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‘Pakistan won’t rush to join anti-Iran alliance’

i hope you guy's take your head's outta the sand and see the reality . the shitfest of TTP and LeJ is created by the same racist people who behead pakistanis in their country and look at you like inferior race (and you have seen it from their very own members here) . just a heads up .

Plenty of wanna be Habibis in Pakistan. Pakistan used to be a majority Sufi country, foreigners used to visit Pakistan in droves, Pakistan was generally safe. Even if we were poor but at least Pakistanis weren't called terrorists by rest of the world.

Blame goes on the sell outs in Pakistan. Can't blame the Saudis for importing terrorism, that is their nature. Its the Pakistanis who allowed Saudi influence that need to be hanged in public.
Iran is our neighbour and a Muslim country.....we must have good ties with them the way we must have ties with all other Muslim brotherly countries. When Muslim countries have differences with eachother we should be the ones to promote them to reconcile - rather than screw around with eachother

speaking wrt Iran, KSA and a few of the persian gulf states.....

we must not 'take sides' here
As of now, only the US and Israel are in anti Iran alliance and they are using Saudi Arabia to form an alliance of muslim nations against Iran. In my opinion, Pakistan wont be able to say no to Saudi Arabia and US. Its been 25 years and Iraq is still burning and anything happening to Iran means the peace in the region will be disturbed for a century which is not in the interest of the region. It should be better to nip in the bud any such thought against Iran. US wont venture in Iran without the support of Saudi Arabia in particular and muslim nations in general.

Your opinion is wrong. Pakistan said no to sending forces in Vietnam, First Gulf War, Afghanistan and Second Gulf War. There's a reason why US considers us an 'untrustworthy ally'. We refused to fight its imperial wars.

SA is a strong ally of ours and its security is critical for regional stability. We will help SA in whatever capacity required but as per own threat calculus.
You are cheerleading the Thread....As you know this
we fought proxy wars in afghanistan in 90's and it was indirectly against them, moreover mistakes are not Despicable but Please have new mistakes instead of rotating again to bite a tail.
My point is .."no one eradicate anyone" & we hold no baggage of resentments spread over millaniams
So why not we act as a unifying force and we've respect in middle-east to fuel that commonalities instead of seeking mistakes of past

On the first place, iran loylas should stop making undue noise whenever Saudi Arabia organize a general meeting with Pakistani govt.
It does not suggest to me alliance against Iran, on the other hand same iran loyals should also be watchful of history of Iran and RAW relations to destabilize Pakistan.
USing consulates to destabilize Pakistan is old bharti habit, during 90's they used Zahidan consulate and now few more in Afghanistan.
Any country which allow our enemies to use its land should be treated as enemy, why Iran should have exemption... it should be defined by the loyalists.
Last not least, Iran should stop propaganda against Pakistan on its national tv.
Any Pakistani leader that joins anti-Iran alliance is traitor to Pakistan. Iran has consistently Pakistan and we have close cultural relations with Iran. This is another conspiracy to create civil war in Pakistan. Why do need to move from principles of Muslim unity to side with a corrupt and sectarian House of Saud who is currently ruling Arabia. This will make Pakistan another Iraq and Syria with sectarian conflict.

Iran should stop propaganda against Pakistan, stop non of Pakistanis should be given militant training or firearm usage training in Iraq or Iran.

It was Saudi and Pakistan supported Talibans that attacked Shias in Afghanistan. The Saudi encouraged Talibans during their brief rule in Afghanistan against Iran. It is Saudi supported terrorists that attacking Shias in Pakistan. "Saudi want war with Iran to last US soldier" that what Americans say. The Saudi wants others to fight and die in their sectarian war against Iran. Why don't Saudi send there thousands of princes of House of Saud to fight Iran. Each of these corrupt Saudi princes is a billionaire ready to buy Pakistani soldiers to fight their wars. Pakistan army now has became a mercenary army. Have money we will fight your war !!
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Any Pakistani leader that joins anti-Iran alliance is traitor to Pakistan. Iran has consistently Pakistan and we have close cultural relations with Iran. This is another conspiracy to create civil war in Pakistan. Why do need to move from principles of Muslim unity to side with a corrupt and sectarian House of Saud who is currently ruling Arabia. This will make Pakistan another Iraq and Syria with sectarian conflict.

In 80's we had good relations with KSA, did it make us sectarian? NO
In 90's we had good relations with revolutionary Iran, did it make us sectarian? YES
All, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan regimes are enemies of KSA and are also busy running death brigades and poisoning water of non aligned civilians.
Rest Iran has been working hard on its loyals in Pakistan during zardari era, and we are seeing its results.

