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Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

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Yindoos in action.... Secular India in the way to become SUPER DUPER POWER ...

Crappy people.... really :hitwall: :hitwall:
Yindoos in action.... Secular India in the way to become SUPER DUPER POWER ...

Crappy people.... really :hitwall: :hitwall:

we hate......and don't want Gita to be teach in madrasas............don't worry it will not work.......BJP has to move step back........in this particular point we are 100% against BJP
Great move, suppress those Muslims in India who use to claim how good they have it in India. I noticed they stopped saying that after Ayodhya. They stopped saying that even further after Gujarat riots ( courtesy MASS MURDERER NARENDRA MODI).

Each further suppression of Indian Muslims is another nail in Indian Coffin.

Music to my ears. Give me more of such news.

Take more music : Pakistan is Captured by Indian army in 2016 under leader ship of Narendra Modi. In 2018, Pakistan do not hav follower of Islam. 2025: its time for Arabia.

WOW That rocking Music. Isnt It?
Every Hindu and Muslim should be taught gita and quran.

Which part of Quaran? The one which tells non believers a Kafir and order their Killing.

Yes if quaran teaches to love whole mankind irrespective of cast, creed and faith than it must be taught.
Not good news.I am against this.Give everyone their own space .Don't butt in.
DID Pakistanis gave any space to Hindus in Pakistan??
Hindu girls are bound to marry with muslims there!!! I can remember the news where Hindu town was burned becasue a teen age boy drank water from Masjid.
Il be honest mate.. im not a religious person..i dnt pray etc.. which im ashamed off... but i wasnt laughing at "gita" but BJPs decision to force muslims to read it... no religion is bad.. all teach peace.. its the followers who fuk up.

I wish you would have been right but it is not. Look at your country. What u guys did with Hindus, christians, Shias and Ahemadias and many other Minorities.

kya chutiyaapa laga rakha hai, instead they should bring all schools under ambit of central board, why do they need to force people to read it

Simply to make them secular.
why not teach them science, maths, literature. things which would actually be relevant to them for their future lives :lol:

From Where did you find that science, maths, literature shall be replaced by Gita? That will also be taught.
DID Pakistanis gave any space to Hindus in Pakistan??
Hindu girls are bound to marry with muslims there!!! I can remember the news where Hindu town was burned becasue a teen age boy drank water from Masjid.

Talking like typical fundamentalist.What ***** did is on pakistanis.
this is not pakistan.

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Great example of misplaced priorities:

Instead of teaching Gita in Madrasas, why not teach:

Computer programming- NIIT syllabus

Engineering technology

Medical emergency response courses.

Career counseling for higher studies.

Maths, Science and Computer education can not be a substitute of moral education. Gita is not taught as religious text. Read carefully what the MP education Minister have to say.
From Where did you find that science, maths, literature shall be replaced by Gita? That will also be taught.

Persons like them are showing thier loyality to "Secular" parties of India. I wonder How could they even call themselves Indians when they dont have any Iota of Indianisms.

They are speaking with same mouth with which westerners educate us not to carry on space mission because India still has poors!!! LOL

Talking like typical fundamentalist.What ***** did is on pakistanis.
this is not pakistan.

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Whats wrong in being a "typical fundamentalist". Me being consider myself "Typical Hindu Nationalist".
Aum NaMo Namaha!!
Persons like them are showing thier loyality to "Secular" parties of India. I wonder How could they even call themselves Indians when they dont have any Iota of Indianisms.

They are speaking with same mouth with which westerners educate us not to carry on space mission because India still has poors!!! LOL

Whats wrong in being a "typical fundamentalist". Me being consider myself "Typical Hindu Nationalist".
Aum NaMo Namaha!!

Being a nationalist is good,belonging to a religion too is good..doesn't give u right to dictate to others.Religion is for urself.
Being a nationalist is good,belonging to a religion too is good..doesn't give u right to dictate to others.Religion is for urself.

No, how can a religion be a choice of individual in todays world when you are being killed for not following a religion?, whole nation are get destroyed in the name of religion?. Disturbance in mayanmar but bomb blasts in India!!!!

BE PRACTICAL!!!! Religion has become most important entity in 21st century than it was ever before!!

There is clear difference in what should be and what it is. We have to act on what it is but not what it should be.
Instead of Gita and bibles, Madrasahs should install science and maths classes to create Muslim leaders.

Agreed but Mullahs will not agree to it.

Is this even allowed, considering that India follows a secular constitution?

That is why we allow Madrsa Education In India though India is not a Muslim Country.
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