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  1. BJP*

    Sinhala Buddhist mob attacks Muslim Prayer

    You are saying as if you know srilanka cent percent!! do you even care for majority feelings or minorities are the only thing for which you can speak. Why dont you preach same secularists congressi ideology in muslim countries??
  2. BJP*

    China's most powerful 'killer mace' can instantly destroy the United States

    How come!!!! Is int the chinese how work more and talk less? why bragging about it now?
  3. BJP*

    Sinhala Buddhist mob attacks Muslim Prayer

    have you over looked the lines "The mosque attack is reaction of actions which muslims did in past be it conversions or not caring majorities feeling by distributing halal meat Source...
  4. BJP*

    Sinhala Buddhist mob attacks Muslim Prayer

    like I said, Congressi. Any hindu would not attack its own deity. Buddha is being regarded as one of the avatar of vishnu. Why you are so defensive in accepting islamic deeds world wide. The mosque attack is reaction of actions which muslims did in past be it conversions or not caring...
  5. BJP*

    Sinhala Buddhist mob attacks Muslim Prayer

    we have to be agree with bhudhists on halal cause.
  6. BJP*

    Sinhala Buddhist mob attacks Muslim Prayer

    What is so sad in it?? Did you ever felt sad when muslims attack bodh gaya?? and injured peaceful monks?? bl@@dy congressi !!!!
  7. BJP*

    War is Coming | Amidst escalating tensions, Pakistan weighs its options

    And My first goal would be to hunt you down as soon as you reach near border areas!!! Har Har MAHADEV!!
  8. BJP*

    Delusional Indians - Planning of 'Mission Pakistan'.

    did you asked mods before posting such a stupid thread??? What did you get by posting this thread. Indians again proved that pakistan lost all the wars in its entire history
  9. BJP*

    Delusional Indians - Planning of 'Mission Pakistan'.

    LOL and sahrif served the master's order and withdrawn army like a good boy :lol: your sharif was even not aware where the pakistani armies are wandering in kashmir, he tagd his own armies as Tribals!!! HAVE SOME SHAME!!!
  10. BJP*

    Delusional Indians - Planning of 'Mission Pakistan'.

    It seems OP is delusional!!! what is the point of inviting full PDF brigade on this thread? You dont need to go to India TV. It is white truth pakistan lost all the wars which it ever fought since its birth. As soon as you get this down your throat, better for you.
  11. BJP*

    Sikh leader asked to remove turban in Rome: India calls Italian envoy

    First Listen to the argument. May be opponent has more valid point which cant not be understood by your intelligence this doesn't mean you can say him "moron". Oh come on, dont poke your nose, you being beaten by all and latest by US army
  12. BJP*

    India warns Pakistan over killing of Indian soldiers

    Oh really!!!! WE have LOST 5 important lives. And you say Govt is making issue out of nothing!!!!! This useless govt is actually doing nothing for this grave incident.
  13. BJP*

    Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

    No, how can a religion be a choice of individual in todays world when you are being killed for not following a religion?, whole nation are get destroyed in the name of religion?. Disturbance in mayanmar but bomb blasts in India!!!! BE PRACTICAL!!!! Religion has become most important entity in...
  14. BJP*

    Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

    Persons like them are showing thier loyality to "Secular" parties of India. I wonder How could they even call themselves Indians when they dont have any Iota of Indianisms. They are speaking with same mouth with which westerners educate us not to carry on space mission because India still has...
  15. BJP*

    Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

    DID Pakistanis gave any space to Hindus in Pakistan?? Hindu girls are bound to marry with muslims there!!! I can remember the news where Hindu town was burned becasue a teen age boy drank water from Masjid.
  16. BJP*

    Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

    Take more music : Pakistan is Captured by Indian army in 2016 under leader ship of Narendra Modi. In 2018, Pakistan do not hav follower of Islam. 2025: its time for Arabia. WOW That rocking Music. Isnt It?
  17. BJP*

    Indian Denial Accepting Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism as Separate Religions

    at least these satan worshiper dont kill humans in name of god or eat innocent animals in the name of God. if you are follower of such god who asks you to do jehad to kill all humans of other religions or eat up the innocent animals on religious festivals then if asked by my opinion I would...
  18. BJP*

    BJP pledges to build Bamiyan Buddha replica in UP

    thats is a news to me.... UP people are not interested to go to hostile land of TN. Growth rate is still higher than mean Indian growth rate... and I have to daily deal with TN people in noida. So what you are saying is vice versa. who says development of villages are bad? On Corruption, It was...
  19. BJP*

    BJP pledges to build Bamiyan Buddha replica in UP

    Just by keeping saga evolve UP! evolve UP! Evolve UP! Wont going to evolve UP! Here is Quote for you from Wikipedia Uttar Pradesh is the second largest economy in India after Maharashtra. " between 2007 and 2011 under the Mayawati govt, the economy grew at over 7% GDP growth rate in the time...
  20. BJP*

    BJP pledges to build Bamiyan Buddha replica in UP

    I invite you to west UP. UP itself is very distinct in culture, dialects and casts.
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