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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

True. And India couldn't make it there without NASA deep space stations. But they did get there so we need to give credit where credit is due. And face it, this is a big achievement for India. They did something instead of bragging for once.
Yes for once it wasn't just the paint job. They actually provided, uh who am I kidding? NASA helped with deep space monitoring and Indians did the paint job and wrapped the probe with aluminum foil.
I know you are proud of your copy pest capability but that is not our way to develop. We have our own requirement and make our things according to our requirements. We do not beg borrow or steal and mold our requirement according to the product we copped. It is basically a difference in approach.
different approach my arse`:lol:``Indian businessmen have awaful reputation in the world, stealing ideas, cheap tricks, cut corners, over promise and short delivery, these are your trait```

and the only feild that India can show some lights are the pharmaceutical industry, but it was basically built on copying and pasting Western drug companies formula, therefore India has the most pharmaceutical law suits in the world````but in other fields your primitive country cant copy and make $hit

Korea started off by copying Japan, and Japan started off from copying America, and America was virtually taking all the bright minds from Europe, and the European's renaissence was inspired by the East``etc, this is how mankind's technology develop, dont tell me you lot are not mankind```?

so dont tell me your funny delusional 'different approach' theory again kid :rofl::wave:
different approach my arse`:lol:``Indian businessmen have awaful reputation in the world, stealing ideas, cheap tricks, cut corners, over promise and short delivery, these are your trait```

and the only feild that India can show some lights are the pharmaceutical industry, but it was basically built on copying and pasting Western drug companies formula, therefore India has the most pharmaceutical law suits in the world````but in other fields your primitive country cant copy and make $hit

Korea started off by copying Japan, and Japan started off from copying America, and America was virtually taking all the bright minds from Europe, and the European's renaissence was inspired by the East``etc, this is how mankind's technology develop, dont tell me you lot are not mankind```?

so dont tell me your funny delusional 'different approach' theory again kid :rofl::wave:
But Indians can create custom babies. They can make dark skinned parents have light skin babies, low IQ parents to have high IQ babies by using ancient vedic methods. Chinese don't have this magical power :enjoy:
Well, you won't be so bemused if you start using google and stop living in hindutva fantasy land
But you would come across as credible if you had some reputable source to back your unfounded claims.

It's not the same. Don't lump China with India. Chinese do not have that kind of unrealistic bragging attitude like India. When China claim we have world beater supercomputer in 2015 and we did it. It is realistic and happening while Indian one is fantasy and self declare which nobody recognized. You

Wasn't it a few years ago that China claimed it had made some microprocessor but it turned out that the celebrated Chinese inventor had acquired a Motorola chip, scratched out its name and peddled it as a Chinese invention? And GM had sued a Chinese car maker for completely ripping off its design. LOL. Please don't peddle your lies - we don't live in a communist setting.
Not really. Chinese are usually no-nonsense people, and they follow common sense and rationality. They can be very critical at times even to the government. What you have observed on PDF may be the reactions to your "immature media" and irresponsible politicians, and some of your ignorant countrymen on this forum did not really help. You seem to be a new member to this forum, so you may not know a couple of years back, this forum had been filled with threads with "superpower" in the titles. That is when Chinese members started being "obnoxious". In our culture, "bragging" is almost a "sin".

Well I can say the same about my people, that they are only reacting to ignorant Chinese and Pakistani members here. I mean, the Chinese members here aren't exactly being rational, they don't seem to have any common sense, and judging just by posts in this thread alone, they certainly aren't being no-nonsense. But I know that the Chinese in real life are nothing like the majority of Chinese members here represent.

I may be a newbie, but I have followed this website for a while and I realized early on that while defence.pk is excellent for picking up news from my part if the world, the forum itself is terrible! Most members here, whether newbie or elite (or sometimes even part of the management) are here to troll and a only a very tiny minority is interested in any serious discussions.

So people should do themselves a favour and not take this forum seriously. just take it as a form of entertainment. The problem starts when someone start taking this forum seriously and think it represents the reality.

Defence.pk is a "bizarro world", so only visite it for laughs, don't live in it! And certainly don't take your experiences from this forum out in the real world, thats just bizarre!

So why am I a member? Good entertainment and time pass while you sit on the metro! And I am sensible enough to not let nonsense here cloud my judgment of people, which I think would make it hard if I spent my time talking Shit about different people
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But Indians can create custom babies. They can make dark skinned parents have light skin babies, low IQ parents to have high IQ babies by using ancient vedic methods. Chinese don't have this magical power :enjoy:

High IQ baby with Low IQ parents is very common. We have many generous brains from very ordinary parents. Our beloved Ex President abdul kalam sir is an example.
Whats all the hype about indians bragging about moon, mars and tejas?

