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Iranian Chill Thread

Gen Milley confirms that Russia couldn't mass the combat power to take Kyiv.


The US regime is used to making tall but baseless claims. Nothing new here and Iranians know this well, given how they're familiar with daily propaganda and false allegations about their own country coming out of Washington.

Here some additional examples:





Meanwhile the collapse of the Ukrainian army is continuing unabated:

Ukraine's finest, NATO-trained Marines at Mariupol capitulating en masse:

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US intelligence? LOL

US Intel success has been immense in this war.

One is the CIA director telling the Ukrainians the Russians would attempt to take the airfield outside Kyiv.

Then the Russians flying in their helicopters to that airfield in the first several days got slaughtered by the waiting Ukrainians.
You're non sequitur was awesome Suzie. Liked! :yahoo:

You should take your VPN off and show us where you really live.

As I doubt an ex-Pat Iranian somehow ended up living on the island of Anguilla

Add you to the same list as @SalarHaqq @sha ah @BigMelatonin

We have our very own Iranian Beatles group here :fans:

Extremely Anti Western, Fiercely pro IR.....all while living in and economically supporting the Western countries they despise and rally against everyday :laugh:

Keep up the good work! Tell me about the beaches of Anguilla sometime
US Intel success has been immense in this war.

One is the CIA director telling the Ukrainians the Russians would attempt to take the airfield outside Kyiv.

Then the Russians flying in their helicopters to that airfield in the first several days got slaughtered by the waiting Ukrainians.

Weapons grade cope

US intelligence claimed Russia would take Kiev in a week, it hasn't happened yet. They said the Taliban would take Kabul in a month, it happened within days. US "intel" is trash.

And the Russians captured Gostomel.
Weapons grade cope

US intelligence claimed Russia would take Kiev in a week, it hasn't happened yet. They said the Taliban would take Kabul in a month, it happened within days. US "intel" is trash.

And the Russians captured Gostomel.

I still remember the “US official” that said the US government believes Kiev will fall in “hours” during the first week of conflict.

I’m starting to wonder if they just make **** up as they go.
Weapons grade cope

US intelligence claimed Russia would take Kiev in a week, it hasn't happened yet. They said the Taliban would take Kabul in a month, it happened within days. US "intel" is trash.

And the Russians captured Gostomel.

US intelligence has dominated Russia in this war. Gen Milley as well as the DIA director essentially confirmed it.
US intelligence has dominated Russia in this war. Gen Milley as well as the DIA director essentially confirmed it.
People are really under estimating the power of US Sat based Recon + MQ-4's and other recon aircraft they have up that can view areas 100s of kilometers away. Insane ranges.

Notice how much of Russian equipment have been destroyed via artillery strikes rather than direct combat. Where do people think they get this intel from? Not all of it can come from small quadcopters.

If your enemy is the US, first rule is to assume they know everything, and adjust accordingly.
People are really under estimating the power of US Sat based Recon + MQ-4's and other recon aircraft they have up that can view areas 100s of kilometers away. Insane ranges.

Notice how much of Russian equipment have been destroyed via artillery strikes rather than direct combat. Where do people think they get this intel from? Not all of it can come from small quadcopters.

If your enemy is the US, first rule is to assume they know everything, and adjust accordingly.

The members here can yap all they want, but when Milley says US Intel has been “extraordinary” and the DIA director classifies it as “revolutionary” that tells me the US has Intel dominance over Russia.

It’s no secret the US has been sharing significant Intel to the Ukrainians.
You should take your VPN off and show us where you really live.

As I doubt an ex-Pat Iranian somehow ended up living on the island of Anguilla

Add you to the same list as @SalarHaqq @sha ah @BigMelatonin

We have our very own Iranian Beatles group here :fans:

Extremely Anti Western, Fiercely pro IR.....all while living in and economically supporting the Western countries they despise and rally against everyday :laugh:

Keep up the good work! Tell me about the beaches of Anguilla sometime
I think you ran out of gifs Ignatius. BTW, the water's fine here.
If your enemy is the US, first rule is to assume they know everything, and adjust accordingly.

Iran learned this first hand in the Iran-Iraq. Major suprise offensives that were meant to eventually take Karbala were leaked by the US-England to Saddam. Saddam ended up gassing those positions based on that satellite and intelligence Intel.

Without sat Intel and spy Intel, the war would have gone a lot more favorable for Iran with a lot less casualties.

Same goes for Ukraine. If anyone thinks that Ukraine’s military would have found all these opportunities for ambushes or precise Intel for artillery and drone strikes, then they are living in delusion. Ukraine’s recon teams are not that good.

The Belograd oil strike using Heli’s was a direct evidence of Western radiation sats picking up Russian radars and finding holes in their defense.

I’m sure Russia expected this, but they also expected the war to be over quick in a power grab so who knows how much preparation was made assuming Western aid.
You say this as you continue to live on stolen land by colonials in America and pay taxes to one of those genocidial Empires you alluded to earlier. So clearly you aren’t too affected by this :coffee:
Why do you think i don't realize this contradiction? In the end I live and moving to a new country isn't as simple as it would seem. If it was feasible at this point I would be gone.

Add you to the same list as @SalarHaqq @sha ah @BigMelatonin

We have our very own Iranian Beatles group here :fans:

Extremely Anti Western, Fiercely pro IR.....all while living in and economically supporting the Western countries they despise and rally against everyday :laugh:
You should be against them too and be for your own people. The global south must be poor for the north to be rich so they will never allow us to prosper.
You should also know how deeply rooted white supremacy is in this society, they will never fully accept us into their society despite all the liberal bluster about multiculturalism. Half the country doesn't even try to to hide their contempt and hate for non-whites.
Minorities in this country are just on a rotating kill list; it was Muslims (or anyone who wears a turban as some poor Sikhs found out) after 9/11, now it's Asians, and it's black people whenever there's no one to demonize for geopolitical gain. As situations become more precarious for the average person they will become violent and history has shown us who the victims will be.
Plus what makes you think I'm pro-IR? I'm obviously pro-Iran but couldn't care less if the IR goes as long as it's by the actions of the Iranian people and the country's territorial integrity is respected.

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