkish UCAVs

only American engines and British ejection seat for TF-23 Fighter Jet
HURJET also uses American Engine

and Turkiye develops its own turbofan engines to become real military power without dependence on anyone

we did it with TS-1400 turboshaft Engine to power the T-625 utility Helicopter and T-629 Attack Helicopter ...

sooner or later TF-23 and HURJET will have indigenos engine instead of American Engine

I have already addressed these claims and showed you how these Turkish claims are mostly fake news.
Its based on useless research papers ( propaganda )
But that's what you do too,when you post here

My opinion is that although Turkey members have some exaggerations. But in fact. This is because Greek members have provoked conflicts. He knows that Greece is the most backward country in the world. So he cleverly used Iranian members to fight Turkey members.

Now this Greek member is hiding in the corner, mocking you guys for fighting each other.
You're the alt account of another Chinese member and you're known as a troll. Hence,cut the bull,we all know you're the realy provocateur here.

The @Philosopher knows I respect him and even when I disagreed with the other Iranians in their Fatteh thread,the Philosopher talked to me with respect and logic and showed me some good points. As for MMM-E,do you know what he's said about your beloved China?
It has nothing to do with propaganda. It's rather common knowledge that Iran is nowhere near as advanced as you try to portray the country. You're very transparent.

Common knowledge? according to whom? Turkish propagandists? All my sources I have posted regarding Iranian ranking in high tech fields have been from non-Iranian sources.
Unlike MMM-E, I'm not going to waste my time and energy on you. It's not worth it.

That's because you have cannot really deal with the facts on the ground.

I can't help you if you honestly believe that Iran is ahead of Turkey technologically and please spare me with your "superior NANO and missile tech" - UNO reverse card.

It's not me saying it, but western institutions.

If you're intellectually able to make an assessment that is somewhat honest and objective, you'd see for yourself that after 20 years Iran lost almost all of its advantages with respect to Turkey.

The only advantage Turkey has over Iran is the fact it is importing western technology. That however does not mean you're more advanced. Nothing hard relatively speaking about importing western technology and assembling their products.

You were ahead of us with a respectable margin not long ago but look at Iran now.

See above. Also, despite the extreme sanctions, Iran is still ranked higher than Turkey.

The only area of expertise that Persians are still kind of leading is missile technologies, although Turkey is catching up at an incredible pace.

Turkey will only have whatever technology the west decides you can have, nothing more.

I'm sorry but you're delusional and if you'd prefer to face reality instead of cherry picking some studies that assist you creating a fantasy version of Iran you would see what I'm talking about.

Nothing "cherry picking" about those studies given they're talking generally.

I'm pretty sure there must be decent Iranians out there who know what I'm talking about. Maybe they'll help you.

I won't respond further, life's too short to waste it for unworthy people like you. Bye.

You people think everyone must peddle these comical Turkish propagandas. This is not how this works. You need a reality check, and I am happy to deliver. I never said it'll be easy for you to swallow the facts.
Your logic is basically: If I does not promote Turkish propaganda, then it must be propaganda.
That is his logic. In numerous threads and posts,talking with various people and not just me,every time someone provided him with evidence,links,quotes from sources,real data and examples....all he could say was "it's propaganda" or "lies". And then he would c/p the exact same long lists of Turkish projects,as if that would prove his point.

You're posting the same stuff again...and again...and again.

And you add idiotic comments like the one above. How do you expect people to take it?

OH FOR...........everything is FETO to you?

You sleep and dream of FETO? You wake up and see FETO? Every source that isn't controlled by Erdogan is FETO?

Are brainwashed?
Why are you spending time with this juvenile idiot?

It will turn out that he is a teenager with an internet connection, taking out his frustrations with life in Germany by bragging his backside off about vapourware.

44 negative ratings!

What's wrong with you?

@Foinikas @Philosopher
You people think everyone must peddle these comical Turkish propagandas. This is not how this works. You need a reality check, and I am happy to deliver. I never said it'll be easy for you to swallow the facts.


Why are you spending time with this juvenile idiot?

It will turn out that he is a teenager with an internet connection, taking out his frustrations with life in Germany by bragging his backside off about vapourware.
Bro did you notice how he has avoided to reply to mine and Philosopher's questions about his age and occupation? Or what he's studied?

I asked him 3 times,the Philosopher asked him once,he completely ignored that. He always ignores that.

Two reasons why I spent time on this thread:

1. It's annoying when he repeats the same threads with different or similar names every few weeks or months. And especially when he continues to include idiotic and provocative comments on his posts.
2. I was bored and had nothing else to do.
@Philosopher @Mehdipersian
I thought the Iranians were not stupid enough to believe the lies of the mullahs.

Iran has nothing but Soviet era ballistic missiles with the technology of the 70s. (Soviet ballistic missile technology in the 70s is not bad)

If Iranian missile technology is from the 70's, then Turkish missile technology would relatively speaking be non-existent.

Turkey is decades away from being able to produce anything like a hypersonic missile which Iran is developing.

Your missile technology is once again imported technology anyway, this time from the China.

"During the '90s, Turkey contacted many countries like China, France, and Israel in order to purchase a license for their ballistic missile technology and their missile systems technology. In the end, China was selected and in 1997 a contract was signed to produce the Chinese WS-1 multiple rocket launcher. The Turkish version was named T-300 Kasigra (Hurricane). "

Common knowledge? according to whom? Turkish propagandists? All my sources I have posted regarding Iranian ranking in high tech fields have been from non-Iranian sources.

