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  1. Icebreak

    50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh announce conversion to Islam

    No religious quotas are provided by central government, only by some state governments. Changing from to a new religion does automatically overcome ones disadvantaged background. Use you mind and watch this documentary to understand the plight of these citizens of your country.
  2. Icebreak

    Modi’s visit: Indian helicopters damage several houses in Sri Lanka, one injured.

    I knew one you Indian was going to jump up and say that but being the richest state in India doesn't say much. Srilanka has a higher GDP per capita than this rich state and Pakistan is revising it's GDP calculations to more accurately reflect the economy and will surpass the gdp of tamil nadu to...
  3. Icebreak

    Modi’s visit: Indian helicopters damage several houses in Sri Lanka, one injured.

    Ah these Indian are so pathetic. Building hospital in Srilanka for Tamils of Indian origin when Tamils and other Indians are shitting on the road.
  4. Icebreak

    50 Dalits in Uttar Pradesh announce conversion to Islam

    The concept of dalit seats is based on the historical disadvantages of the society. So if they become muslims does that they are no longer disadvantaged? No. The reason they are not given seats is because of state religious discrimination whereby two people of the same background are treated...
  5. Icebreak

    Why is Bollywood dominated by Khatris?

    Firstly to answer your question you need to understand what Punjab is. Punjabi is not a ethnicity it is a linguistic identity which has come into existence recently and most strongly after partition in some parts of Pakistani Punjab after provincial nationalism and with sikhs in India. No one...
  6. Icebreak

    Dresses of Sindhis in 1843

    No, don't know how you are getting that impression from what I said. Care too explain yourself?
  7. Icebreak

    CPEC will offer militants additional targets & ‘Pakistan responsible for deteriorating ties’:US

    Pathankot? where is the evidence Pathankot was a cross border raid? Pakistani government has absolutely failed in getting our point across in the US. Very troubling that the current US government is accepting Indian propaganda without questions. They have people like christine fair as advisors...
  8. Icebreak

    India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

    Well, you won't be so bemused if you start using google and stop living in hindutva fantasy land
  9. Icebreak

    India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

    Sure, whatever makes you happy
  10. Icebreak

    Why is Bollywood dominated by Khatris?

    Stupid and ignorant comment and learn some history. Your assumptions have no basis in truth
  11. Icebreak

    If Hindu Rashtra becomes reality, Indian Muslims should get 'Pakistan': Shahi Imam

    Agree with the guy. If hindus think Muslims will be this easy to suppress in India they may very well be mistaken. good to see a Indian muslim speaking up for Indian muslims
  12. Icebreak

    India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

    No I do not. Firstly my ancestors were never part of any vedic civalization and secondly I draw my identity from Indo-Islamic culture and modern day India owes more to it than any imaginary vedic achievements. Use google to find sources don't ask me. I have better things to do
  13. Icebreak

    India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

    I guess this is what they teach you in pathetic Indian schools. India (Vedic culture) is not the cradle of civilization and you have barely given anything to the world delusional Indian. Read some true history. It is also being disputed now that zero was invented in India. New evidence suggests...
  14. Icebreak

    Three-month imprisonment for eating, smoking in public places under Ehtram-e-Ramzan Ordinance

    No it is not. It is just a stupid law created by stupid people in power
  15. Icebreak

    Dresses of Sindhis in 1843

    Buddy, I have been reading this forum for a very long time and I have seen the butchering of history by it's members and drawing of absolutely absurd and ridiculous conclusion from historical events including but not limited to absurd notions of racial superiority and false pride. The ignorance...
  16. Icebreak

    Dresses of Sindhis in 1843

    What is the point of posting this thoroughly debunked passage. Modern anthropology has progressed may you should too. Taking pride in stupid attributes assigned to people by 19th century British is nothing but stupid.
  17. Icebreak

    Kulbhushan Jadhav's death sentence: Case’s international shift may help Sharif one-up Pakistan army

    A propaganda piece with no holding in reality. Firstly, no ICJ order has been issued it is just a document which states that India is asking for court proceedings to begin. Not the first time this has happened between the two countries ex. shooting of Pakistani naval plane at the border. ICJ...
  18. Icebreak

    Malala Yousafzai has done nothing to get Nobel Peace Prize, says Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Don't know who he is or why he is saying that but he is right and I think most Pakistanis agree. She has done nothing to be awarded a prize by some random committee every one decides to bow their head to. Physically most of the world may not be colonized but psychologically it still is to a...
  19. Icebreak

    Pakistan to deploy more troops on Iran border

    Why would we join "Shahed 216"? You must be high on heroin. Pakistan has no need to join any attempts at refurbishing old 70's technology with a heavily sanctioned state with primitive indigenous technology. Instead of giving advice here I suggest you work on strengthening Iran's sovereignty...
  20. Icebreak

    12 dead and 14 hurt in cross-border Afghan shelling in Chaman

    No need for the general to be so apologetic about doing his job
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