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  1. centaurzhere.abdul

    India to provide 900 million dollars in aid to Nigeria

    Immature comment. Listen fellow, First thing mind you business. We do know how spent on our people and reduce our Poverty level. Compare to the past we improved in a superb manner. eople living below the poverty line in India has declined from 51.3 per cent in 1977-78 to about 20 per cent...
  2. centaurzhere.abdul

    Lt Col Haroon of SSG Died

    May god bless his Soul
  3. centaurzhere.abdul

    Army to get BrahMos on June 21

    Yheah, Excatly they will stop Brahmos threat by firing missiles on it. They have Anza Missiles to Shot brahmos:cheesy: :yahoo: :rofl:
  4. centaurzhere.abdul

    Upgraded Indian 'Mays' missing vital systems, says watchdog

    Ahh.................plz. Wake Up Dude Its not the Reporters who need to be blame but its the Stupid Indians(us) who need to blame. This is what you can expect when a lot of Indians dont realize the Importance or had the education on Defence. Lot of Indians gone Brainwashed thinking...
  5. centaurzhere.abdul

    Upgraded Indian 'Mays' missing vital systems, says watchdog

    The Article was Missunderstood. The Aircrafts had actuallly came with Avionics and other Stuff. The Il-38 is Capable to fire Missiles and Torpedoes but they didnt came with any missiles or other Stuff Its do Capable to Fire Old Tropedoes and Missiles. Check this Link -...
  6. centaurzhere.abdul

    At Least Four Killed In Indian Mosque Bomb Blast

    Well, Iam from Hyderabad itself. Things had gone Ugly for a while but now the Situations is looking better then it was. Condolonce to the Dear Ones. May soil rest in peace
  7. centaurzhere.abdul

    IAF's Sukhoi SU-30 jets lack EW system

    You can Check yourself by using Google. There is no need fro soemone to come and Excaplin your doubht. Or Else, Check the Forum like KeyPub where a there is Huge Disscussions about Sukhoi-30MKI and its EW Suits. MKIs is not Only fitted with Israeli one but also with Indian EW Systems and...
  8. centaurzhere.abdul

    40,000 defence personnel retired early in three years

    Jeez,....Clever and mature relpy i should say:sick:
  9. centaurzhere.abdul

    Indian missile a ‘dud’, air force doesn’t want it

    Jeez look at that Article. The Missile is not the DUD but that Idiot who wrote this artciles is a DUD. Hope, Joey or any IDF guy comes an excplain this.
  10. centaurzhere.abdul

    IAF seeks more airborne warning systems

    OMG, Your Post Exclpains your Talent. YEP, The Plane crash was actually was a Huge loss for the AWACS program. It single sentecne, actually the Complete prgram had gone Dead for a while. HS-748 Avro Platform was not at all suitable to carry AWACS but DRDO had been left without no other...
  11. centaurzhere.abdul

    Dhanush Test Fired,

    Ahh.........Yes. That Explains Everything:lol: We Dont think of using Nuclear Warheads until our Opponent has used it because we know how much Damage it does and what will be the results. I Have faith on our Military and Govt of defending us. Well Ours is not that Strategy. India...
  12. centaurzhere.abdul

    Court blocks Indian quota plans

    ] Truely Speaking, First of all you have no idea what your talking about. You have no Idea what kind of problems do this resevration is bringing. Its just a Game play by the Politicians. If you want me to excplan you in a single sentence manner, You are a Pakistani from across the border...
  13. centaurzhere.abdul

    Pakistan's Missile Technology

    My Goodness. The Article has no idea about what it Talks
  14. centaurzhere.abdul

    What happened to TEAM INDIA?

  15. centaurzhere.abdul

    Pakistan To Construct Rs 1.2 Billion Jinnah Hospital In Kabul...

    I Goodness, 1 Billion for Constructing a Hospital. Good Going Pakistan:yahoo: :tup:
  16. centaurzhere.abdul

    Pakistan Test-Fires Long-Range Missile

    Hmm.......It can reach my city Hyderabad:angel: . Atleast the Eastern India is far away. We Should give a Solid reply for this. My all hopes or on DRDO to covering my ***.:D
  17. centaurzhere.abdul

    Kashmiri was civilian - DNA tests

    Holy.......Lol. There she goes again:lol: . No offence but Today I was seeing your replies in this forum and Other forums from a long time and guess what. It really makes laugh to death whenever i read your replies. Damn you really need to have a life and see the true world. First i...
  18. centaurzhere.abdul

    Amitabh Bachan considered for President post: sources

    Truely, Kalam was one of the best Presidents we have actually. Abdul Kalam is the president of India and he will be still has a President.
  19. centaurzhere.abdul

    Battle over the High Seas for Indian Surveillance Requirement

    The Answer is simple.Just go for some Damm P-8s.
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