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1 IRGC killed in Israeli attack on Syria


Mar 20, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
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I hope you realize that for every 600 kg warhead on Tel Aviv there will be 1000 2000-lb bombs on Shiite enclaves in Lebanon.l.
i pray for such day . I hope your establishment deliver on what you say .

and can you explain to us why ****** is building this ??

Evidence Points to Syrian Push for Nuclear Weapons
Evidence Points to Syria Still Working on a Nuclear Weapon - SPIEGEL ONLINE

For years, it was thought that Israel had destroyed Syria's nuclear weapons capability with its 2007 raid on the Kibar complex. Not so. New intelligence suggests that Bashar al-Assad is still trying to built the bomb. And he is getting plenty of help. Here, a satellite image of the suspected site near Qusayr.

This satellite image shows the Qusayr site's link to the power grid, one of many details of the site which have intelligence officials worried that it could be a facility for the construction of a nuclear weapon.

This image purports to show the site where a well has been dug. The well connects the facility with Zaita Lake, four kilometers away. Such a connection is unnecessary for a conventional weapons cache, but it is essential for a nuclear facility.

your last attack as you can has damaged nothing . a big zero for your Israeli air force

you do not want to tell me that these are fake satellite images do you ??
or they are fram months ago ?? i can post you the coordination so you check it your self .

why do you think the reactor is in Qusayr ??


you do want to tell me the BS talk about north korea BS do you ??
this is new ********reactor and is built by ******** and it has nothing to do with North Korea .
and the last bombing in Qusayr by Israeli air force has done zero damage to it

Five nuclear engineers murdered near Damascus]
Unknown assailants killed five nuclear engineers Sunday while they were on a bus just north of Damascus near the research centre where they worked, a monitor said on Sunday.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on a network of sources on the ground for its reports, later told AFP four of the engineers were Syrian, while one was Iranian.

"Unidentified attackers murdered five nuclear energy engineers who worked in the scientific research centre near the neighbourhood of Barzeh, northern Damascus," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.
Five nuclear engineers murdered near Damascus | Daily Mail Online

Five nuclear engineers murdered near Damascus


A damaged bus is seen at the scene of a car bomb explosion in the Damascus neighborhood of Barzeh. (file photo)
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP that four of the engineers murdered just north of Damascus were Syrian, while one was Iranian
View photo
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP that four of the engineers murdered just north of Damascus were Syrian, while one was Iranian (AFP Photo/Anwar Amro)
Beirut (AFP) - Unknown assailants killed five nuclear engineers Sunday while they were on a bus just north of Damascus near the research centre where they worked, a monitor said on Sunday.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which relies on a network of sources on the ground for its reports, later told AFP four of the engineers were Syrian, while one was Iranian.
"Unidentified attackers murdered five nuclear energy engineers who worked in the scientific research centre near the neighbourhood of Barzeh, northern Damascus," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.
He later said: "Four of the engineers were Syrian, and one was Iranian. Their bus was ambushed while they were on their way to the research centre. Their assailants shot them dead."
In July last year, six people who worked at the same centre were killed in a mortar attack carried out by rebels seeking President Bashar al-Assad's ouster.
Another military research centre, also near Damascus, was also hit by a deadly Israeli raid in May 2013.
Five nuclear engineers murdered near Damascus - Yahoo News

By the way, just week ago Nasrallah denied that Hezbollah terrorists operate on Golan heights:!
I hope you realize that for every 1000 2000-lb bombs on Lebanon there will be *************** bombs on whole of Isreal

so stop dreaming and look at facts on grand and stop fooling yourself . look into evidence before you dismiss it

Expect missiles with 600kg warheads on Tel-Aviv and Haifa, man that'd be a scene I'll never miss to watch.
be patient my brother
opening another front is what they want us to do . we have been given martyrs and nothing on grand has changed .
we need to prepare the main dish and not be distracted by their way of desperation .

سردار الله دادی فرمانده اسبق تیپ الغدیر یزد به شهادت رسید

ردار الله دادی از فرماندهان عالی رتبه سپاه و فرمانده سابق تیپ الغدیر یزد ساعتی پیش به فیض عظیم شهادت نائل آمد.

به گزارش یزدی نیوز به نقل از منابع آگاه متاسفانه امروز بر اثر حمله موشكي ارتش اسراييل به خودرويي كه از لبنان به طرف سوريه عازم بود و سردار الله دادي فرمانده سابق سپاه الغدير استان يزد به همراه فرزند شهيد عماد مغينه و ٣ نفر ديگر در آن خودرو به درجه رفيع شهادت نايل آمدند.

