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10 Turkish Military Projects that Turkiye will join to Elite Club ( 2023-2028 )

Who are you jealous troll ? are you MOD ?
PDF users like my threads

and My threads dont violate forum rules and unique informative threads

MODS dont say anything .. still you are jumping day and night for trolling , spaming andcterrorize my threads

I report you .... enough is enough you sneaky provocateur
I ignore you ... dont reply my posts
You've fought with half the forum like a child who can't understand what grown-ups are saying and then you get angry.

Your comments and provocative posts violate forum rules.

I've told you....like how many times? Do you remember? How many times have I told you that when you post information and photos of a specific military project and then you add a comment like "NOBODY CAN DEFEAT SUPERPOWER TURKIYE" or "The Aegean is our playground" or "Pathetic Egypt can't even come close to Turkey",then you make your post look biased and you make others reply to you.
How many times have I seen this?


Its reality .. if you are so jealous then its your problem

150 km CAKIR Cruise Missile


AKINCI carry even 150 km IHA-230 supersonic Missiles

You have no shame .. You are still crying here
You have no shame .. You are still crying here
The only one crying,once more,is you. You're the one who started talking about mods and reporting.

The Philosopher showed you 2-3 very good links in the 4th page. You ignored them. These articles were very good.

Now,again I will ask you. And if you are not ashamed,reply: What have you studied? What's your job? Do you have a job? Are you studying something now?
I've told you....like how many times? Do you remember? How many times have I told you that when you post information and photos of a specific military project and then you add a comment like "NOBODY CAN DEFEAT SUPERPOWER TURKIYE" or "The Aegean is our playground" or "Pathetic Egypt can't even come close to Turkey",then you make your post look biased and you make others reply to you.

You have zero knowledge about world wide military
You even tried to intercept Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missile with CROTALE short range Air Defense System

what a troll

and stop fabricate stories ... I did not say anything here about Aegean , Egypt or super power Turkiye

your silly games wont work .. as always you jumped to my thread with silly post

I just show 10 Turkish military projects that your country even can not dream about it
The Philosopher showed you 2-3 very good links in the 4th page. You ignored them. These articles were very good.

Now,again I will ask you. And if you are not ashamed,reply: What have you studied? What's your job? Do you have a job? Are you studying something now?

Yes your source as always FETO Terrorists from anti-Turkiye Al Monitor or Nordic
and from 2017 , 1 year after failed coup attempt by FETO in 2016

You are terror propaganda on PDF
MODS should ban you

METIN GURCAN was tried on charges of political and military espionage
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I just show 10 Turkish military projects that your country even can not dream about it

You're posting the same stuff again...and again...and again.

And you add idiotic comments like the one above. How do you expect people to take it?

Yes your source as always FETO Terrorists from anti-Turkiye Al Monitor or Nordic

You are terror propaganda on PDF
MODS should ban you

METIN GURCAN was tried on charges of political and military espionage
OH FOR...........everything is FETO to you?

You sleep and dream of FETO? You wake up and see FETO? Every source that isn't controlled by Erdogan is FETO?

Are brainwashed?
You have zero knowledge about world wide military
You even tried to intercept Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missile with CROTALE short range Air Defense System
You have SHIT knowledge about almost everything! Half the forum has called you out on your bull at some point and you keep calling everyone "ignorant liars" and "trolls".

I'm asking again:

What did you study? What's your occupation? Are you still studying? Are you unemployed? Are you getting paid by the Party to promote all that stuff here? What's the deal?
A reliable turbofan engine is probably the most difficult technology to crack out of all the military technologies in the world. Iran is also developing its own turbofan engine, but it will not be easy. Don't expect this to be an easy ride.

I like when you are talking about military technologies
What about Iran for bliks and single cristal blade technologies ?
and Iran develops 5th gen turbofan engine ?

