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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

No I do not. Firstly my ancestors were never part of any vedic civalization and secondly I draw my identity from Indo-Islamic culture and modern day India owes more to it than any imaginary vedic achievements. Use google to find sources don't ask me. I have better things to do
So I take it you don't have a source. That's ok - I kind of expected it.
Sour grapes. The Americans and Russians been on the moon since the 1960s - landing on the moon was no major achievement.

Shame you say that - because you belong to the same civilization. Do let me know which new evidence suggests that the decimal system or 0 came from China or S.E. Asia.
The Russian and American never did 3D mapping of the moon inner cast and terrain as such technology is not available to them during their time. While China did.

U are pretty describing every country in the world and every member on PDF that post threads here!!!... Where are u then something is achieved and yet you are all over the place when there is something remotely negative!

Isn't the same for your county ? ... the only difference i see is that they do a great job of covering the Negative!!!!
It's not the same. Don't lump China with India. Chinese do not have that kind of unrealistic bragging attitude like India. When China claim we have world beater supercomputer in 2015 and we did it. It is realistic and happening while Indian one is fantasy and self declare which nobody recognized. You
Bragging is definetly big among some Indian people, punjabis especially. Your Pakistani buddies can probably tell you more about that, since a majority of them are punjabis. Other then that, I would say that india has a free, but pretty immature media that writes a lot of crap.

Is being obnoxious a socially accepted behavior in China, is it part of the single child syndrome all of you guys seem to have or is it a fenomen that only exist in the world of defence.pk? Just curious, no offence.

Not really. Chinese are usually no-nonsense people, and they follow common sense and rationality. They can be very critical at times even to the government. What you have observed on PDF may be the reactions to your "immature media" and irresponsible politicians, and some of your ignorant countrymen on this forum did not really help. You seem to be a new member to this forum, so you may not know a couple of years back, this forum had been filled with threads with "superpower" in the titles. That is when Chinese members started being "obnoxious". In our culture, "bragging" is almost a "sin".
Why India cannot even copy n paste if its so easy!

I know you are proud of your copy pest capability but that is not our way to develop. We have our own requirement and make our things according to our requirements. We do not beg borrow or steal and mold our requirement according to the product we copped. It is basically a difference in approach.

I guess this is what they teach you in pathetic Indian schools. India (Vedic culture) is not the cradle of civilization and you have barely given anything to the world delusional Indian. Read some true history. It is also being disputed now that zero was invented in India. New evidence suggests that it probably came about in Han China and Southeast Asia

I have no book of true history. I am planning to visit Pakistan and china to learn true history.
I know you are proud of your copy pest capability but that is not our way to develop. We have our own requirement and make our things according to our requirements. We do not beg borrow or steal and mold our requirement according to the product we copped. It is basically a difference in approach.

I have no book of true history. I am planning to visit Pakistan and china to learn true history.
You guys can't make anything. Thats why china has a huge surplus with India :lol:
Most deluded people are chinese because they want to surpass US by copying US weapons and planes. They think that they will be able to make better weapon by copying their planes. China copied Su 33 and claim that chinese copy is better than that of original but their claim got busted
when chinese scientist expose their J 15.
lol, so you Indian will 'reinvent' everything from toilet to bullet yeah? what a tipical clueless, ignorant and deluded Indian, you lot are the driving force to make India a total joke of the mankind``:lol:
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