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Iranian army air force commander travels to Pakistan

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Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Iranian army air force commander travels to Pakistan


TEHRAN, Feb. 27 (MNA) – Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi, Commander of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran has arrived in the Pakistani capital for bilateral talks.
Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi arrived in Islamabad to meet with the Pakistani military and political officials on Sunday.
During a four-day visit, the Iranian army air force commander will meet with his Pakistani counterpart Zaheer Ahmad Babar and Pakistan's Defense Minister Zubaida Jalal.
Consultations on the development of bilateral military cooperation, especially in the field of education, science and exchange of experiences in the field of technology, have been announced as the focus of his trip.

Iranian army air force commander travels to Pakistan


TEHRAN, Feb. 27 (MNA) – Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi, Commander of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran has arrived in the Pakistani capital for bilateral talks.
Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi arrived in Islamabad to meet with the Pakistani military and political officials on Sunday.
During a four-day visit, the Iranian army air force commander will meet with his Pakistani counterpart Zaheer Ahmad Babar and Pakistan's Defense Minister Zubaida Jalal.
Consultations on the development of bilateral military cooperation, especially in the field of education, science and exchange of experiences in the field of technology, have been announced as the focus of his trip.

Joint military exercises and potential of technical cooperation on the table.
Iran and Pakistan have to cooperate on developing a Turbofan engine. That's the need of hour. Iran has mastered light Turbojet hence heavy Turbojet also accessible.

Pakistan can completely make its JF fighter a homemade stuff with a trustworthy engine. Even if the engine was inferior to its chinese Russian or western versions, still a valuable asset at war times when no one cares about the other.

The world is going into chaos, Stick together guys!
I think that now the west have shown his true face to everyone now.

Hope Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, and others, ... Resolve their différents, work together and advance fast in many fields.
Can't trust Iran or any other middle eastern country. Pakistan must know, it will need to fight its wars on its own.

Iran and Pakistan have to cooperate on developing a Turbofan engine. That's the need of hour. Iran has mastered light Turbojet hence heavy Turbojet also accessible.

Pakistan can completely make its JF fighter a homemade stuff with a trustworthy engine. Even if the engine was inferior to its chinese Russian or western versions, still a valuable asset at war times when no one cares about the other.

The world is going into chaos, Stick together guys!
We muslims need to resolve our issues and stop fighting amonst each other. A united Muslim Ummah would be a nightmare for our enemies.

Iran and Pakistan have to cooperate on developing a Turbofan engine. That's the need of hour. Iran has mastered light Turbojet hence heavy Turbojet also accessible.

Pakistan can completely make its JF fighter a homemade stuff with a trustworthy engine. Even if the engine was inferior to its chinese Russian or western versions, still a valuable asset at war times when no one cares about the other.

The world is going into chaos, Stick together guys!
I want Pakistan and Iran to cooperate more on missiles.
Introduction of the JF series into Iran is something that could be interesting.
Or a joint fighter project with Turkey.
A certain somebody would lose their mind if such a thing would happen and they'd pressure Turkey and threaten them with sanctions.

I want to see JF series in Iran, we can benefit greatly from them to replace our antiquated aircraft.
A certain somebody would lose their mind if such a thing would happen and they'd pressure Turkey and threaten them with sanctions.

I want to see JF series in Iran, we can benefit greatly from them to replace our antiquated aircraft.
I think those days are coming to a close except for the feable.-"they'd pressure Turkey and threaten them with sanctions". Dependency is not an option.
Safe? where did Kulbhasan Yadev run his operations from?
Why did Iran allow India to open dozens of consulates in desolate locations across Baluchistan border?
Where are all the current terrorists coming from in Baluchistan?

Iran is a menace, an axis of evil, the mother of all religious problems, and the sponsor of religious conflicts in the Islamic world.

Why can't we trust Iran may I ask? Thanks to Iran our south West border has been safe for decades.
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