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Breaking: Petrodollar Cracks: Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan For Chinese Oil Sales

Doesn't mean they won't try. US controls global media so they will invent an issue and run with it.

In all honesty there is bigger chance of regime changing Xi Jingping..

The Qibla area is volatile and could change the world with slight chaos there. Their advisors meaning the freemasons and their reptilian(Jinn) friends know this very well.. They will never walk down that path
Doesn't mean they won't try. US controls global media so they will invent an issue and run with it.
Just like how in Ukraine somehow given heavy arms to civilians and glorifying child soldiers and foreign mercenaries is ok

The American media is one wing of US hard power
MBS should be careful he doesn't end up on the other side of the bonesaw.

From an american prespective, this should be a welcoming move into reviving old industries with new philosophies.

It is very welcome, but how many of the americans actually understand this given that their past 3 generations have only consumed and not produced in the right ratio to pick themselves up again.

I would say this will be a slow revival but ultimately good for the US industries.
America will have to abandon capitalism or the people will have to accept a massive drop in quality of life. Capital is not loyal to the US and will not develop industry unless it is profitable which it won't be unless the later happens. The US has poor infrastructure and it would require massive sums to develop a mature industrial capacity.
Lmao.. Let me see first CIA remove Mullah Baradar from Office of all people.. Oh yeah do hogus pokus magic or even Color revolution or whatever it is? :lol:

Because if you can't do color revolution or even with outright intervention failed to remove Mullah Baradar in 20 years what makes anyone think this is viable in one of the most militarist zones in the world? It is like trying to do a coup in Rome what could go wrong? Oh Yeah it could lead to WW3..

Different countries - different situations - different political considerations.

Mullah Baradar was in a Pakistani jail until Trump administration requested his release for negotiations (he accepted peace talks). Americans killed Mullah Mansour for rejecting peace talks in 2016 on the other hand.

Mullah Baradar has no bearing on global economic considerations though.
last time gadafi and saddam tried doing the same but exchange it with euros it led to freedom and democracy. Best hopes for the saudi people and makka and medina
Different countries - different situations - different political considerations.

Mullah Baradar was in a Pakistani jail until Trump administration requested his release for negotiations (he accepted peace talks). Americans killed Mullah Mansour for rejecting peace talks in 2016 on the other hand.

Mullah Baradar has no bearing on global economic considerations though.

Good luck convincing that to their freemasons and reptilian friends they see things differently.....
Now I think the US has a bigger problem in middle east than just this Petro Yuan development. The house of Saud is clearly miffed with the over zealous liberal tilt of the US government in not be willing to protect their power. They went above and beyond to wine and dine Trump; even made peace with Israel at his behest. But the democrats have disregarded all that in favor of their far left opinions. Most Americans who voted for Democrats may not even know where middle east is on the map. So why would they do this to themselves? :undecided:
In all honesty there is bigger chance of regime changing Xi Jingping..

The Qibla area is volatile and could change the world with slight chaos there. Their advisors meaning the freemasons and their reptilian(Jinn) friends know this very well.. They will never walk down that path
The CCP is sitting pretty with over 90% support. No chance of regime change in China. Not too familiar with Saudis but sounds like it's pretty stable as well.
I can’t see this happening. America cannot afford a major devaluation of the dollar in a reality where it imports most manufactured goods. If that happens, and there’s high inflation, there is chance of major civil unrest.

America appears rich on the surface but there’s huge amounts of poverty. Almost half the population live hand to mouth. If prices double for basic necessities there will be rioting in the streets.

What’s more likely is a regime change in any country that threatens the dollar.
Good luck convincing that to their freemasons and reptilian friends they see things differently.....
I edited and expanded my previous response to make a point. If they want to get rid of a leader, they will.

I am not into speculations though. Joe Biden and Muhammad Bin Salman do not get along but this does not suggest anything worse.

China has become a major customer of Saudi oil on the other hand. KSA will court and oblige China on some counts accordingly.
Dollar won't collapse overnight, but its global dominance is being chipped away little by little.
I entirely agree with you. There is no need for war. All China has to do is as you said 'chip away' and slowly build up the Yuan. That in itself will bring about a compounding effect and degrade US influence in the world.

Personally I am not for China being a sole superpower either. The world needs balance and ulti-polar world is badly needed to move towards some form of redress for smaller countries.

We have seen how US has invaded countrya after country after demise of USSR. A multi-polar world wil bring in much needed stabiity.

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