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40,000 defence personnel retired early in three years

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Dec 28, 2006
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Apr 26, 2007 - 7:07:49 PM
There were 120 suicides, including 15 failed attempts in 2005. These included 92 - as also the failed attempts - in the army, 23 in the air force and five in the navy and coast guard.

By IANS, [RxPG] New Delhi, April 26 - A staggering 40,000 defence personnel were granted early retirement in the past three years, even as another 1,415 were discharged due to mental illnesses, parliament was informed Thursday.

Of those who retired early, 2,064 were officers of the army, navy and air force and 37,865 were personnel below officer rank - for a total of 39,929, Defence Minister A.K. Antony said during question hour in the Lok Sabha.

Giving the break up, the minister said 1,119 army officers had retired early during 2004-06, against 489 in the air force and 456 in the navy.

In the PBOR category, 35,255 army personnel had been granted premature retirement, against 2,578 in the air force and 31 in the navy, the minister added.

According to Antony, the main reasons identified for personnel seeking premature retirement were supersession in promotion, or being placed in a permanently low medical category.

This apart, early retirement was sought on compassionate grounds such as to look after ailing parents/children/siblings, or to look after ancestral property and attend to litigation, or due to failure to acquire minimum qualifications required for promotion or due to 'increase in employment opportunities on the civil side', Antony added.

Antony also detailed the measures being taken to address this issue.

These included allowing time-bound promotions up to the rank of colonel and equivalent, creating or upgrading posts up to the rank of colonel and equivalent to hasten promotions, and the creation of the rank of time-scale colonel and equivalent for superseded officers

This apart, additional accommodation was being created for married officers and professional courses were being conducted for retiring officers, Antony added.

In reply to a separate question, the minister said 1,263 personnel from the army, 123 from the air force and 29 from the navy had been discharged during 2004-06 'on account of mental disorders, including cases of psychosis, neurosis, personality disorders, adjustment disorders, alcohol dependence syndrome and depression'.

The armed forces have witnessed a spurt in suicides - 21 this year alone - prompting the defence ministry to take a series of counter measures including counselling and yoga classes to help soldiers cope with stress.

'Training capsules on relaxation exercises including yoga and meditation have been introduced,' even as officers at various levels had been asked to identify and counsel soldiers 'who are at higher risk of combat stress', Antony had told parliament last month.

This apart, religious teachers, junior commissioned officers - of the Army Education Corps - and regimental medical officers have been identified as psychological health mentors, trained in psychiatry and have been posted at various units, he added.

Antony said that 50 JCOs of the Army Medical Corps - have been trained as counsellors and posted to the northern and eastern commands where troops are engaged in counter-insurgency operations.

The armed forces witnessed 146 suicides in 2006, with 120 in the army, 24 in the air force and two in the navy and the coast guard.

There were 120 suicides, including 15 failed attempts in 2005. These included 92 - as also the failed attempts - in the army, 23 in the air force and five in the navy and coast guard.

The year 2004 witnessed 118 suicides - 100 in the army, 13 in the air force and five in the navy and its sister service.
Why fight for a country which oppresses its people, limits freedom, and kills its citizens?
Why fight for a country which oppresses its people, limits freedom, and kills its citizens?

What a beautiful reply, is that all you comprehended from the world's 3 largest in manpower armed forces.
40,000 people retired, how many of them retired according to age, how many of them took VRS, how many of cited personal problems.
ITs such a vague report.

Webby, Before going all guns blazing; I know there is a problem and is very difficult problem.
So how many Hindu soldiers does your country commands?


Jan.1, 1940 Jan.1, 1942 Jan.1, 1945 Feb.1, 1946 Jan. 1, 1947 April 1, 1947 June 1, 1947 July 1, 1947
Muslims Number 92,841 279,507 447,580 402,070 205,820 148,607 138,892 135,268
Percentage 37.518 37.626 32.016 32.405 31.762 32.653 36.189 36.210

Hindus Number 93,132 299,850 649,900 602,320 309,360 210,615 159,783 154,780
Percentage 37.635 40.364 46.488 48.546 47.741 46.278 41.632 41.433
I dont think IA recruits on religious basis. By the way how many Hindu/minority soldiers do you have, 1 sikh and .........
I dont think this is what i asked. What i asked was how many Hindu soldiers does your country commands in the population of about 83% of Hindus.

