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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

One difference I see between Chinese and Indians in recent years is that Indians are proud of their achievements and accomplishments in America. The CEO of Google and Microsoft are Indians. They are the internationally renown CEOs from India and they head famous American companies. So if Nadella is the famous Indian CEO, the equivalent famous Chinese CEO is Jack Ma.

Every nation follows a different path towards success. None of the methods is better than the other.

Just don't take anyone's progress as reference.
Just curious, is Bragging a socially accepted behavior in India?

Bragging is definetly big among some Indian people, punjabis especially. Your Pakistani buddies can probably tell you more about that, since a majority of them are punjabis. Other then that, I would say that india has a free, but pretty immature media that writes a lot of crap.

Is being obnoxious a socially accepted behavior in China, is it part of the single child syndrome all of you guys seem to have or is it a fenomen that only exist in the world of defence.pk? Just curious, no offence.
Yes, Just after Chinese reached Mars with huge bang and launched 104 sats in one go.

India building a supercomputer juggernaut

What about your dream of reaching Mars and discovering water on moon?

Here is main contributor to your Chinese computer

Vinod Dham popularly known as the Pentium Engineer

BTW, can you publish name of 60 million chinese that died under serial killer MAO?

For Mars exploration, India is ahead of China. Some Indians even claim that India is ahead of US.

In all other space related category, China is ahead. The number of satellites is irrelevant as US don't launch that many satellites. Does that mean India is ahead of US.
Yes, Just after Chinese reached Mars with huge bang and launched 104 sats in one go.

Here is main contributor to your Chinese computer

Vinod Dham popularly known as the Pentium Engineer

BTW, can you publish name of 60 million chinese that died under serial killer MAO?

The co-founder is of Indian origin, yet India can't make a supercomputer ranked in top 10. Ironic.

Chinese supercomputer uses indigenously made "Sunway" chip.

Most people died from famine. Please publish how many millions dalits killed under thousand years old Brahmin led caste system.
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Most deluded people are chinese because they want to surpass US by copying US weapons and planes. They think that they will be able to make better weapon by copying their planes. China copied Su 33 and claim that chinese copy is better than that of original but their claim got busted
when chinese scientist expose their J 15.
Why India cannot even copy n paste if its so easy!
Ofcourse it is not worth mentioning but your guys mention that and it was a response. If we make or do not make, what is the reason to be so offensive and use bad language against India. One of our scientist said that we shall make an exa flop computer and whole gange stated saying everything bad about India. There is come news of quantum computing research by china yesterday. Has any Indian used the language like you guys did?

India is a cardle of civilization and we have given this world so many things and this will continue. Just 2 centuries were bad for us. Your whining will not help you. You can just write BS here and we shall keep progressing.

I guess this is what they teach you in pathetic Indian schools. India (Vedic culture) is not the cradle of civilization and you have barely given anything to the world delusional Indian. Read some true history. It is also being disputed now that zero was invented in India. New evidence suggests that it probably came about in Han China and Southeast Asia
For Mars exploration, India is ahead of China. Some Indians even claim that India is ahead of US.

In all other space related category, China is ahead. The number of satellites is irrelevant as US don't launch that many satellites. Does that mean India is ahead of US.
What did Indian mars probe find that we already do not know? When Chinese sent yutu lander to moon it mapped out the moon's terrain in 3d. Indian mars probe just took some mediocre pics. Nothing new discovered. Its more political than science
What did Indian mars probe find that we already do not know? When Chinese sent yutu lander to moon it mapped out the moon's terrain in 3d. Indian mars probe just took some mediocre pics. Nothing new discovered. Its more political than science
Sour grapes. The Americans and Russians been on the moon since the 1960s - landing on the moon was no major achievement.

I guess this is what they teach you in pathetic Indian schools. India (Vedic culture) is not the cradle of civilization and you have barely given anything to the world delusional Indian. Read some true history. It is also being disputed now that zero was invented in India. New evidence suggests that it probably came about in Han China and Southeast Asia
Shame you say that - because you belong to the same civilization. Do let me know which new evidence suggests that the decimal system or 0 came from China or S.E. Asia.
Sour grapes. The Americans and Russians been on the moon since the 1960s - landing on the moon was no major achievement.
this is even worse than sour grapes. at least grapes are still considered as grapes, still worthy of consumption, despite the imagined sour taste. in your case, gee, grapes are no longer worth consumption.
this is even worse than sour grapes. at least grapes are still considered as grapes, still worthy of consumption, despite the imagined sour taste. in your case, gee, grapes are no longer worth consumption.
LOL - actually the term "sour grapes" denotes that the grapes are considered not worthy of consumption because they are perceived to be sour by the person who is not in a position to acquire them. LOL. The Chinese posters invariably crack me up with their endearing rustic charm.
LOL - actually the term "sour grapes" denotes that the grapes are considered not worthy of consumption because they are perceived to be sour by the person who is not in a position to acquire them. LOL. The Chinese posters invariably crack me up with their endearing rustic charm.
haha, well, you can define what sour grape is in your way. we rustic Chinese define it simply as not so good taste grape.

by the way, no (almost) Chinese here thinks exploring mars is not a worthy achievement.
What did Indian mars probe find that we already do not know? When Chinese sent yutu lander to moon it mapped out the moon's terrain in 3d. Indian mars probe just took some mediocre pics. Nothing new discovered. Its more political than science

True. And India couldn't make it there without NASA deep space stations. But they did get there so we need to give credit where credit is due. And face it, this is a big achievement for India. They did something instead of bragging for once.
Sour grapes. The Americans and Russians been on the moon since the 1960s - landing on the moon was no major achievement.

Shame you say that - because you belong to the same civilization. Do let me know which new evidence suggests that the decimal system or 0 came from China or S.E. Asia.

No I do not. Firstly my ancestors were never part of any vedic civalization and secondly I draw my identity from Indo-Islamic culture and modern day India owes more to it than any imaginary vedic achievements. Use google to find sources don't ask me. I have better things to do
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