This thread is about a supercomputer and its a fake news!! So you guys need to chill out.
So was this super-supercomputer just some fake news?
May be or may be not, i heard there're a lot of super secret programs going on in India, perhaps this "Superpower Computer" is one of it, might caught us by surprise anytime:dirol:
Last time i heard, DRDO has been working on "Star War" weapons dated back to "2010" so i don't think we should underestimate Indian's capabilities at all, check out the below, "SCARY" and "FEARSOME" if you ask me:close_tema:

Well I can say the same about my people, that they are only reacting to ignorant Chinese and Pakistani members here. I mean, the Chinese members here aren't exactly being rational, they don't seem to have any common sense, and judging just by posts in this thread alone, they certainly aren't being no-nonsense. But I know that the Chinese in real life are nothing like the majority of Chinese members here represent.

I may be a newbie, but I have followed this website for a while and I realized early on that while defence.pk is excellent for picking up news from my part if the world, the forum itself is terrible! Most members here, whether newbie or elite (or sometimes even part of the management) are here to troll and a only a very tiny minority is interested in any serious discussions.

So people should do themselves a favour and not take this forum seriously. just take it as a form of entertainment. The problem starts when someone start taking this forum seriously and think it represents the reality.

Defence.pk is a "bizarro world", so only visite it for laughs, don't live in it! And certainly don't take your experiences from this forum out in the real world, thats just bizarre!

So why am I a member? Good entertainment and time pass while you sit on the metro! And I am sensible enough to not let nonsense here cloud my judgment of people, which I think would make it hard if I spent my time talking Shit about different people

Well, Chinese are not the ones that made those outrageous claims, such as "Superpower by 2012", "Manned space mission by 2015" or this "Super-supercomputer by 2017". As India raising its status in the world stage, the whole world is watching if India is for real or just for joke. You tell me who made up this "Super-supercomputer by 2017" story? Chinese, Pakistanis, or your own people?

You see, your politicians, your media and many of your countrymen work hard to turn your country into a laughing stock, and it is not polite if we don't laugh.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for India's real progress and development, just those attention seeking grandiose "plans and announcements" that India tries to impress the world amused me.
Well, Chinese are not the ones that made those outrageous claims, such as "Superpower by 2012", "Manned space mission by 2015" or this "Super-supercomputer by 2017". As India raising its status in the world stage, the whole world is watching if India is for real or just for joke. You tell me who made up this "Super-supercomputer by 2017" story? Chinese, Pakistanis, or your own people?

You see, your politicians, your media and many of your countrymen work hard to turn your country into a laughing stock, and it is not polite if we don't laugh.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for India's real progress and development, just those attention seeking grandiose "plans and announcements" that India tries to impress the world amused me.

I don't see anybody laughing of India except trolls on Internet.

Anyway, don't let me interrupt the troll fest. Take care, happy trolling!
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by Sanchari Pal4 months ago

“Great nations are not built on borrowed technology.” – Vijay Bhatkar, the Father of Indian Supercomputers

In India, the name C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing) has become synonymous with supercomputers, a term that denotes any computing environment which makes use of advanced tools, high computational speeds and efficiency to help researchers in different fields such as scientific R & D, weather forecasting, missile simulation, space science, pharmaceutical research and much more.

For the uninitiated, what really makes a Supercomputer “super” is a concept called parallel computing. Basically, parallel processing involves the breaking up of tasks into smaller tasks that can be processed in parallel. The end result is obtained by combining outputs from each processor.

Here is the story of how India’s first-ever indigenous supercomputer was made, a major milestone in modern India’s technological odyssey.


The supercomputer effort in India began in the late 1980s, when the US stopped the export of a Cray supercomputer because of continuing technology embargoes. During the 80s, USA and some other European countries had developed super computers, which were critical for developing satellites and nuclear weapons. These countries refused to transfer the knowledge of creating super computers to India, fearing the developing nation might use it to design missiles and warplanes rather than forecast the weather.

Faced with a technology-denial regime that denied its scientific community access to supercomputers, India set up Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) in March 1988 with the clear mandate to develop an indigenous supercomputer to meet high-speed computational needs in solving scientific and other developmental problems where fast number crunching is a major component.

Following a specific recommendation of the Science Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (SAC-PM) to that effect, C-DAC was established as a scientific society of the then Department of Electronics (now the Department of Information Technology (DIT) under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology).


