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Iranian Chill Thread

Why do you think i don't realize this contradiction? In the end I live and moving to a new country isn't as simple as it would seem. If it was feasible at this point I would be gone.

Oh here we go with this tired BS cliche line from Ex-Pats “oh If I could I would be in Iran, trust me bro. But it’s not that easy”.

Yeah it is. Grab a ticket and go live in Iran and work as an English teacher or translator for foreign ministry if you care about the cause. Don’t be a hypocrite talking **** about western countries as you live lavishly in them, that’s what the liberals in Iran do like Rouhani & Co.

Instead you shouldn’t be telling people in our homeland to “suck it up buttercup” with sanctions and financial hardship while you sit living well in “The Great Devil” USA screaming Margh ba Emrika on some random no name forum.

So no, I don’t believe you have any right to tell what Iran’s policy should be and what hardships Iranian people should entail against Western Imperalism....when you indirectly support Western Imperalism by living and working in those countries.

You should be against them too and be for your own people. The global south must be poor for the north to be rich so they will never allow us to prosper.
You should also know how deeply rooted white supremacy is in this society, they will never fully accept us into their society despite all the liberal bluster about multiculturalism. Half the country doesn't even try to to hide their contempt and hate for non-whites.

Come on Save this BS talk. Many Iranians are highly successfully across the world in Western countries. CEO of Uber a Fortune 500 company is Iranian just to give you an easy example. Plenty of Iranians in SpaceX & NASA. Most of our ex-Pats are pretty succesful when compared to their “white colonial peers”. Was able to meet quite a few successful Iranians. Always great to see. Some successful individuals are right on this board or were on this board at different periods of time. If you struggle in USA it’s because of you, not the “white man” keeping you down. And if you can’t make it in USA because of perceived unfair playing field...let me tell you.....than Iran would swallow you whole.

There is no Human Resources to wipe your *** and protect you over there. It is connections and who you know. Go to court over a lawsuit and you better pray your *** you paid off not only the judge, but two guys above him as well if you want a favorable ruling. This comes from someone familiar with how **** gets done over there. Just because some of us are over here doesn’t mean we have no connection to over there. In fact the ones that are most pro-IR of Iran on this board verbally probably have the least connection over there to their own homeland. Ironic.

You can support Iran and live in a Western country they are not mutually exclusive. That is not what I am saying. In fact you can even Support Iran and have significant criticism for Western foreign policy and how it relates to your homeland. That is perfectly natural.

But you cannot sit and write your Mein Kampf on how disgusting Western society (not just the government) is and how it is the bane of you and humanity’s existence......as you suck on its tit. That is being disingenuous to put it nicely.

No different than a priest rallying against modern life & sin and saying we must only follow word of God. Then at night gambling, having sex, and doing drugs. Then ironically claiming he would follow the word of God “if he could, but it’s not that easy”.

Anyway I won’t derail the chill thread on ideological differences. Just notice a pattern here with some of the more “hardline” ex-pats.
The Belograd oil strike using Heli’s was a direct evidence of Western radiation sats picking up Russian radars and finding holes in their defense.
This, so much this.

It wasn't just a willy nilly random fly through Russian airspace, it was precisely planned in which route and what altitude to take.

Remember when Russia beat Iran (and other countries) in the tank and APC section of military competition?

Just goes to show you what those “competitions” are worth in real war scenarios.

An entire Russian armoured column against a SINGLE Ukraine tank and half of the time they don’t even know where the tank is even after it fires.
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Remember when Russia beat Iran (and other countries) in the tank and APC section of military competition?

Just goes to show you what those “competitions” are worth in real war scenarios.

An entire Russian armoured column against a SINGLE Ukraine tank and half of the time they don’t even know where the tank is even after it fires.

Then they call in artillery fire on that column.

Some days it looks like Russias entire budget for training was embezzled.
Then they call in artillery fire on that column.

Some days it looks like Russias entire budget for training was embezzled.

Could be a training problem, but it also points to leadership problem up and down the chain. After all, Iranian backed miltias and Yemeni Houthis are hardly special forces caliber fighters, but if the leadership from ground up is sound and if the strategy is sound, then you will see success.

That is why armies have reservists and conscripts and not 1M man highly trained standing soldier armies.

At the end of the day if officer in charge is in his position because of “who he knows” (aka Saddam Republican Guard or Saudi Army) rather than military ability to lead, then the performance during war time will be atrocious and inconsistent.

Article from 2018

Article from 2022 before the conflict

I remember reading analysis probably a few years ago that discussed what exactly is unraveling today, that outside of Spetnaz and some other highly trained units, the Russian military is largely not as capable fighting on the ground.
Instead you shouldn’t be telling people in our homeland to “suck it up buttercup” with sanctions and financial hardship while you sit living well in “The Great Devil” USA screaming Margh ba Emrika on some random no name forum.

