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Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

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Huh... even on this forum ive seen people applauding attacks on our soldiers.. ive seen them wishing attacks on Pakistan,abusing our country n our religion.. while on indian forums they do it openly without shame.. and many of those shameless turds who celebrate deaths of our soldiers,abuse us etc are present on this forum aswell.

Such people exist on both sides. There have been pakistanis on this forum who openly admitted happiness at death of Indians in the recent floods (interestingly their posts are still there despite multiple reports). So neither Pakistan nor India has a monopoly on the so called turds..

A few phases or a chapter or two wont be that alarming considering that the phases or chapters only teaches methods which makes human life better and does not spreads any bias religious theory....

Anyway the secular forces are too strong in the country and they won't let this happen.

I actually liked Congress stand on this.. Why not teach parts from Gita in Madrassas.. And why not top it with teaching parts from Koran and Bible and Guru Granth Sahib and other religious texts in all schools..

Don't shun religion but educate children about all religions to some extent so they do not grow up with the pre conceived notions of their parents about other religions..
Such people exist on both sides. There have been pakistanis on this forum who openly admitted happiness at death of Indians in the recent floods (interestingly their posts are still there despite multiple reports). So neither Pakistan nor India has a monopoly on the so called turds..

BS.. show me 1 post... and even if some idiot did he got banned ... and right now i can show you several posts from indian forums openly abusing our religion and our martyrs.. and guess what? even their posts were not deleted.
I don't understand that theory.
if congress go for completely secular policy then Muslims will vote for Islamic parties.
if bjp go secular then pro Hindu mob doesn't have a choice, they still have to vote for bjp, they can't vote for congress or Islamic parties.
BJP is not worried about the electorate to sideline Hindutva. It is the RSS strongmen they are afraid of. Without RSS BJP is a fizzle with no ground support. The leadership of RSS will never let BJP abandon Hindutva. They stick to their ideology no matter what, a trait otherwise desirable.
BS.. show me 1 post... and even if some idiot did he got banned ... and right now i can show you several posts from indian forums openly abusing our religion and our martyrs.. and guess what? even their posts were not deleted.

This idiot(as you put it) was never banned..


Moronic decision from MP BJP govt.

Is this even allowed, considering that India follows a secular constitution?

If a govt takes some stupid decision which is against the spirit of the constitution then the concerned citizens always have the right to appeal against it. I am sure the courts would safeguard the constitution.
Moronic decision from MP BJP govt.

If a govt takes some stupid decision which is against the spirit of the constitution then the concerned citizens always have the right to appeal against it. I am sure the courts would safeguard the constitution.

Doesn't really answer my question, but thanks for your view.
This idiot(as you put it) was never banned..



Didnt he get infractions? werent the post also deleted? ive also seen indian members saying much worse in this very forum.. despite the fact tht its a Pakistani forum? now go to indian forums even so called "professional" forums like BR and u will see much worse sh!t.
in central board hindi is compulsory upto std 8th

different schools offer different courses.. course-a is offered only in north india,where people can cope up with tougher hindi.. course-b is offered too,and if i compare them,i think there are more course-b schools,even in north india..

whereas in south and west india,almost every school offers course-b..

East doesn't follow these courses though!! :D :P

These are optional courses??

Probably because of more war!

We had compulsory Ramayan and Mahabharata in 3rd and 4th standard as Reading Comprehension. We had that in Bengali and the reason was probably since we had a Hindu majority school.
A lot of stuff in Gita is purely secular and talks about ethics duty etc. Some stuff from Gita is plain irrelevant and regressive by todays standards.

One needs to know what exactly are they teaching. While studying Sanskrit it makes sense, but introducing in Urdu books may be controversial unless it can be demonstrated there is balance and equal treatment.

Lastly, Zakir Naik has learned all of Gita and that has made him more Muslim than the Khalifa and the most intelligent muslim around. I don't see any problem with this :P
What logic do they present for making it compulsory , anyway ? :what:

I thought stopping midday meals in schools during Ramazan was stupid .

God knows!! I guess it's nothing but a political game. You know our election is coming right and opposition is in power in MP. So these things keep on happening. Mud slinging between ruling and opposition. These parties gets acidity, if there's no controversy for a week. Bdw I don't think this has come to stay. Mostly there will be a furore and they will remove it.

And if they keep it, then they should also introduce Koran, Bible, Guru Granth Sahib as texts in all schools. If they really think of a good cause, they'll do that, if not it will be proven as a plain and simple mischief.
For Bangladeshi secular who dance to indian secular tune can see how india is attacking Islamic faith of its own people. Its matter of time before india use Awami league to do the same in Bangladesh.
Didnt he get infractions? werent the post also deleted? ive also seen indian members saying much worse in this very forum.. despite the fact tht its a Pakistani forum? now go to indian forums even so called "professional" forums like BR and u will see much worse sh!t.

Dude, you asked me to show one post and I showed you 2. One of the above posts (2nd one) is still alive..

And just like you can show me other indian forums that talk $hit about Pak, I can show you Pakistani ones that are as bad.. But since when have other forums become a barometer for the standards on this one ??
Bhopal: The teachings of Hindu scripture Bhagwad Gita will soon be compulsory for young students in Islamic schools of Madhya Pradesh, says the state's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, its latest in a series of decisions criticised as 'saffronisation of education'.

The MP government's August 1 order says Urdu textbooks of Class 1 and 2 will include teachings of the Gita - considered one of the holiest of Hindu scriptures chronicling Lord Krishna's advice to a dithering prince Arjuna ahead of the epic Mahabharata battle.

The order may snowball into a huge controversy as it clearly applies to Islamic schools, or Madrasas, the only ones to have Urdu textbooks.

"It is unconstitutional," said Haleem Khan, member of the Centre's National Monitoring Committee for Minority Education. "If the government does not take back its decision, we will go to the court."

Another controversial move three years ago to make Surya Namaskar and chants compulsory in government schools was toned down after Muslim bodies moved court.

Last month, the Gita was introduced in 'Special Hindi' books of Class 9 - 12 and 'Special English' books of class 11 and 12. Since 2011, when the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government's announcement of the Gita in curriculum sparked protests, the move has been introduced in phases.

"This should not be taken the wrong way - this is not saffronisation," state Education Minister Archana Chitnis told NDTV. "Teachings from Sikhism, Christianity and other religions are also taught in our schools."

Religion, added the minister, had nothing to do with the decision. "We have picked up threads from the Gita to instill a sense of duty and responsibility, obedience, love for nature and environment in students."

The controversial order comes just four months ahead of the state assembly elections.

Opposition parties accuse the state government of trying to give a Hindu twist to school education at a time there are other, more serious concerns like plummeting school results, shortage of teachers and the poor quality of teachers who are hired at a pittance.

Now Gita to be taught in madrasas in Madhya Pradesh | NDTV.com

now... this will surely ruffle some feathers!!

In my textbook in my childhood days...I learn the teachings of other religion too....So what is wrong with this one?
Good for them. Ll learn about Karma and duty.
May help them to understand that country is bigger than religion.

Btw they ll not teach whole Bhagwata Gita. They ll add some part of it.
Bhagwata Gita is based on human karama,duty and teaching what is right on basis of Karma.
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