To lead the project, PM Rajiv Gandhi turned to a man who hadn’t seen a ‘super’ all his life to build one in double-quick time. But Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar knew all about shortcuts: the country’s top number-cruncher had begun school directly in the 4th standard and still made it to the top. When Rajiv Gandhi met Bhatkar, he asked him three questions:

“Can we do it?”
Bhatkar answered, “I have not seen a supercomputer as we have no access to supercomputer, I have only seen a picture of the Cray! But, yes, we can.”

“How long will it take?”
Bhatkar promptly replied, “Less than it it will take us in trying to import Cray from US.

“How much money it would take?
Bhatkar replied, “The whole effort, including building an institution, developing the technology, commissioning and installing India’s first supercomputer will cost less than the cost of Cray.

Pleased, the Prime Minister gave the go-ahead for the project. Based in Pune, C-DAC summoned scientists from all over the country to work on one of India’s greatest technology projects.

Within three years, the extraordinary happened. With everyone involved working their socks off, C-DAC finally completed its work well within the proposed deadline. With components that could be bought off the shelves, in 1991, C-DAC rolled out India’s first indigenous supercomputer: PARAM 8000.

In pic above: Vijay Bhatkar.

For the first time ever, a developing country had pulled off such a feat in advanced computer development. Needless to say, the world was shocked at this achievement. Many were doubtful about PARAM truly being a supercomputer. That’s when Bhatkar decided to take the PARAM prototype to a major international conference and exhibition of supercomputers. Here, it was demonstrated, benchmarked and formally declared a supercomputer. A US Newspapers published the news with headline, “Denied supercomputer, Angry India does it!”

A multiprocessor machine, PARAM 8000 was benchmarked at 5 Gflops, making it the second fastest supercomputer in the world at that time. It also costed a fraction of what the legendary US machine Cray did and performed just as well. So much so, that the US company which manufactured Cray had to slash prices to woo a nation it spurned just eight years ago!

PARAM 8000 also set the platform for a whole series of high-performance parallel computers, called the PARAM series. In 2002, PARAM 20000, or PARAM Padma, broke the teraflop (thousand billion flops) barrier with a peak speed of 1 Tflop. The latest machine in the series are the PARAM Ishan and the PARAM Kanchenjunga.


Installed at IIT Guwahati, PARAM Ishan can be used in the application areas like computational chemistry, computational fluid dynamics, computational electromagnetic, civil engineering structures, nano-block self assemble, climate modeling and seismic data processing. PARAM Kanchenjunga, stationed at NIT Sikkim’s Supercomputing Centre, is expected to be used for engineering research conducted by the faculty and students at the institute as well as researchers across the state. Interestingly, Param in Sanskrit means ‘supreme’!

Based on the Param series of supercomputers, Bhatkar has also built the National Param Supercomputing Facility (NPSF). This has been now made available as a grid computing facility through Garuda grid on the National Knowledge Network (NKN), providing nationwide access to High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure. He also initiated moves to have supercomputing in Indian languages and succeeded in doing so.

In 2015, Bhatkar was honoured with Padma Bhushan for his immense contribution in the field of science and technology in India.


Vijay Bhatkar’s and C-DAC’s efforts in this strategically and economically important area have thus put India on the supercomputing map of the world along with select developed nations of the world. As of 2016, many PARAM systems have been deployed in the country and abroad. Today, India is designing Petascale supercomputers, next only to USA and Japan. The crowning glory of India’s advanced computing and IT capability, once achieved this computer will be a symbol of India’s undeniable position as an IT superpower.

However, while showing great promise in the field of supercomputing, it’s obvious that India needs to do better and it will. The government of India is working towards this and has initiated the Rs. 4,500-crore National Supercomputing Mission. Under the mission, the Government of India empowers an ambitious target of installing more than 70 high-performance computing facilities in the country. These computers will be connected by the National Knowledge Network. The first of these high-computing machines is being built by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and is expected to be ready by August 2017.
PARAM supercomputers are used by both public and private operators for various purposes. As of 2008, 52 PARAMs have been deployed. Of these, 8 are located in Russia, Singapore, Germany and Canada. PARAMs have also been sold to Tanzania, Armenia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Ghana, Myanmar, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
May be or may be not, i heard there're a lot of super secret programs going on in India, perhaps this "Superpower Computer" is one of it, might caught us by surprise anytime:dirol:
Last time i heard, DRDO has been working on "Star War" weapons dated back to "2010" so i don't think we should underestimate Indian's capabilities at all, check out the below, "SCARY" and "FEARSOME" if you ask me:close_tema:


It's all for domestic consumption. It's basically propaganda to make the population believe that India is doing well and carries weight around the world. Of course, the reality is very different.
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