they are all saudis no pakistanies.
those voices who are against sending troops are the big threat to pakistan. if they are willing to lose all gulf allies then good luck with pakistans future.
of course we in the gulf wont let them kidnap pakistan.
and for the sick mentality that says nawaz has a debt to pay to saudi. i suggest they go way back before nawaz and start checking the books. in that case all pakistan is in debt.
but we are not sick as those ppl.
we dont have debts with pakistan.
we have muslim unity and thats bigger than anything. so money is never an issue.
the iranian lobbyist inside pakistan will bring pakistan down to its knees if others dont wake up and take actions.
they will bring it down economically and security wise.
if those lobbyist win.. the the west and iran have successfully isolated pakistan from the gulf and the muslim world.
pakitani ppl must not let such thing happen. and they shouldnt believe this sectarian war crap.
the media is fooling them. a lot of shia and zaidi arabs are with us from all arab nations also christians.