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BJP pledges to build Bamiyan Buddha replica in UP

Respect this totally.

Thank you. :)

We built it fast too. There is no better motivation in the world than what happened to the Bamiyan Buddhas.

Which is why I suggested that a better dedication to Buddha's message would be to develop the state's infrastructure, crush crime, create jobs and see happy people. The statue is also a welcome but parties don't need to announce it.

Yes, Buddha wasn't really the kind of person who would want a statue built of him. He didn't like any kind of extremes or self-aggrandizing behaviour.

So East Asia has gone really overboard with it. Though I don't mind myself, since my own family are Chinese Buddhists.

In practical/economic terms, the Tourism boost alone would be worth it.
Just by keeping saga evolve UP! evolve UP! Evolve UP!
Wont going to evolve UP!

Here is Quote for you from Wikipedia

Uttar Pradesh is the second largest economy in India after Maharashtra.

" between 2007 and 2011 under the Mayawati govt, the economy grew at over 7% GDP growth rate in the time when Indian economy faced the melt down due to global recession.[4] Furthermore, UP has been one of the five state including Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Maharashtra, have registered growth rates higher than their respective targets set for the 11th Plan period (2007–12) so far, Parliament was informed today. UP registered growth rate of 7.28% against the target of 6.10%.[4] Uttar Pradesh attains a 8.08% GDP growth rate in 2010–2011."
Economy of Uttar Pradesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would just say 2 things:
1. Evolution does not mean just GDP. It means the people of UP still vote on casteist and communal lines - more so than the rest of India - that much is more than evident from the politiking in UP.

2. Even if we talk about development - have you had a look at the cities of UP? Beyond statistics go to a village in UP(none near Delhi or Lucknow), but the rest of the places?

I assure you that villages and cities of Gujarat, MH are FAR better than the ones in UP.
Just by keeping saga evolve UP! evolve UP! Evolve UP!
Wont going to evolve UP!

Here is Quote for you from Wikipedia

Uttar Pradesh is the second largest economy in India after Maharashtra.

" between 2007 and 2011 under the Mayawati govt, the economy grew at over 7% GDP growth rate in the time when Indian economy faced the melt down due to global recession.[4] Furthermore, UP has been one of the five state including Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Maharashtra, have registered growth rates higher than their respective targets set for the 11th Plan period (2007–12) so far, Parliament was informed today. UP registered growth rate of 7.28% against the target of 6.10%.[4] Uttar Pradesh attains a 8.08% GDP growth rate in 2010–2011."
Economy of Uttar Pradesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UP's economy is due to the sheer size of its population nothing else. UP still counts top at the poverty list in India, and we have to make every chance available to make UP a developed state. The Religious fundemandalist along with castes are taking UP for a ride..
For its sheer population and size, UP's economy should be more than Twice of maharastra.
Development have not reached the people. Lot of construction workers come to TN daily from UP to work here. Why? IS there a dearth of oppturnities in UP?
Simply the current economy of UP cannot manage its large workforce and population. Development in villages are bad. Corruption are rocket high, state officials are lazy. Problems go on
Just by keeping saga evolve UP! evolve UP! Evolve UP!
Wont going to evolve UP!

Here is Quote for you from Wikipedia

Uttar Pradesh is the second largest economy in India after Maharashtra.

" between 2007 and 2011 under the Mayawati govt, the economy grew at over 7% GDP growth rate in the time when Indian economy faced the melt down due to global recession.[4] Furthermore, UP has been one of the five state including Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Maharashtra, have registered growth rates higher than their respective targets set for the 11th Plan period (2007–12) so far, Parliament was informed today. UP registered growth rate of 7.28% against the target of 6.10%.[4] Uttar Pradesh attains a 8.08% GDP growth rate in 2010–2011."
Economy of Uttar Pradesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remove the areas surrounding Delhi. Most of the growth of UP is driven by NCR, with the growth spilling to surrounding regions also. That is why it is west UP that is developing much faster than east. Or you can be a fan boy, attribute all the growth to Mayawati, who somehow by building all the statues brought up the economy.
Did we ever talked about people sufferings under shahjahan rule??? big no , but we talked lot about Taj mahal. Monuments speaks lot than people welfare program.

Just wow!!!! Do you even know how dumb that sounds buddy!!!
Now this epitomizes the stupidity of Indian voters, National political parties are pinning the hopes on winning an important election on building temples, mosques and big a$$ statues, instead of building hospitals, schools, colleges, roads, irrigation systems roads and waste management.... the fu(kin streets are dirty, roads have potholes, crime is rampant, kids dont have access to quality education, hordes and hordes of people die of heat in summer, drown in monsoon and shiver to death in cold, and the agenda is to build a statue...... and we proudly boast of development, until this sort of shitty mindset of people changes, political parties will continue to play to the crowds with exactly this sort of $****......
UP's economy is due to the sheer size of its population nothing else. UP still counts top at the poverty list in India, and we have to make every chance available to make UP a developed state. The Religious fundemandalist along with castes are taking UP for a ride..
For its sheer population and size, UP's economy should be more than Twice of maharastra.
Development have not reached the people. Lot of construction workers come to TN daily from UP to work here. Why? IS there a dearth of oppturnities in UP?
Simply the current economy of UP cannot manage its large workforce and population. Development in villages are bad. Corruption are rocket high, state officials are lazy. Problems go on

thats is a news to me.... UP people are not interested to go to hostile land of TN. Growth rate is still higher than mean Indian growth rate... and I have to daily deal with TN people in noida. So what you are saying is vice versa. who says development of villages are bad? On Corruption, It was TN ministers who were indulge in super mega scam of 2G. Look at the mirror.
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