In July 1947, there were 135,268 Muslim soldiers and 154,780 Hindu soldiers.

By the way how many Hindu/minority soldiers do you have, 1 sikh and .........

Only the best of the best make it to the Pakistan Army voluntarily.
I dont think this is what i asked. What i asked was how many Hindu soldiers does your country commands in the population of about 83% of Hindus.
In July 1947, there were 135,268 Muslim soldiers and 154,780 Hindu soldiers.
Only the best of the best make it to the Pakistan Army voluntarily.

How is 1947 British Indian Army a template for today's Indian Army. Do you even know how the British recurited their soldiers. They used to take from communities and tribes they thought had a history of fighting skills, such as the gorkha's, balochi's, pathans, jats. Muslim majority came from the pakistan side.
Most of those 135,268 Muslims would have joined the Pakistani Army after Independence. The Vice-Chief of Indian Army and the next in line to the chief of staff is a muslim, guess that should answer your question. If muslims dont join up the army in numbers, that is their fault then, according to excuse of dismal level of minorities in your army you have given.

I actually thought Muslims in Indian Army would be more while comparing the percentage of Hindu population and their contribution towards the Indian Army.

Jeez,....Clever and mature relpy i should say:sick:

No seriously! Why should anyone.

I actually thought Muslims in Indian Army would be more while comparing the percentage of Hindu population and their contribution towards the Indian Army.

Well, I have noticed from a personal level, that there are more Muslim Officers %wise than Muslim jawans.
No seriously! Why should anyone.

Maybe the Balochi's and Pakthun's in your Army should the say same. Stop Degrading yourself to the idoitic kids in this forum.
Muslims are not believed so they are not recruited in large numbers in Indian military. Even there is an undeclared policy for not including muslims in higher ranks of armed forces or intelligence agencies as exposed by some retired officers of military. Even muslims are not wellcome in large numbers in police force otherwise it will "Cripple" this communalist force and they will not be able to assist Hindu communalist forces during massacre of muslim masses during anti muslim riots which have become an integral part of secular India,s history. However world will always find some faces here and there so as to be misguided about the real face of Hindu India.
Muslims are not believed so they are not recruited in large numbers in Indian military. Even there is an undeclared policy for not including muslims in higher ranks of armed forces or intelligence agencies as exposed by some retired officers of military. Even muslims are not wellcome in large numbers in police force otherwise it will "Cripple" this communalist force and they will not be able to assist Hindu communalist forces during massacre of muslim masses during anti muslim riots which have become an integral part of secular India,s history. However world will always find some faces here and there so as to be misguided about the real face of Hindu India.

So how many non-Muslims are there in Bangladeshi forces? 10% 20% 30% ...???
Since you are so knowledgeable,may be you can enlighten me

May be if you think a little,when the main adversary of India being a Muslim country,the Indian intelligence would not try to have Muslims? Who would teach the intelligence agencies about leading a Muslim way of life,if they have to infiltrate Pakistan? And you say they dont recruit muslims?
Muslims in India are mostly in to business or carry on their family occupation. Why would some one leave his money earning business and join the army where he could loose his life? Patriotism apart,it is logical.

Just because there are less Muslims than Hindus in IA,people jump to the conclusion that IA is meant for prosecuting Muslims.

I am just waiting for the day when American will question us about the number if Christians in IA,then Israel will ask about Jews,Buddhist, then Jains, then the Sikhs.... all waiting to expose Hindu discrimination.

what can i say!
Muslims in India are mostly in to business or carry on their family occupation. Why would some one leave his money earning business and join the army where he could loose his life? Patriotism apart,it is logical.

Just because there are less Muslims than Hindus in IA,people jump to the conclusion that IA is meant for prosecuting Muslims.

I am just waiting for the day when American will question us about the number if Christians in IA,then Israel will ask about Jews,Buddhist, then Jains, then the Sikhs.... all waiting to expose Hindu discrimination.

what can i say!

If you are discussing a topic in a capcity as believer of democracy than you have to describe it more convincingly.
BTW your explanation make us understand non-hindu prefer not to choose IA. :angel:
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