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BJP pledges to build Bamiyan Buddha replica in UP

BJP has itself to blame if it loses the 2014 elections.
The only state in india about which I am worried is Uttar Pradesh
Even Bihar is doing very well under Nitish Banu sad thing he left NDA

Only God can help this state
If the UP Wallas continue to choose SP & BSP

Nitish was doing well initially. But the clown has now sunk to Khangress levels and is literally licking the shoes of a certain community to issue him a secoolar certificate.

UP's biggest problem is its mentality. No work, all free benefits, politics in work life to the extreme, corruption and massive attitude problem.

What Delhiites have in terms of their wealth, UP walas have it in terms of their stubbornness.

So basically its an Anti-Muslim move?

If you think building a Buddha statue is against Muslims, then we cannot help you; so be it.

We built the world's largest statue, in response to the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas. I.e. The Spring Temple Buddha in Henan province.

(That was a while ago).



Respect this totally.

Thank you. :)
Intead build 5 replicas of IIT's in UP... that would serve the people better...

Did we ever talked about people sufferings under shahjahan rule??? big no , but we talked lot about Taj mahal. Monuments speaks lot than people welfare program.
If you think building a Buddha statue is against Muslims, then we cannot help you; so be it.

Nothing to do with Buddihism, it has to do with the timing and location of the move as has been already pointed out.
Buddhism has had worse days and better days in India.
If you cannot help be paranoid of any questions regarding Muslims, then I have nothing to say to you.
This is a good thing.

But honestly, the Buddhist community will be even more happier if BJP targets infrastructure development, crime tackling and do something about the laziness of UP worker class (who get freebies by casteist politicians).

IIT with minority and caste based quotas is useless.

UP needs infrastructure and lots of it. I've been to Gorakhpur, Muradabad and Kanpur. They are still in 1750s compared to other cities in the country. :sick:

I invite you to west UP. UP itself is very distinct in culture, dialects and casts.
So basically its an Anti-Muslim move?

A lot of things. Its not 'basically' anything.

3 most important factors here:

1. That was the place where Budha achieved parinirvana...you cannot change the place can you. So if a statue to commemorate that has to be made, it has to be made there only - in UP.

2. As it happens, a Muslim mob defaced the Budha statue in Lucknow(UP) and that pissed off a lot of Budhists and Hindus(I hope you know that they are not very separate)

3. UP is key to winning India. It has maximum number of MP's than any other State in India.

So yes - it is vote bank politics -
but it is not an 'anti-Muslim move'.

Vote bank politics means pleasing a particular vote bank - in this case the Budhists and Hindus as opposed to being 'anti-Muslim'.
Vote bank politics means pleasing a particular vote bank - in this case the Budhists and Hindus as opposed to being 'anti-Muslim'.

It is still a packaged communal move if that is what you wish to call it. Which is my point. I.e the BJP is willing to divide India along communal lines to win this election and perhaps continue to do so much after.
I invite you to west UP. UP itself is very distinct in culture, dialects and casts.

Bhai, I am telling that UP as a state needs to evolve. It was the symbol of ancient north Indian culture for thousands and thousands of years. Today it is in the bottom-most put of under-development.

I am telling you to exclude Lucknow, Noida and greater Noida. Those are the last civilized points I have ever seen.

Nothing to do with Buddihism, it has to do with the timing and location of the move as has been already pointed out.
Buddhism has had worse days and better days in India.
If you cannot help be paranoid of any questions regarding Muslims, then I have nothing to say to you.


Which is why I suggested that a better dedication to Buddha's message would be to develop the state's infrastructure, crush crime, create jobs and see happy people. The statue is also a welcome but parties don't need to announce it.

BTW, it was your question that provoked that sort of an answer from me.

Please also read the line I quoted the response to.
It is still a packaged communal move if that is what you wish to call it. Which is my point. I.e the BJP is willing to divide India along communal lines to win this election and perhaps continue to do so much after.

All parties do that in India some being more subtle, others not as subtle- the CPI being the sole exception to this.

Congress actively woos the Muslims and takes pains to emphasize that.
BJP actively woos the Hindus/Budhists/Sikhs and takes pains to emphasize that.

Bhai, I am telling that UP as a state needs to evolve. It was the symbol of ancient north Indian culture for thousands and thousands of years. Today it is in the bottom-most put of under-development.

I am telling you to exclude Lucknow, Noida and greater Noida. Those are the last civilized points I have ever seen.
I agree.
I dont understand how UP'ites can be so damned fools.

You would have thought that UP would evolve after being taken for idiots by almost every political party there...sadly they are still stuck in the 1970's.

UP has to evolve for India to move forward. It is just as casteist and communal as it was in 1970's.

Something is fundamentally wrong with the State or the people there.
If he is making the Buddha statues with the intention of attracting tourism and thus making money for the local economy then it might be a good idea. It can become a pilgrimage sight for Buddhists worldwide.
The best way I believe for UP to develop is to split it to smaller states. Not only UP but every big states in India should be split to smaller states for better administration.
All parties do that in India some being more subtle, others not as subtle- the CPI being the sole exception to this.

Congress actively woos the Muslims and takes pains to emphasize that.
BJP actively woos the Hindus/Budhists/Sikhs and takes pains to emphasize that.

I agree.
I dont understand how UP'ites can be so damned fools.

You would have thought that UP would evolve after being taken for idiots by almost every political party there...sadly they are still stuck in the 1970's.

UP has to evolve for India to move forward. It is just as casteist and communal as it was in 1970's.

Something is fundamentally wrong with the State or the people there.

Just by keeping saga evolve UP! evolve UP! Evolve UP!
Wont going to evolve UP!

Here is Quote for you from Wikipedia

Uttar Pradesh is the second largest economy in India after Maharashtra.

" between 2007 and 2011 under the Mayawati govt, the economy grew at over 7% GDP growth rate in the time when Indian economy faced the melt down due to global recession.[4] Furthermore, UP has been one of the five state including Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Maharashtra, have registered growth rates higher than their respective targets set for the 11th Plan period (2007–12) so far, Parliament was informed today. UP registered growth rate of 7.28% against the target of 6.10%.[4] Uttar Pradesh attains a 8.08% GDP growth rate in 2010–2011."
Economy of Uttar Pradesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is the strength of the congress, for every mistake it commits, opposition commits two.

The BJP guys are running like headless chickens, my vote to Modi is for development looks like they have strong building with a weak basement.
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