Gas turbine turboshaft engine also so diffucult technology but Turkiye has developed TS-1400 Gas turbine turboshaft engine and enter mass production after 2024 to power the T-625 Helicopter

According to TEI , Turkiye can develop 6.000-10.000 lbs TF-6.000/10.000 turbofan Engines


but 35.000 lbs 5th gen turbofan engine is another story
our guys working on it since 2018 .. in 2028 we can see the first prototype

Turkiye has bliks and single cristal blade technologies for Gas turbine turboshaft - turbofan engines .... USA , UK , France , China , some sources says also Russia and India working on it



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Technologies planned in the design of the KAAN but not in the F-35

• Directional Infrared Counter Measures .. ( Aselsan YILDIRIM DIRCM)
• Supercruise ..... ( Supersonic flight without afterburner )
• 360° AESA Radar coverage
• IRST infrared search and track system .. ( DAS on the F-35 can not mark )


Directed Infrared Countermeasure System

Directional Infrared Counter Measures (DIRCM) are a class of anti-missile systems produced to protect Aircraft from infrared homing missiles

F-22 : NO
F-35 : NO
J-20 : NO
KF-21 : NO
SU-57 : 101KS-O DIRCM

Aselsan YILDIRIM Directional Infrared Counter Measures (DIRCM)

F-22 lacks GaN based AESA Radar , EOTS , IRST , HMDS (Helmet Display System) , DIRCM Laser countermeasure , 360-degree vision with AI-enhanced battlefield awareness , Artificial Intelligence Co-pilot

TF-KAAN is a different aircraft from the F-22

-- Sensor fusion with EOTS , IRST with unique configuration
-- 360-degree vision with AI-enhanced battlefield awareness.
-- BEOS/EOTS (Advanced optical Systems)
-- HMDS (Helmet Display System) .. only F-35 and TF-KAAN
-- Locking on to enemy aircraft from all directions
-- IRST Infrared Sensor
-- Artificial Intelligence Co-pilot
-- Pilot Health Tracking
-- DIRCM Laser countermeasure
-- 360° AESA Radar
-- 4 AESA radars will cover the hole TFX ( 2 on the wings, propulsion between the engines, and the nose)

Aselsan KARAT InfraRed Search and Track
Infrared search and tracking systems are very critical electro-optical systems that contribute to the low visibility characteristics of 5th generation warplanes and provide passive search capability

operate in the LWIR band which enabling long-range target detection.

KARAT IRST located in front of the cockpit , behind a special window with a reduced radar cross section

Aselsan TOYGUN EOTS under the nose of the aircraft
With its main MWIR infrared sensor with a resolution of 1280×1024 pixels,
TOYGUN will play a role in meeting our aircraft’s low visibility air-to-ground targeting needs


Special Helmet from Aselsan for the TFX Fighter Jet
-- To provide a sense of use as if the Aircraft does not have a fuselage
-- Color screen and digital night vision technologies ( the first time in the system )
-- Binocular (two optical channels) and viewfinder reflective
-- Color-specific groupings (friend, foe, etc.) can be made in the symbology information
-- A hybrid (optical-inertial) system is designed as a head tracking system
-- ANR-Active Noise Reduction) technology
-- The image obtained by using high-precision line of sight information from the 360-degree image created by the electro-optical systems


Mission computer from TUBITAK BILGEM

BURFIS AESA Radar with GaN technology from ASELSAN .. ( 2.000 T/R modules )

MURAD AESA Radar with GaN technology from ASELSAN .. ( 1.000 T/R modules )

Canopy from Turkish company

landing gear from Turkish company TAAC
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I like when you are talking about military technologies
What about Iran for bliks and single cristal blade technologies ?
and Iran develops 5th gen turbofan engine ?

Gas turbine turboshaft engine also so diffucult technology but Turkiye has developed TS-1400 Gas turbine turboshaft engine and enter mass production after 2024 to power the T-625 Helicopter
View attachment 934138

According to TEI , Turkiye can develop 6.000-10.000 lbs TF-6.000/10.000 turbofan Engines
View attachment 934133

View attachment 934136

but 35.000 lbs 5th gen turbofan engine is another story
our guys working on it since 2018 .. in 2028 we can see the first prototype

Turkiye has bliks and single cristal blade technologies for Gas turbine turboshaft - turbofan engines .... USA , UK , France , China , some sources says also Russia and India working on it
View attachment 934129
View attachment 934131
View attachment 934130
View attachment 934141

Iran's MAPNA group has been producing single crystal gas turbines for many years. They've even been exporting them to places like Russia:

Iran to replace Germany as the suppliers of Gas turbines to Russia​


In terms of jet engine, they've been producing the Owj/j-85 turbojet for many years:


The newest engine Iran showed was 3 years ago and it was the Jahesh-700 turbofan engine which uses single crystal and 1500ibf thrust:




Iran also produced many different types of mini jet engine for cruise missiles etc:

We know they are working on a heavy turbofan engine to be used in fighter jet but given the complexities of these systems I don't expect to see anything soon. Hopefully they can get some TOT from the Russians to speed the project along. Once Iran cracks this heavy turbofan nut, we will then start to see proper modernisation of the Iranian airforce.
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Iran is ahead of Turkey in science and technology- I posted a sources for this.
Moreover, let me know when we will have stories like this about Turkey:

Iran included among the 10 main technology powers​

The global media outlet showed the latest report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Aspi), according to which Iran ranks as one of the top five countries in six of the 44 technologies tracked.

Its based on useless research papers ( propaganda )

Turkiye has real high technology and high quality products/projects

show us real technology and products instead of useless research papers ( propaganda )

Iran , China and India are good in propaganda

The report is fake
only one example

top 5 countries for Aircraft Engine technology

India doesnt have even Aircraft Engine technology
And USA is leading Aircraft Engine technology in the World ... not China

Another joke about Drone technology
according to trash report .. what a joke

Reality .. top countries in Drone technology


Italy and India dont have even Drone technology
Its based on useless research papers ( propaganda )

Turkiye has real high technology and high quality products/projects

show us real technology and products instead of useless research papers ( propaganda )

Iran , China and India are good in propaganda

The report is fake
only one example

top 5 countries for Aircraft Engine technology

India doesnt have even Aircraft Engine technology
And USA is leading Aircraft Engine technology in the World ... not China

Another joke about Drone technology
according to trash report .. what a joke

Reality .. top countries in Drone technology


Italy and India dont have even Drone technology

So anything that does not conform to your propaganda must be a propaganda? Great logic there. Moreover, you do realise those papers are written by western institutions, don't you? You're claiming the west is creating propaganda in favour of Iran and China? At least try to make your comments make a little sense.
So anything that does not conform to your propaganda must be a propaganda? Great logic there. Moreover, you do realise those papers are written by western institutions, don't you? You're claiming the west is creating propaganda in favour of Iran and China? At least try to make your comments make a little sense.

We dont care about papers by institutions
according to trash report top 5 countries in aircraft engine technology

Reality is different

top 5 countries for Aircraft Engine technology

Do you really think Iran is ahead of these countries ?
Iran and India dont have even turbofan engine to power modern Fighter Jet

also Reality .. top countries in Drone technology


Italy and India dont have even Drone technology

and Iran is ahead of Italy and India in Drone technology

according to trash report .. what a joke

not Turkiye , not Israel ... but Italy and India which dont have even a single UCAV
what a joke
We dont care about papers by institutions
according to trash report top 5 countries in aircraft engine technology

Reality is different

top 5 countries for Aircraft Engine technology

Do you really think Iran is ahead of these countries ?
Iran and India dont have even turbofan engine to power modern Fighter Jet

also Reality .. top countries in Drone technology


Italy and India dont have even Drone technology

Iran is ahead of Italy and India in Drone technology

according to trash report .. what a joke

not Turkiye , not Israel ... but Italy and India which dont have even a single UCAV

These papers look at many factors, not just one or two things. It's not just about whaever they can make a UAV. You need to look at a nation's underlying technological base. Take Italy for example, just because they have not build a particular system like a UAV, it does not mean they cannot. That's why these papers are important.
These papers look at many factors, not just one or two things. It's not just about whaever they can make a UAV. You need to look at a nation's underlying technological base. Take Italy for example, just because they have not build a particular system like a UAV, it does not mean they cannot. That's why these papers are important.

These papers are trash
I am saying again
Do you really think Iran and India are ahead of France and Russia in aircraft engine technology ?

where are Iranian and Indian engines to power RAFALE or SU-35 or any modern Fighter Jet ?

About Drone technology
Italy tried but failed
India tried but failed

Italy and India lacks technology to develop a UCAV

Turkiye sold TB-2 , ANKA , AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs to 34 countries
also KIZILELMA and ANKA-3 stealth UCAVs

not Turkiye , not Israel ... but Italy and India which dont have even a single UCAV
what a joke ... what a trash report

even Turkiye rules unmanned stealth Fighter Jet technology in the World
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