Show us so-called Iranian technology , instead of lying and cheap Persian propaganda

Iranians and Indians are same level daydreamers

Level of Iran





Level of Turkiye


















Iran and India only can dream about Turkish aviation Industry
Show us so-called Iranian technology , instead of lying and cheap Persian propaganda

Iranians and Indians are same level daydreamers

Level of Iran

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Level of Turkiye




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Iran and India only can dream about Turkish aviation Industry

Everything you've just posted is actually propaganda. Once again, it is not me saying it but actual sources, forget this?

Is Turkey being snowed by flurry of fake defense news?​

Turkey's news media have been overloaded with exaggerated and at times improbable defense industry and security reports serving as political propaganda for the government.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
Show us so-called Iranian technology , instead of lying and cheap Persian propaganda

Iranians and Indians are same level daydreamers

Level of Iran

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Level of Turkiye




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Iran and India only can dream about Turkish aviation Industry
Can I have one euro deposited on my paypal account every time you post the same photo list? I'd like to buy a new laptop.
Everything you've just posted is actually propaganda. Once again, it is not me saying it but actual sources, forget this?

Yes your source is anti-ERDOGAN and anti-Turkiye loser FETO Terrorist from 2017 ..
1 year after failed coup attempt by FETO in 2016 ... pathetic liars

Wake up liars this is 2023 all Turkish major military projects were materialized
TFX , HURJET , ANKA-3 , AKINCI , KIZILELMA , T-625 , T-929 , HISAR , SIPER , GOKDOGAN and many more

Turkiye sold TB-2 , ANKA , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI UCAVs to 34 countries
Turkiye sold weapons and military systems to 170 Countries including Pakistan , Indonesia

you have no shame ... go and dream about cheap persian propaganda QAHER-313

Iran only can dream about Turkish aviation Industry

Turkey is decades away from being able to produce anything like a hypersonic missile which Iran is developing.

Even Our DELTA-V Rocket is Hypersonic with mach 7

hybrid innovative technology using a paraffin/liquid oxygen propellant pair

Your missile technology is once again imported technology anyway, this time from the China.

Iranian Ballistic Missile technology from N.Korea and China
Iranian Anti-Ship Missile technology from China
Iranian Cruise Missile technology from Ukraine

Iran copied anti-Tank Missile from outdated American-Soviet Missiles
Iran copied air to air Missile from outdated American Missile

Ukraine gave Soviet KH-55 long range cruise missiles to Iran and China
and copycat Iran copied Soviet KH-55 long range cruise missile

Wake up and smell the coffee.
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Bro did you notice how he has avoided to reply to mine and Philosopher's questions about his age and occupation? Or what he's studied?

I asked him 3 times,the Philosopher asked him once,he completely ignored that. He always ignores that.

Two reasons why I spent time on this thread:

1. It's annoying when he repeats the same threads with different or similar names every few weeks or months. And especially when he continues to include idiotic and provocative comments on his posts.
2. I was bored and had nothing else to do.
He already has 44 negatives, therefore impervious to anything external. It would take a hand-grenade to shut him up.
Yes your source is anti-ERDOGAN and anti-Turkiye loser FETO Terrorist and from 2017 ..
1 year after failed coup attempt in 2016 ... pathetic liars

You're proving my point that any source which highlights Turkish propaganda must be propaganda. Grow up.

Turkiye sold TB-2 , ANKA , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI UCAVs to 34 countries
Turkiye sold weapons and military systems to 170 Countries including Pakistan , Indonesia

You mean that same TB-2 which turned out to be based mostly on foreign technology, once again?


you have no shame ... go and dream about cheap persian propaganda QAHER-313

I am still waiting for you to tell me why Qaher was a propaganda. Running away from doing this only shows you're grasping a straws.

Even Our DELTA-V Rocket is Hypersonic with mach 7

hybrid innovative technology using a paraffin/liquid oxygen propellant pair
View attachment 934241

That is crude technology which Iran developed back in the 90s. We're talking about proper hypersonic missiles.

Iranian Ballistic Missile technology from N.Korea and China

Really? Tell me, which N Korea or Chinese technology is Iran's hypersonic missile based on:


These are technologies that Turkey could frankly only dream on.

Iran copied anti-Tank Missile from outdated American-Soviet Missiles
Iran copied air to air Missile from outdated American Missile

Ukraine gave Soviet KH-55 long range cruise missiles to Iran and China
and copycat Iran copied Soviet KH-55 long range cruise missile

But there is a huge difference between Iran reverse engineering a product and Turkey importing and assembling a product. The former requires an actualy defence industry. Turkey mostly just imports and renames systems:

like renaming an Italian A-129:


To T-129 and claiming you made it:


And then claim it is a Turkish designed product. You see at least when Iran derives a product from a foreign systems, it does not claim to have designed it. The other hilarious fact is that even your T-129 is heavily reliant on import.
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You're proving my point my any source which highlights Turkish propaganda must be propaganda. Grow up.

Propaganda is belong to backward Iran like QAHER-313

You mean that same TB-2 which turned out to be based on foreign technology, once again?

Same lie from 2015

wake up liars ..this is 2023 and TB-2 UCAV is 93% indigenous

TB-3 UCAV is 100% indigenous including engine and E/O System


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