Iran defends its interests and goes after terrorists who launch cross border attacks. We are the ones failing to curb militancy. Afghanistan has attacked the border twice as much as Iran. Iran was the first country to accept our independence and Afghanistan the last. Lets not blame the Iranians for defending their interests. We have given Shamsi to US and it has obviously been used to spy on Iran. We refuse gas pipeline because of sanctions-so we are the ones bullying them. We are against them getting nukes too while we sit on a stockpile ourselves
Iran defends its interests and goes after terrorists who launch cross border attacks. We are the ones failing to curb militancy. Afghanistan has attacked the border twice as much as Iran. Iran was the first country to accept our independence and Afghanistan the last. Lets not blame the Iranians for defending their interests. We have given Shamsi to US and it has obviously been used to spy on Iran. We refuse gas pipeline because of sanctions-so we are the ones bullying them. We are against them getting nukes too while we sit on a stockpile ourselves

all is bla bla bla of Iran loyalists, busted million times. I don't want to address any of it out of context. discussion.
Iran have no right to shoot any individual or shell any village, whatever is the reason.
In the same sense India will bomb us with whatsoever logic they deem necessary.
Then it is obvious, that you are not even a Pakistani. Consider these among many others:

Pakistan's national anthem is written in Farsi.

Pakistan's national philosopher used to write his poems in Farsi.

Iran was the first country recognizing Pakistan.

And finally, sane Pakistanis who have not sold their souls to Saudi puppets know the truth. The truth that Saudi ideology has destroyed Pakistan's social fabric and culture. A culture much influenced and almost built on Iranian culture. Pakistan of 1960's was much more progressive than it is today.

that was a different Iran you are talking about.
all is bla bla bla of Iran loyalists, busted million times.
I am Pakistan loyalist not Iran loyalist ! Just rememeber 1947 when we gained independence as Muslims, 1971 when we fought among ourselves and look at Iraq and Syria in 2015.

"Woh Zamane Mein Mu’azzaz The Musalman Ho Kar
Aur Tum Khawar Huwe Taarik-e-Quran Ho Kar"

May be you should change 'Musulman' to 'Wahhabi' since Saudis only consider Wahhabis as Musulmans.
“Pakistan would not rush to join the anti-Iran alliance that is being forged,” a senior government functionary told Dawn in a background interview. — AP/file
ISLAMABAD: The government has decided against taking sides in the emerging situation in the Middle East – at least for now.

“Pakistan would not rush to join the anti-Iran alliance that is being forged,” a senior government functionary told Dawn in a background interview.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif last week visited Saudi Arabia on what the government described as a special invitation of Saudi King Salman Bin Abulaziz.

The invitation for Mr Sharif was part of diplomatic consultations Riyadh started in view of the evolving situation. Other Muslim leaders that the King met over the past few weeks included the presidents of Palestine, Egypt and Turkey, the Jordanian king, emirs of Kuwait and Qatar and the UAE leader.

King Salman’s discussions with Mr Sharif in Riyadh centred on Saudi concerns about Tehran’s expanding influence in the region, the official, who had been briefed about the visit, said, adding that the threat from the self-styled Islamic State also came up in the talks.

Mr Sharif, while agreeing to strengthen relations with Saudi Arabia during the visit, also committed to intensifying security and counter-terrorism cooperation.

The government, however, after evaluating the pros and cons, the official claimed, decided on staying neutral and playing the “role of a unifier” in Ummah.

“We cannot afford to involve ourselves in the disputes among the Muslim countries,” he explained.

While it remains to be seen how Pakistan government acts in the coming days, some of the decisions taken so far indicate that it is not getting itself involved in the Middle East.

The official disclosed that Pakistan had decided not to spare any troops for Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan currently has a few military trainers and advisers in Saudi Arabia. There would not be any major increase in those numbers despite Saudi leadership’s intense desire for getting additional deployments, especially for guarding the border with Yemen.

Pakistan has got a fair reason for its decision as its troops are overstretched because of the domestic security situation.

Secondly, the official said the idea of relocating the mission in Yemen from Sana’a to Aden has also been dropped.

“This relocation thing was discussed because everyone (other missions) was moving from there, but we have now decided to remain in Sana’a,” he said.

The decisions were not easy for Islamabad, particularly because of ‘the special nature of the relationship with Riyadh’, a large number of Pakistanis working in the kingdom and other economic interests.

Published in Dawn March 15th , 2015

Yes, A good attempt by Pakistan to jump into international affairs.
Your opinion is wrong. Pakistan said no to sending forces in Vietnam, First Gulf War, Afghanistan and Second Gulf War. There's a reason why US considers us an 'untrustworthy ally'. We refused to fight its imperial wars.

SA is a strong ally of ours and its security is critical for regional stability. We will help SA in whatever capacity required but as per own threat calculus.
But you agree with my opinion with regards to SA. And with respect to US, not sending forces does not mean you are not allying or helping them.
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