So no, I don’t believe you have any right to tell what Iran’s policy should be and what hardships Iranian people should entail against Western Imperalism....when you indirectly support Western Imperalism by living and working in those countries.

I never said any of this.

Come on Save this BS talk. Many Iranians are highly successfully across the world in Western countries. CEO of Uber a Fortune 500 company is Iranian just to give you an easy example. Plenty of Iranians in SpaceX & NASA. Most of our ex-Pats are pretty succesful when compared to their “white colonial peers”. Was able to meet quite a few successful Iranians. Always great to see. Some successful individuals are right on this board or were on this board at different periods of time. If you struggle in USA it’s because of you, not the “white man” keeping you down. And if you can’t make it in USA because of perceived unfair playing field...let me tell you.....than Iran would swallow you whole.

There is no Human Resources to wipe your *** and protect you over there. It is connections and who you know. Go to court over a lawsuit and you better pray your *** you paid off not only the judge, but two guys above him as well if you want a favorable ruling. This comes from someone familiar with how **** gets done over there. Just because some of us are over here doesn’t mean we have no connection to over there. In fact the ones that are most pro-IR of Iran on this board verbally probably have the least connection over there to their own homeland. Ironic.

Again, not sure why you think I am talking exclusively about Iranians or myself. And how can you possibly say that the wealthy and connected do not get preferential treatment in the US? Most of those CEOs are born wealthy and connected. You mentioned Dara Khosrowshahi, who's father owned Alborz Investment Company before the revolution. Elon Musk's father owned an emerald mine in Zambia, Warren Buffet's father was a congressman, Bill Gate's mother was an IBM executive. Even amongst the top 1%, the income of minorities (excluding Asians) is significantly lower than whites. The fact is these successful Iranians are often connected and wealthy since before 1979 and had the resources to come here. You cannot extrapolate their wealth to Iranians in the US in general.

We can however agree that Iran has many societal and economic issues that must be addressed. I have never claimed it's a perfect paradise, it is quite obviously not and I think we both want what's best for the country and it's people.

But you cannot sit and write your Mein Kampf on how disgusting Western society (not just the government) is and how it is the bane of you and humanity’s existence......as you suck on its tit. That is being disingenuous to put it nicely.

All I did was point out the innumerable atrocities carried out by Europeans in their relatively brief period of world domination and pointing out your inaccurate description of the US as isolationist. Again you are somehow taking this to mean I hate all aspects of western civilization, which I don't. If you're going to deny the white supremacist nature of the US state and it's extensive history of brutality towards minorities or of Europe towards its colonies then I don't know what to tell you.
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US selling more useless junk to Taiwan. The Patriot can't even stop hand me down Iranian drones, ballistic missiles which Iran gives to the rag tag Houthis. Just last week again they struck an oil refinery, water treatment plant and more.

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Aljazeera and SouthFront map of Ukraine on April 6th, 2022. The Southfront map seems more concise.

The Russians potentially have several goals at this point:

1) Take the remaining areas of the Donbas

2) Continue to prevent Ukraine from accessing the ocean from Odessa. NOTE: Odessa might even be a potential target in order to link Russia to Transnistria (a breakaway enclave of Moldova) who are extremely pro Russian

3) Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, might still be a potential target. Perhaps Kiev was too large and burdensome, especially since the Russians were outnumbered atleast 3 to 1 whereas in conventional warfare it's supposed to be the other way around.

This leads some analysts to believe that the Russians simply stayed around Kiev to pin down hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian troops, preventing them from joining the south and southeast where the Russians have take large swathes of territory. However if the Russians do go for Kharkiv they might simply surround it and try to starve it into submission

4) Keep striking at high profile targets, especially Ukraine's supply route bringing in new weapons. from west through Poland.

As a side note: The Ukrainians are now getting their hands on armored vehicles, MRAPs and potentially hunreds of tank T-72 tanks. If their inventory hasn't been wiped out then why would they need all these weapons.

Also the Russians need to switch their doctrine, their front line, to use more defensive/ambush tactics so they can absolutely annihilate Ukrainian forces on the field.

April 6 Ukraine AJ.jpg

April 6 Ukraine SF.jpg
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I would have posted this on Russia Ukraine thread but people on PDF do not discuss things based on logic anymore cux they are totally partisan and their intellect is corrupted with bias.

So ill ask this here brothers, for ur opinion.... What do u think the russians will do after Donbass is fully taken ? It will definetely be taken since UKR forces cant maneuver at all anymore and out of fuel and logistics.

But what will the russians do after encircling the enemy and taking Donbass? Will they go for Kiev ? Will they reassemble and go for kiev or decide to call it quits ?

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