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  1. B

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I never said any of this. Again, not sure why you think I am talking exclusively about Iranians or myself. And how can you possibly say that the wealthy and connected do not get preferential treatment in the US? Most of those CEOs are born wealthy and connected. You mentioned Dara...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Why do you think i don't realize this contradiction? In the end I live and moving to a new country isn't as simple as it would seem. If it was feasible at this point I would be gone. You should be against them too and be for your own people. The global south must be poor for the north to be...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    This list conveniently leaves off the majority of European colonial genocides such as the Belgian genocide in the Congo, the British genocide in Bengal, or the French genocide in Algeria. I guess if we're defining genocide as something only non-whites and Nazis (apparently an exception to...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    It's not their domain, despite what the Euros like to think, the world isn't theirs. Like I said they aggressively conquered and committed genocide against the native nations who the land belongs to. Iran hasn't had any significant empires beyond it's cultural borders in over 1500 years. And...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    The US has been an aggressive expansionist empire since it's inception. It's entire westward expansion was a colonial war of extermination against the native nations of the continent, it occupied Puerto Rico, invaded Hawaii, went to war with Spain over Cuba, invaded Mexico, implemented the...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    What's going on Pakistan? It seems there's an attempt to remove Imran Khan from power by the usual suspects according to him. I haven't seen clear analysis of how likely the effort is to succeed. If they succeed and a western puppet government is put into power it will certainly have...
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    How China is Reforesting the Gobi Desert into Forest - The Great Green Wall

    The US will surely condemn this genocide of deserts in China.
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    Biden admits that a "new world order" is coming, implying that old world order is over including American hegemony

    The rise of the East is inevitable. For most of human history China was the world's largest economy and will naturely become so again given it's population and level of development. European domination of the world was a relatively short-lived aberration sustained by colonialism and genocide and...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Months ago certain forums members were claiming the big Saudi/UAE offensive was going to wipe out Ansarallah and win the war for good, yet here we are months later with Saudi infrastructure still eating missiles regularly. Cope posts don't change realities on the ground and twitter likes don't...
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    Breaking: Petrodollar Cracks: Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan For Chinese Oil Sales

    MBS should be careful he doesn't end up on the other side of the bonesaw. America will have to abandon capitalism or the people will have to accept a massive drop in quality of life. Capital is not loyal to the US and will not develop industry unless it is profitable which it won't be unless...
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    A lot of foreign mercs are leaving already, many fled to Poland after this attack. It's crazy how effectively the West uses propaganda as a weapon, these guys really signed up thinking they were going to push all the way to Moscow.
  12. B

    Who is the most successful colonial power?

    The Anglos by far but we shouldn't minimize the atrocities commited by the French, Germans, Belgians, Spain, etc. Almost all western Europe countries are responsible for horrific crimes against humanity they have not yet paid for.
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    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    At a distance looks like a Chinese Su-30MKK to me, usually in cases like this, they are passing through to an airshow or something. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ba/cc/df/baccdf95074196497416da1c8e5dcd03.jpg
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    Soaring U.S. Car Prices Open Door to Low-Cost Chinese Imports

    A lot of Americans are racist, not sure how well Chinese cars would sell unless they were significantly cheaper than alternatives. And most likely the US would outright ban imports of Chinese cars as they push forward in their ideological war on China. Personally though, I would love to be able...
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    Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

    To me it seems like Russia deployed it's lowest quality soldiers from it's poorest equipped divisions to fight, the question is why. IMO the most likely reason, if you exclude simple hubris or incompetence, is that they want to save their best soldiers and equipment in case the war broadened to...
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Turkey blocked access to ALL warships, including NATO ones.
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    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Ukraine is mobilizing foreigners and convicts to fight a war pro-Western sources say they're winning.
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    Iranian Chill Thread

    Everyone is getting nukes but Iran it seems.
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    Iranian army air force commander travels to Pakistan

    Glad to hear it, while Europe is tearing itself apart we should work to advance cooperation with our neighbors.
  20. B

    Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

    Because it's the verified page of the Ukrainian National Guard posting it? The are very proud of being Nazi scum, they do not hide it.
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