سردار الله دادی در سال 85 بعد از سردار شهید قهاری سعید به عنوان فرمانده سپاه الغدیر استان یزد مشغول به خدمت شد و خدمات شایانی به توسعه و فعالیت های سپاه در استان داشت.

یزدی نیوز شهات این سرباز دلاور کشور را به خانواده و همرزمانش و مردم شهید پرور تسلیت می گوید

تصاویری از حضور وی در استان در کسوت فرماندهی سپاه استان - سپاه الغدیر

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در کنار محمد خاتمی رئیس جمهور وقت کشور



شبکه المنار وابسته به حزب الله لبنان اعلام کرد یک فروند بالگرد اسرائیل به استان قنیطره سوریه حمله موشکی کرد. در این حمله تعدادی از اعضای حزب الله لبنان به شهادت رسیدند.

شبکه العربیه هم اعلام کرد منابع لبنانی گفته اند در این حمله ارتش اسرائیل، چند عضو حزب الله لبنان و 6 ایرانی کشته شدند اما این خبر هنوز از سوی مقامات رسمی تایید نشده است.

شبکه الجزیره هم اعلام کرد:‌در این حمله ارتش اسرائیل، تعدادی از اعضای ارشد حزب الله لبنان از جمله جهاد فرزند عماد مغنیه از فرماندهان نظامی سابق حزب الله به شهادت رسید.

شبکه الجزیره افزود یکی از فرماندهان ارشد سپاه پاسداران از این حمله جان سالم به در برد.

این در حالی است که برخی رسانه های خارجی به نقل از منابع لبنانی از شهادت 6 ایرانی در این حمله ارتش اسرائیل خبر می دهند.

استان قنیطره سوریه در نزدیکی مرزهای اسرائیل و منطقه جولان است. منطقه جولان بخشی از خاک سوریه است که هم اکنون در اشغال اسرائیل است.

شبکه المنار هدف اصلی این بمباران هوایی را اعلام نکرد.
این بمباران منطقه ای به نام مزارع امل را در استان قنیطره سوریه را هدف قرار داد.

ارتش اسرائیل هم از واکنش به این خبر خودداری کرد.
تاکنون رسانه های رسمی سوریه در این باره خبری منتشر نکرده اند.

این برای چندمین بار است که نیروی هوایی اسرائیل مناطقی از سوریه را بمباران می کند.

فرزند عماد مغنیه در بین کشته شدگان

روزنامه جروزالم پست اسراییل نیز به نقل از منابع نزدیک به حزب الله لبنان نوشت : جهاد مغنیه فرزند عماد مغنیه نیز در میان کشته شدگان حمله روز یکشنبه اسراییل است. عماد مغنیه از فرماندهان ارشد حزب الله لبنان بود که در سال 2008 در دمشق ترور شد.

این روزنامه اسراییلی همچنین نوشت یکی از اعضاء کشته شده حزب الله از فرماندهان ارشد این گروه مقاومت لبنانی است.​

یزدی نیوز| پایگاه اطلاع رسانی اخبار یزدی ها - سردار الله دادی فرمانده اسبق تیپ الغدیر یزد به شهادت رسید
Loool you think Hezbollah stands a chance against Israel? LMAO. Nope bro, not even, Iran, can take on Israel and come out victorious. Israel has by far the best .

says who you ??
i leave you with General Yoram Ettinger explanation in close meeting .

watch from 10 : 30

he just forgot to add Pakistan with its tactical Atom bombs to group those countries
says who you ??
i leave you with General Yoram Ettinger explanation in close meeting .

watch from 10 : 30

he just forgot to add Pakistan with its tactical Atom bomb to group those countries

Who said Israel doesn't have atom bomb? :p:
Anyway I'm talking about a conventional war, not nuclear one ,since it will be MAD if a nuclear war was to happen. Conventionally Israel can defeat any country in the middle East one in one. No argument about that. :coffee:
Who said Israel doesn't have atom bomb? :p:
Anyway I'm talking about a conventional war, not nuclear one ,since it will be MAD if a nuclear war was to happen. Conventionally Israel can defeat any country in the middle East one in one. No argument about that. :coffee:

fool so why do you think ****** is building ***** reactor underground in Qusayr between Hezbollah and Syria shared territory ??
i think you missed the satellite pictures .
and your Israeli air force strike last month has Zero effect on it

your so called Israel supper power could not do sh@t about .
I thought Israel can do anything and win every battle

Israel warplanes strike targets near Damascus and Qusayr

but look at latest satellite images everything look fine to me and a big zero for Israeli air force

Beside the fact that nothing was demaged as you say yavar.
Why this "nuclear facility" is not secured with AD units and the Isreali airstrike was possible?
have they tried something like this in IRAN ?
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