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1 dead, 3 wounded in Saudi-Pak military training

@Rakan.SA is that how Sahibe of prophet used to say ? on hearing upon news of deceased
we pray for allah to have mercy on him but praying for the prophet, sallah allahy alyeh wa sallam, shafa is something we do. not necessarily in case of death but no problem. cuz in the day of judgment allah will grant him shafaa. thats my understanding.
First, RIP.
The possibility of grenades going off because of the wrong count are there too, it happened once or twice in British Columbia during intensive trainings of Canadian soldiers, many soldiers died...
Anything is a possibility. When most people think of an accident like this, grenades are probably the first thought. Of course a grenade can go off.
But operating a grenade is very easy, and there is a safety mechanism to it.
Operating a mortar requires training, and they are the least safe weapons in modern use, changing little from their primitive design from WW2. Although that primitive and simple design is considered an advantage by many, the drawback is lack of safety.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
What sad news to wake up to. :cry:
we pray for allah to have mercy on him but praying for the prophet, sallah allahy alyeh wa sallam, shafa is something we do. not necessarily in case of death but no problem. cuz in the day of judgment allah will grant him shafaa. thats my understanding.
the question why i asked this is bcoz ya Akhi you know how much we are inloved in Bid'ah and stuff. So its Bid'ah then is it ?
the question why i asked this is bcoz ya Akhi you know how much we are inloved in Bid'ah and stuff. So its Bid'ah then is it ?
no brother its not.. do you know the prayer "dua'a" after the azan ?
in the hadith the prophet peace be upon him taught us a prayer after hearing each azan. in this prayer we ask allah to grant him the shafa'a.
then the prophet peace be upon him said if we make this prayer after each azan and allah grant him the shafa'a he will make shafa'a for us.
not bid'ah at all. there is hadith about it.

thats the prayer the prophet peace be upon him taught us:
O Allah , Lord of this perfect call and established prayer. Grant Muhammad the intercession and favor, and raise him to the honored station You have promised him, [verily You do not neglect promises].

there are other translations as well.
no way its an honer to die in the battlefield we are not the US. we are muslims and believe in shahada.
But politically it's a sensitive matter in Pakistan. So far Nawaz Sharif is still trying to figure how he;s going to get Pakistan involved. A lot of people and a huge number of political parties don't support Pakistan's military involvement in the matter. If that were the case I can see why some might decide to hide the story if Nawaz Sharif decided to pay off his debts and send some Pakistani soldiers in and they got killed.

Of course usually Pakistan doesn't hide this stuff. But then again it's usually not in this situation.
But politically it's a sensitive matter in Pakistan. So far Nawaz Sharif is still trying to figure how he;s going to get Pakistan involved. A lot of people and a huge number of political parties don't support Pakistan's military involvement in the matter. If that were the case I can see why some might decide to hide the story if Nawaz Sharif decided to pay off his debts and send some Pakistani soldiers in and they got killed.

Of course usually Pakistan doesn't hide this stuff. But then again it's usually not in this situation.
they are all saudis no pakistanies.
those voices who are against sending troops are the big threat to pakistan. if they are willing to lose all gulf allies then good luck with pakistans future.
of course we in the gulf wont let them kidnap pakistan.
and for the sick mentality that says nawaz has a debt to pay to saudi. i suggest they go way back before nawaz and start checking the books. in that case all pakistan is in debt.
but we are not sick as those ppl.
we dont have debts with pakistan.

we have muslim unity and thats bigger than anything. so money is never an issue.
the iranian lobbyist inside pakistan will bring pakistan down to its knees if others dont wake up and take actions.
they will bring it down economically and security wise.
if those lobbyist win.. the the west and iran have successfully isolated pakistan from the gulf and the muslim world.
pakitani ppl must not let such thing happen. and they shouldnt believe this sectarian war crap.
the media is fooling them. a lot of shia and zaidi arabs are with us from all arab nations also christians.
So will KSA going get it hands on Gwadar for the paid $1.5 Billion as Pak Military might not be joining the Arab Allies at all.

As this would be more helpful for Pakistan to get the Gwadar port being started on.

Also, Pakistan is keen in making better relationship with IRAN in near future too. So, it would be better give KSA back their money of $1.5 Billion in terms of Gwadar. As for rest of Pakistan, Karachi along with new port building like Thatta and Badin would be enough. Our Coast Guards and Navy would be fulfilling the security duties there in.
So will KSA going get it hands on Gwadar for the paid $1.5 Billion as Pak Military might not be joining the Arab Allies at all.

As this would be more helpful for Pakistan to get the Gwadar port being started on.

Also, Pakistan is keen in making better relationship with IRAN in near future too. So, it would be better give KSA back their money of $1.5 Billion in terms of Gwadar. As for rest of Pakistan, Karachi along with new port building like Thatta and Badin would be enough. Our Coast Guards and Navy would be fulfilling the security duties there in.
whats the gwader story im not aware of it
So will KSA going get it hands on Gwadar for the paid $1.5 Billion as Pak Military might not be joining the Arab Allies at all.

As this would be more helpful for Pakistan to get the Gwadar port being started on.

Also, Pakistan is keen in making better relationship with IRAN in near future too. So, it would be better give KSA back their money of $1.5 Billion in terms of Gwadar. As for rest of Pakistan, Karachi along with new port building like Thatta and Badin would be enough. Our Coast Guards and Navy would be fulfilling the security duties there in.
i doubt pakistan will have better relations with iran.
im not saying they will not have business relations. this will continue.
but the relation it self wont get as good as the relation with gulf.
the situation is messed up with iran and you got attacks on the border. and iranians dealing with terrorist inside pakistan.
and regarding the gas pipe i think it will come under attack.
Shahada ? R U kidding me ? they killed themselves in a clear show of incompetency not while fighting for God .

no shahada in this dude

RIP , if they didn't attack innocent people of yemen just before the exercise
1st you didnt inderstand what i said
2nd i doubt you know the types of shahada in islam
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